Rate The Last Movie You Saw



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mr camo

Moon (2009)

Sam Rockwell would probably get a lot of votes for most underrated actor, including from me. He's a one man show in this movie, and although he is very good, I didn't quite feel the personality he has brought to other roles. Of course, this is a pretty dark movie. It is fairly compelling, but I didn't love anything about it besides how it looked. I also thought Kevin Spacey did a very nice job providing only his voice.

Born to Kill (1947)


This is a very dark noir featuring just about nothing but unredeemable characters. That's pretty much why I enjoyed the movie, but I wish the story was a little more exciting.

Carrie (1976)

First watch, actually. May seem like standard revenge flick stuff, I don't think it's only about bullies and victims though. Sometimes the thing you think you're harassing is a big bad witch beast thing. The mom was hysterical, Carrie's mom. Altogether effective start to finish.

8.0 / 10


Ghostbusters (2016)
Never compare me to the mayor in Jaws! Never!

Never again. I'm gonna go to the grave having to tell people that I saw the 2016 Ghostbusters before I saw the original. This is like a bad SNL skit gone way too far with the worst characters I've seen in a loooong while, who literally make Patrick Swayzee ghost jokes after causing someone to be inadvertently murdered. The comedy in this is literally just fart jokes, Melissa McCarthy giving Adam Sandlerish sarcastic commentary on their surroundings, Chris Hemsworth being stupid and Kate McKinnon being suuuuper quirky and weirrrrd while Kristen Wiig and Leslie Jones are just bad stereotypes. The best part of this movie though, is that the villain is just some guy who didn't like high school, hahaha.

Gave it 1.5 though because Slimer, and the action in this is somewhat better from what I've seen of the OG, because they get more gadgets and get to move around more than the guys just standing still.

Moon (2009)

Sam Rockwell would probably get a lot of votes for most underrated actor, including from me. He's a one man show in this movie, and although he is very good, I didn't quite feel the personality he has brought to other roles. Of course, this is a pretty dark movie. It is fairly compelling, but I didn't love anything about it besides how it looked. I also thought Kevin Spacey did a very nice job providing only his voice.
Yup I agree with Sam Rockwell. Great all-around actor I love him since watching The Way Way Back which is one great movie. I agree with the rating of Moon too it was definitely interesting but nothing blew me away.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

The Conjuring 2 (2016)
Ed, this is as close to hell as I ever want to get.

I loved this movie, it did everything a horror movie sequel should do, and hasn't done in years. It's incredibly well shot, the stakes are higher, we cared more for Ed and Lorraine, and the scares were just on par as with the first film. The Nun is genuinely the most terrifying force I've seen on screen in a while, and might give me nightmares, and I love it. The movie often flips common tropes and cliches on their heads at times and instead of going the obvious route they will semi satisfy your expectations/desires before ripping it away in another way. The performances were good, the standouts being Patrick Wilson and the main haunting victim girl. While Vera Farmiga is an important figure she feels somewhat sidelined during the actual haunting and only returns to form in the climax.

There are also some other points in the plot that aren't coherent and can briefly take some out of the narrative, but overall, I'd say whether you watched The Conjuring or not, this one is just as good if not slightly better and definitely worth your time.

The Conjuring 2 (2016)
Ed, this is as close to hell as I ever want to get.

I loved this movie, it did everything a horror movie sequel should do, and hasn't done in years. It's incredibly well shot, the stakes are higher, we cared more for Ed and Lorraine, and the scares were just on par as with the first film. The Nun is genuinely the most terrifying force I've seen on screen in a while, and might give me nightmares, and I love it. The movie often flips common tropes and cliches on their heads at times and instead of going the obvious route they will semi satisfy your expectations/desires before ripping it away in another way. The performances were good, the standouts being Patrick Wilson and the main haunting victim girl. While Vera Farmiga is an important figure she feels somewhat sidelined during the actual haunting and only returns to form in the climax.

There are also some other points in the plot that aren't coherent and can briefly take some out of the narrative, but overall, I'd say whether you watched The Conjuring or not, this one is just as good if not slightly better and definitely worth your time.
my favorite theather experience and movie of 2016

Lady in the Lake (1947)


I guess Hardcore Henry wasn't so groundbreaking after all. Except for a few brief moments when the star (Robert Montgomery) addresses the audience directly, this movie is filmed entirely from his point of view. Despite a lukewarm 6.6 rating on IMDb, this movie is on the top 100 noirs list. Thinking it was gimmicky, I thought I was going to hate it after a few minutes, but it ended up being pretty effective thanks to the star's wisecracking ways, and seeing a good supporting cast's reaction to him. It is a Philip Marlowe film, with a plot that's standard for the genre, yet effective.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I love the nasty look Audrey Totter gives Robert Montgomery at the start of the film when he's seated at her desk and an attractive secretary enters the room. I love the way the camera swings to look at the secretary (from his 1st person view point), then swings back to Audrey's face! Boy is she pissed!

Gods of Egypt (2016)

Watched this on a lark since it popped up on HBO.
I pretty much watch most movies based on mythology (heck, I've sat through the Lou Ferrigno Hercules movies and Schwarzenegger's Hercules in New York!)

This wasn't that bad. Of course I went in with lowered expectations (considering the reviews and the fact that it just came out and was on cable already)... and I think low expectations always helps one enjoy a movie more.

It's a simple movie, following the typical themes of mythological pantheons. It reminded me of Clash of the Titans (I would say the remake, but even though I saw that one I can't remember any of it compared to the classic original 1981 version). It might also be comparable to Marvel's Thor movies. In fact, my first exposure to the Egyptian pantheon was via Marvel's Thor comics.
If you go into this movie as if it's a Saturday morning cartoon and are looking for some mindless entertainment, you might be presently surprised.

And yes, I think a more "exotic" looking cast might have helped the movie feel more authentic - in that sense it reminded me of older movies where all the actors were white but playing different races - a time where a Swiss-German Russian with a shaved head and some eye make up made the best Egyptian Pharaoh! Nostalgic in that sense... but not in a good way since the "white-washing" of older movies reflected the social climate & discrimination of the times.

I love the nasty look Audrey Totter gives Robert Montgomery at the start of the film when he's seated at her desk and an attractive secretary enters the room. I love the way the camera swings to look at the secretary (from his 1st person view point), then swings back to Audrey's face! Boy is she pissed!
She was great in it, and that scene was when I knew I was going to like the movie.

solid video title and dedicated to camo