My List of Things that MAY (or MAY NOT) Be Movie-Related




I'm not sure why, but I've always been interested in this subject.
I think it's due to the slim chance that there may be some things that are quite astounding and unbelievable in the natural world (and not just in the most remote regions of the planet, but perhaps in our own relative backyard) that we haven't yet discovered.

I'm not saying I believe it's real, just that I believe in the possibility, remote though it may be. There is far more evidence for this one subject than for virtually any other cryptozoological entity. And yet the utter lack of specific types of evidence provide a fairly good refutation for the theory of the creature's existence.

Whether it's legend or hoax or real, it's just a fun topic and I'm a bit sad at how TV's treatment of it in recent years has relegated it to "Reality-TV" status as opposed to documentary or research status.

Trouble with a capital "T"
ahhh...I remember that old video clip. It always cracked me that the alleged Big Foot looked right at the camera. Didn't the camera man finally admit he hoaxed it?

ahhh...I remember that old video clip. It always cracked me that the alleged Big Foot looked right at the camera. Didn't the camera man finally admit he hoaxed it?
Not at all, Rules. The Patterson / Gimlin film is still regarded as one of the best pieces of evidence (and the best Bigfoot video). It has actually had an increase in credibility as it's been examined under increasingly advanced technology and several scientists & film analysts who previously wrote it off as a guy in a gorilla suit have reversed their opinion upon closer examination. Roger Patterson died in 1972, but Bob Gimlin is still alive and still ascertains that the film is an authentic record of a non-human, bipedal animal.

Other people have come forward to say the film is a hoax or that they took part in it, but many of those claims have been invalidated or have so many holes in them that make them dubious at best.

Thanks...I stand corrected I'm not sure what I'm thinking of then?
A little research - Gimlin still maintains it was authentic as far as he knows, but stated in an interview that it is "possible" that it was an extremely elaborate hoax and he wasn't in on it.

As a hoax that did not include Gimlin, it would've been dangerous as I believe both men were armed, so if Gimlin wasn't in on it and Patterson had set a guy up in a costume, there was no way he could've assured that Gimlin would not have opened fire.

You may also be thinking of the many people who've claimed that they occupied the suit - but several web sites say all of those claims have been disproved.

I'm not sure why, but I've always been interested in this subject.
I think it's due to the slim chance that there may be some things that are quite astounding and unbelievable in the natural world (and not just in the most remote regions of the planet, but perhaps in our own relative backyard) that we haven't yet discovered.
You can virtually guarantee that if you dig up a square metre of your garden you'll find some kind of life which was previously unknown. New species are found all the time.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

You can virtually guarantee that if you dig up a square metre of your garden you'll find some kind of life which was previously unknown. New species are found all the time.
This is part of the reason I maintain the idea that Bigfoot is at least a possibility.

When we look at the discovery of the mountain Gorilla in the 19th century it serves as a good example of a formerly legendary, giant man-like creature being discovered (but then they also didn't have electronic trail cams in the 19th century).

For me, the three great pieces of Bigfoot video are (and you can look them up on YouTube):
1. The Patterson-Gimlin film
2. The Freeman footage
3. The Harley Hoffman film

But then there's this one... fairly recent... what gets me about this is the sound of the bark being ripped off the tree by the subject. It just sounds like it's done with such force that only some kind of great ape could do it.

P.S. I think Todd Standing (the guy who appeared on Survivor Man and who made the "Sylvanic Bigfoot" documentary) is most likely a fraud - his filmed Bigfoot faces look like Ewoks.

I don't know her but she looks super tough! Maybe should start watching Pacific Rim =P.



I'm putting this guy up here as one of the most unsung founding fathers who probably did more for the cause of American independence than any other individual, and yet has no monuments dedicated to him in the capital, no major statues, and he's not featured on any U.S. currency (unlike several other founding fathers and Presidents).

An interesting fact is that this man who became a leader in the revolution against the British served as the defense council for the British soldiers involved in the "Boston Massacre" and got all but two of them acquitted! (The two who were found guilty of manslaughter had their thumbs branded).

To Adams' credit he was:

·An elected delegate for Massachusetts to both the First and Second Continental Congresses;

·A major driving force behind the American Revolution;

·One of the five members to serve on the Declaration of Independence Committee;

·A staunch Abolitionist for his entire life (while Ben Franklin, another well-known Abolitionist, actually owned slaves at one time. And while Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration, owned slaves his whole life!);

·One of the newly founded United States' first delegates to Holland, France & England;

·The first U.S. Vice President under George Washington;

·The second President of the United States;

·The "father" of the United States Navy;

·The first President to occupy the White House in Washington D.C.;

·In office when he averted war with France;

·The first President to be the father of another President.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.


I'm putting this guy up here as one of the most unsung founding fathers who probably did more for the cause of American independence than any other individual, and yet has no monuments dedicated to him in the capital, no major statues, and he's not featured on any U.S. currency (unlike several other founding fathers and Presidents).

An interesting fact is that this man who became a leader in the revolution against the British served as the defense council for the British soldiers involved in the "Boston Massacre" and got all but two of them acquitted! (The two who were found guilty of manslaughter had their thumbs branded).

To Adams' credit he was:

·An elected delegate for Massachusetts to both the First and Second Continental Congresses;

·A major driving force behind the American Revolution;

·One of the five members to serve on the Declaration of Independence Committee;

·A staunch Abolitionist for his entire life (while Ben Franklin, another well-known Abolitionist, actually owned slaves at one time. And while Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration, owned slaves his whole life!);

·One of the newly founded United States' first delegates to Holland, France & England;

·The first U.S. Vice President under George Washington;

·The second President of the United States;

·The "father" of the United States Navy;

·The first President to occupy the White House in Washington D.C.;

·In office when he averted war with France;

·The first President to be the father of another President.

