Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Logan Lucky (2017)


This is a good heist film with an excellent job done by the cast. I just think it should have been so much better. There are so many cool situations but it's missing any type of spark. I have had the same issues with many of director Steven Soderbergh's films. I always enjoy them, but with a couple of exceptions, I end up feeling disappointed. I did appreciate the way this movie wrapped up which made everything beforehand seem better.
I support the gentleman from Massachusetts(?), 100%.

I really loved the little girl singing part. I cannot confirm, nor deny water in my eyes.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It is indeed. Jessica Chastain in Molly's Game. Seeing Zookeeper's Wife next. Did you like it, CR?
Yes I did! I thought Jessica was solid in the film, looked great too in late 1930s fashions. The movie is a true story based on her diary.

Rise of the Footsoldier 3 (2017)


This series is about the gangsters involved in the infamous 1995 Rettendon murders. I haven't seen part 2 yet, but 3 takes place before part 1 anyway. Craig Fairbrass plays Pat Tate, and he's like a rabid dog. I can watch these British gangster movies all day. This movie is not awesome, but it's awesome if you like a nonstop barrage of violence, drug use, and hot girls. The first of the series is one of the most violent movies I've ever seen, including extreme films. This is not quite at that level but it's way up there. For me, it's fast paced and entertaining.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Yes I did! I thought Jessica was solid in the film, looked great too in late 1930s fashions. The movie is a true story based on her diary.
Is it a tissue boxer? Not sure I can cope with a weepy at the moment.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Is it a tissue boxer? Not sure I can cope with a weepy at the moment.
No, it's not. It's not overly sentimental, or overly dramatic. It's very well balanced. Which I thought was refreshing. Oh sure it has some tense moments, but it's not one of those movies where each scene becomes more tense than the last.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
No, it's not. It's not overly sentimental, or overly dramatic. It's very well balanced. Which I thought was refreshing. Oh sure it has some tense moments, but it's not one of those movies where each scene becomes more tense than the last.

Thanks, Rules. I do like to be in the appropriate mood for tear jerkers or it can leave me a bit messy for the rest of the day.

Phantom Thread (2017)

What an elegant dish you have prepared.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
SW: The Last Jedi

Molly's Game

The Circle


I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Can't co-sign on your opinion, Ms. M.

Don Jon was horrible imo.
It's not the first time, when we disagree Obviously our movie tastes are quite different. It's good, we have subjects to discuss
I like Don Jon coz in funny way shows opinions, which are put in our minds by popculture, for example: man, who loves woman is able to do everything for her. Sounds like Cosmopolitan?

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Originally Posted by Ms. M

I like it a lot, too, Ms. M. I'm not the world's biggest Julianne Moore fan but I thought she was excellent in this. Everyone did a good job but for me, Brie Larson was so funny as the non-verbal sister who was completely obsessed with her cell phone, but had something truly important to say when it counted.
Exactly I'm not a big fan of Julian either, but I have to admit, her role was charming and warm - enchantress! And the line of Brie... The funniest scene in whole movie I think Scarlett was also pretty good. She played in this movie with her image as a sexbomb. Gordon-Lewitt made good job as a screenwriter, director and an actor (as usual).

This might just do nobody any good.
I’m not sure if Don Jon’s self indulgence is intentional or not and that’s kind of the problem.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
I’m not sure if Don Jon’s self indulgence is intentional or not and that’s kind of the problem.
It's turned out to be compulsive.


90's indie film flair on full-tilt with Kim Bodnia putting in a solid effort, and it's always a pleasure to see Mads doing his thing. The music is dated, but that might add to some of the movie's charm.

The memorable parts of Pusher are the intro and some of the aesthetic choices throughout, but I wouldn't consider it a must see Nicolas Winding Refn film.

One thing I really appreciated was the incredibly slow downward spiral of the main protagonist. As it could have easily become more typical of the genre.
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Spring Breakers

After Trash Humpers, I wasn't quite sure what Harmony Korine would end up doing next. To my surprise, he landed on Spring Breakers. Now, I would like to just mention that I am a huge fan of his movies, and oddly enough, it took me this long to watch this movie.

I am pointing my admiration out, because I have met more than a few people that said they hated Gummo, and while I can respect that perspective, it is worth noting that I am not in that camp.

That said, I think that Spring Breakers has more than enough to offer to just about anyone. Gratuitous violence and nudity? Check. It even has a message hidden in there somewhere, and a "is this a sequel to Kids?" kind of vibe.

Spring Breakers unfortunately suffers a bit in parts but this movie has single-handily reinvigorated my love for the montage. Absolutely incredible storytelling.
Click image for larger version

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Anthropoid (Sean Ellis, 2016)
Decent but without any real high-points