Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Captain America: Civil War (2016)

In my opinion, this is the best Marvel Cinematic Universe film to date. The film felt very mature for a superhero film, and it explored multiple themes more deeply than most other Marvel films, including friendship, bertrayal, loyalty, etc. Well-written with some clever dialogue. Strong acting by everyone, with especially great performances from the newcomers: Chadwick Boseman was very good as Black Panther, and Tom Holland might just be the best Spider-Man to date. Special effects mostly look good and never got in the way of the story. Aside from a few pacing issues in the first half, it was a great show. Would definitely recommend.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Set-Up - 5/10

Short boxing movie with Robert Ryan.. Nothing special.

Not surprised by your rating as I wouldn't think this is the kind of movie that you would love. It was one of the nominations in the Film Noir Hof and people really liked it. It's a Robert Wise directed film and he considered it in his Top 10 films that he directed. The film is shot as a 'real time' story, which is pretty unique for films.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)

I don't even know what to say about this film.
It's haunting, sometimes eerie, enigmatic, mysterious, atmospheric.
It's got some beautiful locals & cinematography. It's very "artsy."
Some of the characters are engaging at times, but I guess I'm easily frustrated by things that have no explanation and are specifically made with the intention of having no explanation.

The film made me "feel" a lot of things, so I guess it succeeded on that account, but it left me wondering what it had to say, what its message was... and on that I'm stumped.

I was intrigued by it, but I didn't "like" it as a satisfying film watching experience. I won't be seeking it out for a re-watch (unless it was for a class or analysis or something).

If you like slightly surreal mysteries wrapped in enigmas encased in a riddle, you might like this.

I'll give it a 5 for being an ethereal artsy thing set to film (or as a cure for insomnia), but I'll give it a 1.5 for overall entertainment value.
Good write up, I had almost the same thoughts, great minds think alike

I swear the chunky girl with glasses is the same character as Piggy in the first The Lord of The Flies (1963). The act alike, the lines they speak are very similar and they seem to serve the same function in the movie.....as a sacrificial lamb.

Brimming with rififi!
The Hateful Eight -- 3/4

Great, snappy dialogue. But sometimes that snappy dialogue hangs around too long, to the point of feeling like self-indulgence.

The Mirror (1975)

This was a rewatch but I feel like my love for this film has multiplied significantly since I last saw it. Visually - it's stunning. Tarkovsky's father's poetry is read at some points in the film, which I really enjoyed.

Good write up, I had almost the same thoughts, great minds think alike

I swear the chunky girl with glasses is the same character as Piggy in the first The Lord of The Flies (1963). The act alike, the lines they speak are very similar and they seem to serve the same function in the movie.....as a sacrificial lamb.
Interesting, Rules. I never made the connection between Edith and Piggy.
Although I think Piggy would've been far more analytical in his description of details to the authorities regarding the disappearance of the girls - he was a true intellectual and almost anal when it came to sticking to the facts. (Whereas Edith's recounts were sketchy and she seemed on the verge of a nervous breakdown). But an interesting parallel!

This just made me wonder, what would a all-girl version of Lord of the Flies be like? Now there's a movie I'd like to see. Would they separate into warring tribes or would it become a feminist statement on cooperation and the true superiority of the female mind? (And if made very very quickly, could be seen as Hillary support propaganda!)

On the Beach (1959)


A great director (Stanley Kramer) and cast (Peck, Gardner, Perkins, Astaire), to go along with a solid story centered around the fallout after a nuclear war. The movie is well made and runs with a strong sense of dread. Unfortunately, I didn't find it all that engaging. It's decent, but I saw a lot of wasted potential.

The most loathsome of all goblins

Grade: A

Met all of my expectations and then some. It's the complete antithesis of the typical medieval adventure film, the characters are grotesque but brilliant, the story is simplistic but never boring, and the brutality on display is insane but never unpalatable. I'll definitely be watching more Verhoeven in the near future

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Some months ago I started (re)watching the Bond franchise but I stopped after the 3rd one. Time to come back to it.

These are the ratings of the first 3:

Dr. No (1962)
From Russia With Love (1964)

Goldfinger (1963)

And now:

Thunderball (1965)

It has some flaws and plotholes (like every Bond movie, ever) but the good things surpass the bad ones.
For starters, probably Connery's best performance. The action scenes are well made, in particular the underwater battle near the end. Domino is a stunning Bond girl and Largo is a solid villain with a not so stupid plan.


