Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Trouble with a capital "T"

The Naked City (1948) Originally
but because of the Narrator
. And let me tell ya, I ENJOY voice overs and narrators -- so it's gotta be pretty d@mn bad if a Narrator ruins a film for me. Which is a shame, this really is a good noir from the police side of things. Some great shots and done on location, which is pretty new at the time. Absolutely loved Barry Fitzgerald as the leading Homicide detective (which, I kinda always do)....Ruined a really good movie with it.
I don't think I've seen this one, but I well...I requested from my library and should be watching it soon.....with ear plugs

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I don't think I've seen this one, but I well...I requested from my library and should be watching it soon.....with ear plugs
it's just aggravating when everything else works so well and THAT VOICE is throughout the entire movie. From the opening to the closing and I remember a few times I actually yelled at the screen "Shut th' f@ck up, you're ruining it!"
And when you see it I'm sure you'll come across those moments and know and hopefully chuckle instead of get agitated.
Regardless, it IS very worthwhile and very well done and I'm sure for the rest of it, it'll be something you'll like.

The Naked City (1948) Originally
but because of the Narrator
. And let me tell ya, I ENJOY voice overs and narrators -- so it's gotta be pretty d@mn bad if a Narrator ruins a film for me. Which is a shame, this really is a good noir from the police side of things. Some great shots and done on location, which is pretty new at the time. Absolutely loved Barry Fitzgerald as the leading Homicide detective (which, I kinda always do).
But that terrible, mocking narrator reminded me of those old "How To" document style films for Science class and the like that were filmed in the 50's and 60's and still using them in the 70's when I was a kid. Ruined a really good movie with it.
Those were my exact same words in the countdown thread. Narration was truly unbearable.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Those were my exact same words in the countdown thread. Narration was truly unbearable.
I had forgotten to mention that I read your remark and in the beginning I kept thinking, "I'm feelin ya, Jeff. I truly am."

Four Lions (2010)


Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Rubber dingy rapids, brother crow

Baby Driver (2017)

I expected more. A lot of it didn't make sense, parts verged on making me cringe and the soundtrack really wasn't all THAT great. Still, was fairly entertaining and the driving scenes were good.

I couldn't believe how bad it was. I get that Wright is having fun and parodying a few movie tropes (I think) but at the same time, you've got to make the movie either interesting or funny if you're doing this. It was neither. The dialogue was absolutely woeful.

You did good, kid.
But you took something
away from me that I love.
You know I got to do the same.
RUN, I'll take care of the cops.
Etc Etc. So hackneyed. That's before we even get into the faux musical scenes where the lead character is dancing around cars, furniture and lamp-posts miming to songs which bring nothing to the actual plot.

Absolutely awful. Probably, given the hype, one of the most disappointing movies of the decade so far.

Welcome to the human race...
^do I even want to get involved with this

Suspiria -

WARNING: "Suspiria" spoilers below
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

movies can be okay...
A Ghost Story (2017)
"A film has to be a dialogue, not a monologue — a dialogue to provoke in the viewer his own thoughts, his own feelings. And if a film is a dialogue, then it’s a good film; if it’s not a dialogue, it’s a bad film."
- Michael "Gloomy Old Fart" Haneke

Say hello to my little friend!
There Will Be Blood (2007) 9/10

Anyone who would give his thought about this movie, he would of course focus on what Daniel Day Lewis did. Perhaps I only like this movie because of The Sir. He acted incredibly; even more than incredible. The role he played which everyone should agree that Sir Daniel earned and deserved his second academy award. I don't know for what reason I delayed watching this movie, but I really do regret it. Now despite of all that incredible acting in the movie; we have an excellent plot which caused good suspense, great soundtrack and a fine dilemma.

