Rate The Last Movie You Saw


A Short Film About Killing (1988) -

A Gray State (2017) - (2017) -

Peaky Blinders

I've had a sneaking suspicion PB was awesome.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Mom and Dad (2017).

Was expecting this to be worse. A bit like "The Crazies" but with added Nic Cage scene shredding. Good inter-generational angst lol, I could identify with bits of it ha ha ha! Kept me amused whilst on the sofa with the man-flu 2.5/5
LOL @ man flu.

Oops no, sorry. I know man flu is a very very serious ailment. Chicken soup for you STAT!

I hadnt heard of this. Looks like great fun, Marco.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
I think I'll still give it a go. In a similar vein I've just started 'Wormwood', which is a docu-drama type miniseries by Errol Morris. Quite interesting if a little long winded:


I've got that saved in Netflix list so I will get round to it eventually. Looks good.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Kiru (1968) -

Cool and quirky chanbara. Maybe it's too fast paced made the intrigue and polemic a little hard to follow. Not help when Many characters also became abruptly introduced, developed and resolved. Still the fight, humor, the absurd circumstance is strong on this one.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
England Is Mine (2017)

I feel like my general like of Morrissey and my general dislike of biopics of people who are still alive met and cancelled each other out here. Jack Lowden is really good as Morrissey, he does a good job with the mannerisms and tone of voice and the film does pretty well in portraying him as someone both sympathetic and a bit of an twat, as well as capturing the era and the state of mind of someone trapped in a dead-end environment. The female supporting characters were good, too, especially Jessica Brown-Findlay as Linder. I think it's admirable that the film focused on his early life, like The Smiths: The Prequel, but the trouble with a biopic like this is that no matter how fascinating the character, the lack of story lets it down a bit and plausible and relatable as the depiction of his depression and inertia might be, it's a bit of a drag to watch in the second half. But it had its inspiring moments too. Altogether pretty solid.

LOL @ man flu.

Oops no, sorry. I know man flu is a very very serious ailment. Chicken soup for you STAT!

I hadnt heard of this. Looks like great fun, Marco.
Man-flu is a rare disease, took me all my strength to call work and *then* pick up a remote control Dani8, chicken noodle soup actually! . "Mom and Dad" is an OK film in that it made me chuckle and even laugh out loud. I fully expect to be slaughtered for this review ha ha ha!!!!

England Is Mine (2017)

I feel like my general like of Morrissey and my general dislike of biopics of people who are still alive met and cancelled each other out here. Jack Lowden is really good as Morrissey, he does a good job with the mannerisms and tone of voice and the film does pretty well in portraying him as someone both sympathetic and a bit of an twat, as well as capturing the era and the state of mind of someone trapped in a dead-end environment. The female supporting characters were good, too, especially Jessica Brown-Findlay as Linder. I think it's admirable that the film focused on his early life, like The Smiths: The Prequel, but the trouble with a biopic like this is that no matter how fascinating the character, the lack of story lets it down a bit and plausible and relatable as the depiction of his depression and inertia might be, it's a bit of a drag to watch in the second half. But it had its inspiring moments too. Altogether pretty solid.

Being a big The Smiths fan I'll look ahead to this Thursday Next. Really, i've only really enjoyed "Control" about Ian Curtis/Joy division in this genre.

Descent (2005) Adventure/Thriller Horror

This is a third re-watch for me. 10/10. There is also a sequel (Descent 2 [2009]) which I consider just as good and is a faithful continuation of the original.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Man-flu is a rare disease, took me all my strength to call work and *then* pick up a remote control Dani8, chicken noodle soup actually! . "Mom and Dad" is an OK film in that it made me chuckle and even laugh out loud. I fully expect to be slaughtered for this review ha ha ha!!!!
I saw the trailer for mum and dad. It looks like hysterical fun, Marco. Nic Cage at his best.

Heat (1995)

Amusing. Very funny in parts. Spacey excellent as Nixon. Shannon not believable as Elvis, but he gave it his best shot anyway. Good-looking Brit - Alex Pettyfer - as Jerry Schilling.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Harlan County, USA (1976)

I watched this because it's on the documentary list and is eligible for the female directors countdown. I'm not a huge documentary fan but this is an Oscar winner and one of the best I've seen. It's about Kentucky miners striking in the early 70's. What's great about is that it's not a story told about something that happened, but rather while it's happening. The director is on the frontlines when things get tense and violent. It's also very interesting seeing how the families are affected and how the wives get involved. I think if anyone would have a complaint, it's that it's a one sided point of view. That didn't bother me.

Full movie on YouTube-

Terrific documentary. Seen it several times. LOVE the wives! One woman’s comment - I don’t need a husband ... cracked me up.

House Of Danger (Charles Hutchison, 1934)
Doesn't really do it's title justice

Dallas Buyers Club

Came into the movie wanting to pick it apart, and found myself getting picked apart by it. Intensely moving performances all around, and DBC even manages to adapt it's style around the story.

Would totally watch it again in a heartbeat.