God Returns to MoFo! ~ Why You Should Believe in God


God Returns

OK, take it away, Yoda, or anyone else who believes in God.

For old times' sake.

Tell us why we should believe in God.


Umm. >_> Uhhh...
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Define God (might as well get off on the right foot).
Yes. That is what people do. They define God.

God is the supreme being.

I say that he must necessarily exist because all matter and energy in the universe deteriorates and thus can not be eternal but must have been created, and the only way for anything to exist at all is for someone to have eternally existed by infinite supernatural power beyond all known dimensions and philosophical ideology and by extension of that omniscience be able to create ex nihilo.

Also God speaks for himself, so I have irrefutable proof that he exists, however that proof is not something that God gives to ignorant scoffers until after they die and it's too late. God is not out to prove anything to anyone. It's us who must discover the truth or perish. Life is not a game, it has eternal consequences.

Which God do we believe in?

The one that is causing all the crap in the world right now, or the one who is letting it happen?
Loaded question and false dilemma; the one who despite the presence of evil works all things towards the greater good.

Which God do we believe in?

The one that is causing all the crap in the world right now, or the one who is letting it happen?
Oh, no. Not you, too. I thought you believed in God.

Originally Posted by Zotis
I have irrefutable proof that he exists, however that proof is not something that God gives to ignorant scoffers until after they die and it's too late.
It's refutable in that case.

I believe God exists. I know God exists.

But I have a very Bohemian outlook on It. Yes, It, not Him (or Her, or Them).

God is something we will never understand, or can even comprehend, so the word "it" is probably the only description that can be accurately given.

God made Man in His image? That's pretty vain from our perspective tbh.

To have any sort of idea of what I believe in, you'll need to research all this:

Prisca Theologia
Perennial Philosophy
Cosmological Argument
Inductive Reasoning
Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit
Natural Theology
Platonism and platonism
The All
Umoved Mover

There's no genuinely accurate word for what I believe, but Panentheism is about as close as I can get without going into super long paragraphs of boring detail.

I believe God exists. I know God exists.

But I have a very Bohemian outlook on It. Yes, It, not Him (or Her, or Them).

God is something we will never understand, or can even comprehend, so the word "it" is probably the only description that can be accurately given.

God made Man in His image? That's pretty vain from our perspective tbh.

To have any sort of idea of what I believe in, you'll need to research all this:

Prisca Theologia
Perennial Philosophy
Cosmological Argument
Inductive Reasoning
Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit
Natural Theology
Platonism and platonism
The All
Umoved Mover

There's no genuinely accurate word for what I believe, but Panentheism is about as close as I can get without going into super long paragraphs of boring detail.
If you have any idea what you believe, then it shouldn't be difficult for you to put into simple terms. My conclusion is therefore that you have no idea what you believe other than that God exists in very vague terms.

Along with that list above, to understand my standpoint on God, you'll also have to read the texts of all major religions as well.
From the Bible to the Qur'an to the Dhammapada, the Guru Granth Sahib and the Tanakh.

You'll notice one major factor, give or take a couple ideals, they're all exactly the same, which is why I've studied in-depth all of the founding factors of religion in general, rather than just dogmatically following an actual religion.

There's only 2 religions/religious-beliefs that I think are total nonsense... Mormonism, and Scientology.

If you have any idea what you believe, then it shouldn't be difficult for you to put into simple terms. My conclusion is therefore that you have no idea what you believe other than that God exists in very vague terms.

Ok, God and the Universe, is like a kid with an Ant Farm.


Originally Posted by Zotis
*pats on the head* Okay little one, now run along and play with your toys. The adults are talking.
A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Along with that list above, to understand my standpoint on God, you'll also have to read the texts of all major religions as well.
From the Bible to the Qur'an to the Dhammapada, the Guru Granth Sahib and the Tanakh.

You'll notice one major factor, give or take a couple ideals, they're all exactly the same, which is why I've studied in-depth all of the founding factors of religion in general, rather than just dogmatically following an actual religion.

There's only 2 religions/religious-beliefs that I think are total nonsense... Mormonism, and Scientology.
I can understand this thought process if you are taking a very human analytical look at religion. I would like to get your thoughts on grace though. In my opinion it is what sets Christianity apart in a very real way and ultimately a way that fulfills you in a way that is hard to describe.

I can understand this thought process if you are taking a very human analytical look at religion. I would like to get your thoughts on grace though. In my opinion it is what sets Christianity apart in a very real way and ultimately a way that fulfills you in a way that is hard to describe.
His thoughts on Grace will probably be, "go research ______."

I'm sorry, not trying to be mean. I just couldn't resist.

I can understand this thought process if you are taking a very human analytical look at religion. I would like to get your thoughts on grace though. In my opinion it is what sets Christianity apart in a very real way and ultimately a way that fulfills you in a way that is hard to describe.

You're on about Divine Grace? I don't think it exists, and if it does, it's for the very, very few.

I think God is appreciative of being worshipped, but being worshipped is not it's ultimate goal.
Like a kid and his ants, he created a world for them to live, couple sheets of glass, added some soil and some leaves and some sugary stuff, gives them a place by the window for sunlight, and he sits back and watches then do their thing.
Occasionally intervening when something goes awry, but generally just sits and enjoys watching his creation do its thing.

If the ants were all totally tied up with worshipping the kid rather than gathering leaves and making their a better place, then the kid would be sitting there bored by not seeing what the ants are capable of.