I have really enjoyed the first half of the movie, maybe more than any other movie. If the movie had continued with that level, it would have reached my top ten inevitably. In the second half of the movie I got a little bored; perhaps the reason was the length of the movie, which may have made me tired a little bit that I couldn't focus, but it didn't last long till the movie pulled me back in. The movie has really some good quotes that are worth being heard. "When I look at people, I see nothing worth liking" and "I drink your milkshake" did really move me.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

Phenomenally acted. Beautifully made. What a crashing bore of unlikable, pretentious wankers! I fell asleep before the end.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

Seven Psychopaths (2012)

Not as good as In Bruges but still pretty solid, mainly due to Sam Rockwell
LOL. I really liked that but lov lov lov In Bruges. In fact, might rewatch that again. Thanks for the reminder (In Bruges).

Went and saw IT again today...

And because I went in with high expectations the first time, I was looking forward to a second watch now knowing the story and how it plays out. I liked and disliked pretty much the same parts, but I also did more and less so, respectively. The flaws meant very little to me this time around, because the movie is so well made. For a mere 30 mil production this looks and feels at least double of that. The cinematography is great, the sound design is cool and the acting is above average all around if not excellent.

Bill Skarsgård... this man delivers a stunning performance. Seeing and hearing him in real life you wouldn't believe he could pull of something like that. He adds so many subtleties to the character that really makes the role. I found out a lot of things after my first watch and this time i could really study him. I thought his hanging lip was prostetic and his weird eyes CG, but I found out he can do both of those things himself. And the way he walks funny, the way he speaks, all adds to how unpredictable IT is and how inhuman it is. Career defining performance, I love it. Wish he would get an Oscar nom. But that's never happening..

Anyways, you can check out my full review if you haven't! https://www.movieforums.com/communit...26#post1771126


Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect
Stellar performances from Gyllenhaal, Shannon, and Taylor-Johnson elevate this film a bit. Amy Adams is one of two anchor points, but she is mostly seen just being depressed while reading this manuscript. A tad underwhelming for me, especially with how good everyone else is. With a tight script and meticulous directing, Ford compliments the actors, but I can't help but ask myself if I card enough for these people. Yes, Gyllenhaal's story is depressing and I want to see him succeed, but we all know it's a story within a story. Adams garners no sympathy from me and bits of the story left me a little confused. Ford goes for an anticlimactic ending that feels ominously ambiguous. I wanted an answer or two and ended up with more questions.
Suspect, I enjoyed your review and agree with most of it. The beginning reminded me of Lynch also. Tom Ford, for a fashion designer and now a director, was once called on the carpet for objectifying women in his ads, etc.
WARNING: spoilers below
So was he doing some body-shaming at the first?
I liked the same three performers you did and felt the book that Adams was reading that we see play out in her mind, with those three performers, was the best part of the movie and was really the core of it. But was Adams also
WARNING: spoilers below
worried that her ex, Gyllenhaal, was out for revenge? I mean, she only noticed the "Revenge" poster on her work wall (that had been there for a long time) until after she was reading the book. Then she began to see things (like the image of Taylor-Johnson on Jena Malone's phone). And lastly, as she sat there at the end, waiting for him to arrive, the time slipped by really slowly. Where we just seeing it from her viewpoint and worry? Or was he really late arriving, maybe standing her up for revenge? I noticed she no longer had her wedding ring from her marriage to Armie Hammer on and was playing with that finger. Maybe she expected her and Gyllenhaal to get back together and that was another reason for touching her bare ring finger?
. But still, as you said, the fact that it was left ambiguous was irritating. Was Ford trying to be Lynch with his lack of resolution? If so, he didn't even come close to Lynch's way of doing that.

Thaddy, nice review of There Will Be Blood. I agree about your feeling of Day-Lewis' performance. It wouldn't be the same movie without him as Plainview.

MM, I still haven't seen IT yet but I enjoyed your 2nd viewing remarks. I cannot wait to see this, but I have to for several more days. But that will just pump me up more for it.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

(REWATCH) Ghost in the Shell (1995)
Been since forever since seeing the original and it was a very wonderful revisit. Some of THE best city-scapes around and a great sci-fi story.
Gonna hafta delve into the later movies. Which is something I never did when this all came out.