October Horror Challenge


Two Evil Eyes is half Romero film and another story by Argento about a crime scene photog with a nasty black cat he hates lol. Inferno was only 1 story..and it sucked. I liked the underwater scenes and some of the lightning and even some of Keith Emerson's score but..yeah, it was horrid. Trauma from 1993 might be an OK Argento consideration?

Wait what is this?

We don't all vote on films by the way, each individual member picks what they want to watch for each category. Think it's better that way as there may be a particular film someone is wanting to watch that another member really couldn't deal with. Like if someone was choosing Arachnophobia for Creature Feature (if that's even a Creature Feature) and someone was scared of spiders.
Ah lol. I was kidding. St Elmo's is a brat pack movie but it's horrifyingly bad.

I see what you mean. So it's pretty much watch whatever you want, and a few of us might have identical picks here and there?

Ah lol. I was kidding. St Elmo's is a brat pack movie but it's horrifyingly bad.

I see what you mean. So it's pretty much watch whatever you want, and a few of us might have identical picks here and there?
Yes. Although members can agree on ones to watch together if they want, there's just no set movie for each category. A few have mentioned Halloween 3 for example, i'm up for watching that for a sequel but anyone who doesn't want to can pick something else.
Thats a load off. This should be fun

I'll post about whatever horror movies I inevitably watch but you guys all know I suck and can't commit to anything.

“I was cured, all right!”
I'm excited with this, since I already was planning to watch lots of horror movies. I already start with the Friday the 13th franchise, and I want to start to see The Texas Chaisaw Massacre franchise next week.
This are the films that I'm planning to see for this challenge. Might change something...

...William Castle should've been in the list!

Night of the Living Dead
Carpenter: The Thing
Craven: New Nightmare
Hooper: Lifeforce
Fulci: The House by the Cemetery
Argento: Phenomena
Walker: House of Mortal Sin
Home Invasion: The Last House on the Left [1972] (Does this count?)
Creature Feature: The Host
Slasher: Halloween (I'm already planning to see all of them )
Zombie: Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Body Horror: Re-Animator
Anthologies: Three... Extremes, Kwaidan and Black Sabbath
From the Year you were born: Trauma (1993)
Two Horror Sequels: Friday the 13th Final Chapter and Halloween 2
Highest Rated: The Exorcist (IMDB highest ranking for a horror film... I think.)
Hammer Horror: Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966)
Universal: The Invisible Man (1933)
Supernatural: A Tale of Two Sisters
Three different Countries:
Whispering Corridors (South Corea)
Blood Feast (USA) or A Bay of Blood (Italy)
Sakebi [AKA Retribution] (Japan)

Subject to change:

Romero: Land of the Dead
Carpenter: Village of the Damned
Craven: Scream 4
Hooper: Toolbox Murders
Fulci: Door to Silence
Argento: Trauma
Walker: House of Mortal Sin
Home Invasion: Straw Dogs
Creature Feature: The Kindred
Slasher: Hide and Go Shriek
Body Horror: Scanners
Anthologies: Tales from the Hood, A Company of Wolves, and Deadtime Stories
From the Year you were born: Squirm (1976)
Two Horror Sequels: Friday the 13th part 6 and Halloween III
Highest Rated: The Silence of the Lambs
Hammer Horror: Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966)
Universal: Halloween 4
Supernatural: Psychic Killer
Three different Countries: Not sure yet...

I like the idea of a horror film that has been banned in a country. Also to add to the subgenres catagorey, a found footage horror film as well?

Other options, if you are trying to make 31 different choices.

1 - A Silent Horror
2 - A re-make
3 - A film released this year
4 - A Stephen King Adaptation
5 - A William Castle Film
6 - A Roger Corman Film
7 - A Murder Mystery
Genre -
8 - Found Footage
9 - Horror Comedy
10 - Vampire film

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
I've seen Halloweed 3 a few times and, frankly, I think it's totally out of place with the others. Whoever directed it went in a different direction. I think the constant "Silver Shamrock" commercials (music to the tune of "London Bridge is falling down..." is quite annoying.

IMHO, it doesn't match the poster at all.
The intention was to make it go in a totally different direction. They had no plans to continue the series with Michael at that point.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Actually there is one Argento film that I remember liking a lot when I saw it years ago. Deep Red, but I'm not sure how it would hold up now. Still I think it's much better than Suspiria and Inferno.

Hmm... I think I'll at least make a list of 31 horror films to watch and see if I can make it. Watching 31 movies in a month is certainly doable with the abundance of free time I have.

1. A silent film: The Golem (1920)
2. A Jodorowsky: Santa Sangre (1989)
3. Rape and revenge theme: I Spit on Your Grave (1978)
4. Torture theme: Philosophy of a Knife (2008)

Well that's all for now, I'll finish the list later.

This is what I'm thinking of going for so far

George Romero: Night of the Living Dead
John Carpenter: Halloween
Wes Craven: Nightmare on Elm Street
Tobe Hooper: Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Dario Argento: Suspiria
Lucio Fulci: The Beyond
Pete Walker: House of Mortal Sin
Watch Three Horror Anthologies: V/H/S; Tales From the Crypt; Creepshow
Watch a Horror film from the year you were born: The Sixth Sense (1999)
Watch Two Horror Sequels: Scream 2; Evil Dead 2
Watch a horror film from three different countries: Scanners (Canada), The Babadook (Australia), 28 Days Later (UK)
Watch any Slasher Film: Friday the 13th
Watch any Hammer Horror Film: Dracula (1958)
Watch a Universal Horror Film: Frankenstein (1931)
Zombie: Evil Dead
Body Horror: Dead Ringers
Home Invasion: Funny Games
Creature Feature: The Thing
Supernatural: The Conjuring
Watch the highest rated Horror film you haven't seen: Psycho

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

My list (in the works)...

Romero: Dawn of the Dead
Carpenter: probably Halloween
Craven: The Last House on the Left
Hooper: Texas Chainsaw 2
Fulci: Don't Torture a Duckling
Argento: Deep Red
Walker: House of Mortal Sin
Home Invasion: Angst or Black Christmas
Creature Feature: Grabbers
Slasher: Maniac
Body Horror: Scanners
Anthologies: Creepshow
From the Year you were born: The Prophecy
Two Horror Sequels: Exorcist II and III
Highest Rated: Nosferatu
Hammer Horror: Curse of Frankenstein
Universal: Dracula 1931
Supernatural: TBA
Three different Countries: The Grudge, TBA, TBA

“I was cured, all right!”
Great, glad you're excited! There's going to be another 9 more categories i believe. You can suggest ones of your own if you want.
Here are my suggestions:

Silent Horror
Asian Horror

Yam12, Scanners is a thriller. I would not consider it a horror, but it's a really good movie. You should still watch it.

Yam12, Scanners is a thriller. I would not consider it a horror, but it's a really good movie. You should still watch it.
Scanners is categorized as horror on IMDb, which is where we usually look to for a master decision with top 100 lists etc for example.

So it's a fine pick.

Scanners is categorized as horror on IMDb, which is where we usually look to for a master decision with top 100 lists etc for example.

So it's a fine pick.
Also my fav exploding head scene.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.