You Only Live Twice (1967)

YOLT used to be one of my favourite Bond movies when I was growing. However, I didn't like it so much this time.
The opening is still as strong as I remembered it but it gets sloppy. The asian Bond girl didn't work for me and I found the ninja stuff quite ridiculous. Blofeld's volcano is a great set and I was expecting a climatic confrontation but it ended being quite disappointing. Pleasance is still one of the best Blofelds of the franchise and it's a Connery film so it always has that to save it.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)

When I hate the guy playing Bond, it's hard to like the film. Lazenby ruined it for me.
Diana Rigg started well as the Bond girl but it lost some charm during the film. The premise of a bad guy trying to fix a marriage between his daughter and Bond is simply ridiculous and Savalas is a quite bad Blofeld (could you people please decide if he has a scar or not??)
The girls at Blofelds mansion are probably one of the few parts of the film and some of the action scenes are solid though it's a film too ambitious for its own sake.
I hated the ending, and the title sequence (even if the song is quite good) is laughable.


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Diamonds are Forever (1971)

This looked like the creators decided that it was time to move to a funnier, lighter Bond (as it did later with Moore) but they forgot to tell Connery.
It was nice to see him come back for a last performance but this is his worst, by far. Not because of him exactly (or at least for the most part) but because he seemed out of place.
Hamilton had a thing for ridiculous chases and on this he went well over the line. A moon rover??? Seriously??? At least pace it right, if that's even possible!!!
The Bond girl was also incredibly weak and the whole premise was not the best. And Charles Gray is not the best Blofeld either.
Also, the two gay villains were another mistake.

(still better than Quantum of Solace though)

Live and Let Die

So, after a long dive between Goldfinger and Diamonds are Forever, Live and Let Die is a refreshing change.
Roger Moore didn't copy Connery (he couldn't even if he wanted) and he chose a totally different approach to the character and surprisingly it worked. I get why some people don't like him but he's great on what he does. Never taking Bond too serious while being incredibly talented at speaking the dialogue (the "Bond, James Bond" quote was so well delivered), Moore made a very good James Bond, even if he lacked strength in a few moments!
About the movie: a bit flawed though less plotholed than some of its predecessors, with some really weird choices by Hamilton (another badly paced chase, with some creepy cops that really didn't have their place there) but with a nice touch of blaxploitation and magic!
Solitaire will be always one of my favourite Bond girls, turning into a sex addict by the end was unnecessary but she's so freaking hot!

Lucy (2014)

The look on my face watching Lucy

I don't have a critical eye for movies. The suspension of disbelief is something like a superpower of mine. If I get hooked, I'm going to fall down the rabbit hole. Lucy was like falling down a three-story circular staircase.

I always knew I would watch this sooner or later, but was never in a hurry. I would have promised you, that I would enjoy it in light of any "perceived" shortcomings. I was wrong.

The film was really good until the "experiment" starts. A scene reminiscent of something in the Ring, the need to alter appearances and then not, a militia arming up in front of the police,.... .

I feel like this was suppose to be some type of concept movie, because it is the only way I can explain none of it working for me.

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)

Good flick. It is good to see Cavill as something other than Superman. The real bright spot is Ms. Vikander. Outshines everyone else in every scene she is in. Throw the period fashion in and I was a happy camper.

Frailty -

I quite enjoyed this, didn't think it was anything special but it was a decent one time watch. Bill Paxton really surprised me here, he was easily the best thing about the movie and completely came across as delusional and that he really did believe in his "mission". The kid who played young McConnaughey was also pretty good. I kind of saw the ending coming, not exactly what happened but i knew there was going to be a twist along those lines. Still liked it though.


I thought that it wouldn't be that bad. I was wrong. Miles Teller has been a good actor in some things, but since Whiplash he's been clocking out early on everything. This performance had no effort. He didn't even try to feel an emotion. Josh Trank is a person I guess. Yes, the studio meddling was bad, but from my point of view, if the current third act is what the studio made in re shoots I would hate to see the original one from Trank. It was nice of them to use Kate Mara's wig to tell the audience what was a reshoot and what was a Trank scene.