Worst Casting Mistakes of all Time?


Agree with the Anakin casting. Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christensen were awful.

I will say though, like I said in my reviews, Christensen almost made up for it in Episode III. I reckon he had acting lessons between the two films.
I totally disagree with Hayden Christensen as Anakin. In my opinion, he was pretty good in The Revenge Of The Sith and his dark character was awesome. Also love the ending fight with Obi-Wan

Alan Moore created John Constantine when he first broke into DC comics writing Swamp Thing, truly genius stuff, some of his best work. Moore always said he pictured the lead singer Sting as John Consantine, former punk-rocker, blond, brash, with a cig, and g&t. Then they cast Keanu Reeves. It literally is the worst casting decision Ive ever seen.

Russell Crowe as some sort of CGI villain in Virtuousity. ****ing weird or what? This is Maximus for gawd sakes. I know he did this role pre L.A. Confidential and Gladiator but it's still puzzling that it's Russell Crowe playing this guy. A complete miscast.
I never understood all the love for Crowe in Gladiator... personally, I think his best performance was in The Insider.

I'm sure we've done this whole discussion before, but I don't mind repeating: Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane in the Spiderman films. It didn't help that they didn't really give the character anything to do but be rescued either.

I don't know which I hated more...the actress or the performance....if the truth be known, the last time I really liked Kirsten Dunst onscreen was Interview with a Vampire.

I don't know which I hated more...the actress or the performance....if the truth be known, the last time I really liked Kirsten Dunst onscreen was Interview with a Vampire.

have you seen the virgin suicides and melancholia? she was good in those
Britney is my favorite

I thought that was fine casting. He was well suited to the role and displayed Banner's sense of vulnerability and internal rage admirably. Well, at least in my opinion.
I just saw Eric Bana's name and it brought another one to mind for me...Lucky You...he just seemed like he walked off the set of another movie in that one. Just thought of another one...Melanie Laurent in Now You See Me...I mean, seriously?

Who cares I just think he is
There's a lot of hate for Keanu Reeves on this site and I can understand it to a point...there are definitely worst actors out there...as I've mentioned on other threads and in my review of the film, I thought he was the best thing about My Own Private Idaho.

I would say heiden christensen aswell as anakin skywalker, i didn t like his acting