Friday The 13th Part11


Originally Posted by The_Elephant_Man
Anyone else heard of that box set coming out. Called "Friday The 13th: From Crystal Lake to Manhattan" its got all of them up untill Jason Takes Manhattan.
Yeah, I have...

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Nice case, looks cool, dont know if i could stomach all those films those lol, there a price? Hope its no more than £40 as i own half, and two films a disc, ick. The special features new and exclusive?

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
Nice case, looks cool, dont know if i could stomach all those films those lol, there a price?
It says $60 in the US and C$70 in Canada.

Originally Posted by Maniac
Please say it ain't so?

I used to be a fan of all those slasher, gore 'em up movies. But after growing up I've learned they where truely garbage.

Quentin Tarantino thats pure garbage, but with class. I'd much prefer one of his violent fests then a Jason film.
doesnt that make you mad? ppl just come into threads like this and say bad stuff about what we like. if they hate slasher movies dont come into the thread. ignore it
Evil lives...

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This movie seems to hint at Jason walking out of Freddy vs Jason 2 alive...Hmmmm, i likey.

Originally Posted by Parky
I was only saying. Don't worry you can relax, I wasn't trying to start another a discussion.

Deeply sorry, Michael.
and you're apologizing to me because???

coke kills drink pepsi
im deeply sad with the slasher genre lately its been nothing but rap stars and old horror icons in bad movies, I like Jason ifact I just spent the lats of my saving to by the series of fridaythe13 in divudaly, i also like michael, and i would love to see them go head to head, same with pinhead, does anyone think that maybe the versus movies well revive the series?
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if it is done very carefully, then yes, so, considering the people on the task, i don't think they will ever revive the Genre, though i would love to see it

Originally Posted by Michael_myers
and you're apologizing to me because???
I was sarcasticly apologizing to the other Michael Myers. I thought it was pretty obvious since I posted it after one of his posts.

Originally Posted by Parky
I was sarcasticly apologizing to the other Michael Myers. I thought it was pretty obvious since I posted it after one of his posts.
that apology was saracstic .
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

Major suckage!

Part 11? Come one now, seriously, those villans need to be retired, its not even scary any longer, its teadious!
»-(¯`v´¯)-» What we are never changes. Who we are never stops changing. »-(¯`v´¯)-»

ahh, but then the whole stupid question would come up, what does Death look like under the alledged cloak/hooded cape, and then when they show it, it will disappoint everyone.

Originally Posted by Michael_myers
ahh, but then the whole stupid question would come up, what does Death look like under the alledged cloak/hooded cape, and then when they show it, it will disappoint everyone.

Who said it would have to be in that form.

how else would they depict it/her/him/whatever

my sentiment exactly

Which Jason would be best...


... because they could say that Freddy vs. Jason occured before Jason X, so if Freddy vs. Jason 2 is to happen before Friday the 13th pt. 11 is could be the uber-Jason vs. Freddy.

just a thought
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