I also loved him as the voice of KITT in "Knight Rider".



I'm not sure why, but I've always been interested in this subject.
I think it's due to the slim chance that there may be some things that are quite astounding and unbelievable in the natural world (and not just in the most remote regions of the planet, but perhaps in our own relative backyard) that we haven't yet discovered.

I'm not saying I believe it's real, just that I believe in the possibility, remote though it may be. There is far more evidence for this one subject than for virtually any other cryptozoological entity. And yet the utter lack of specific types of evidence provide a fairly good refutation for the theory of the creature's existence.

Whether it's legend or hoax or real, it's just a fun topic and I'm a bit sad at how TV's treatment of it in recent years has relegated it to "Reality-TV" status as opposed to documentary or research status.
THERE IS NO BIGFOOT, and ill tell you why. Bloodhounds.

Im warning everyone, this is a heavy story has a bad ending Im using as an example, but its such an obvious solution I feel its necessary.

I saw a news special on about a little girl who was taken from her home, right out of her bed, and the police couldnt come up with anything. They brought in someone that owned what really looked like a Basset Hound, 3 days later. 3 days. That dog was brought into her room and got whiff of her scent then went to the window, thats where the p.o.s. came in from and left with her from.

The dog goes outside, and goes from the window and starts going down the street. They followed in cars. For miles this dog went, but with purpose, until they got to a highway, and the dog started going up the turn lane to get onto it. So they grabbed the dog, and drove to the next exit and let him out. GET THIS! The dog doesnt go down the exit, but keeps wanting to go forward on the highway. They snatch him up, and go to the next exit, and continued this process until eventually the dog went down an exit.

They followed him, and then after it went down a long stretch of road it went from the road and straight into the woods. At that point the dogs owner made them stop as he said "the dog would keep going till it died of exhaustion". They brought a search team in and found her body. Besides that story there are stories of a bloodhound that can smell a dead body from a boat at the bottom of a pond! Fact!

So there is no way on earth some 300 lbs 12 foot tall cavemanthingy is running around AT ALL! Any damn dog would be able to track that stankassed mess if it ever existed. THE END. Bigfoot is like Pro-Wrestling, there are some people that are entertained in a fictional belief, and they just would rather believe there is one. Finding Bigfoot my balls. That show is a 100% sham, less honest than pro-wrestling even.

Those are some good points, Tongo. And they will invite more debate. As someone who's in the middle of the road, I'm not going to try to refute everything on one side and support everything on the other.

A couple things I will say that I've read or heard about Bigfoot & dogs... Some reports say Bigfoots will kill dogs. Others say that Bigfoots are one animal that dogs are afraid of and even if they have a scent, will abandon it rather than face the big fella (whereas they have no problem going up against a bear or mountain lion). This might be along the line of what many humans say - that they feel a preternatural fear in the presence of Bigfoot (which is often the excuse of why they always shut off their camera and run right when they are about to get a clear picture of a blob-squatch).

Theres no 19 foot tall 400 pound anything thats gives off a supernatural fear to where in todays age and technology you cant get indisputable proof. DNA, done! That big assed critter doesnt shed?! Hell yes itd shed!

I saw a Finding Bigfoot scene where they say they found a big pool of sasquatch urine. Now.unless they see squatch taking a whizz, what makes this urine bigfoots?! Does it give off a supernatural aura OH HELL NAW there is no bigfoot!

Theres no 19 foot tall 400 pound anything thats gives off a supernatural fear to where in todays age and technology you cant get indisputable proof. DNA, done! That big assed critter doesnt shed?! Hell yes itd shed!

I saw a Finding Bigfoot scene where they say they found a big pool of sasquatch urine. Now.unless they see squatch taking a whizz, what makes this urine bigfoots?! Does it give off a supernatural aura OH HELL NAW there is no bigfoot!
This brings up something I've long wondered about. I've heard the statement on several documentaries that scientists have studied the DNA of hair samples that they say belong to no known indigenous species and no "known" primates, but is from an "unidentified" primate that inhabits the Pacific northwest. (And the only known primates that inhabit the area are humans, who's hair is easily verified.)

I've heard Professor Jeff Meldrum make this statement. Les Stroud made this statement on his show. Yet, I can't find any solid evidence of what these statements are based on, where the samples are located, who has them, or who the scientists are that supposedly made them.

You piqued my about some examples of what you consider to be B.S. art.?
I have to go back to talking about art because I just viewed the new documentary: Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures (2016).

This gentleman's "body of work" and the fame & unbelievable wealth that came with it illustrates some of the things I was talking about with the art world.

One of the most telling things in the film is how Mapplethorpe hooked up with a very rich, older, gay man with a lot of connections who became Mapplethorpe's "sugar daddy." Someone in the documentary says how if this rich dude hadn't bought Mapplethorpe's way into the art world, then no one would have ever heard of Mapplethorpe.

That pretty much sums it up.

If you have enough money to buy your way into the right galleries, wrap it up in expensive mats & frames, and have the connections to get some illustrious art snobs to show up, then you can convince the ridiculous speculators who make up the "art world" that a bunch of gay porn photos are "art" that's worth millions of dollars.

Congratulations to Robert Mapplethorpe for capitalizing on the utter ignorance, greed & lemming mentality of humanity.

I'd do the same with my artwork, but my ethics preclude me from trying to fraud people into thinking something that isn't all that special (or is just porn) is actually "art" that has nonsensical monetary value.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Very interesting Capt. I never knew, that you knew so much about art. Question about your artwork: I know you've mentioned working as a cartoonist (illustrator) in the past. Can you tell me more about that and also do you work in other mediums. I have my own little art story that relates to BS in art. I'll post about it, in awhile.