My List of Things that MAY (or MAY NOT) Be Movie-Related


No it doesn't. You're not a mysoginist because you're a gay man any more than you're a misanthrope because you're asexual. Finding a race/type/gender/etc attractive or not isn't close to hating/loving them.
Your differentiation quite astutely touches on the difference between rational thought and the essence of political correctness.

Racism can have many different definitions. Simply being able to identify race is not the same as hating someone you don't know because of their race (as you just pointed out).

This is what political correctness cannot understand - under the PC philosophy, any mention of race means that you must be a race-hating racist UNLESS (and this is important) the race you are both identifying and hating happens to be the majority (then you're just an offended and oppressed person seeking justice against the tyrannical powers who abuse their authority by subjugating minorities).

Listen to this man: regarded as a well-respected public figure, highly-paid commentator and learned luminary explain how it's acceptable to be offended and to lash out at others because of their jobs (police) or their race ("crackers" - referring to the white majority)...

Ðèstîñy, if you ever try your hand at frying up some calamari, pop some in an envelope and send 'em my way!
OK, but when you die of food poisoning, I don't want to here about it.

Honestly, seafood is one of the worst experiences, when it comes to food poisoning. A restaurant once gave me bad crab meat, in my crab salad. I thought I was going to die. It took quite a few days to feel half human again.



Since, apparently, this list contains too many immature items, maybe we up it to some more serious subjects.
Why is there a picture of Dr. Ben Carson here? Because of all the recent candidates, I believe he mentioned the scourge of Political Correctness the most times and made countering it a hallmark of his campaign. I could write volumes on why Political Correctness is one of the leading philosophical evils of our time, but for now, I will just sing the praises of any and all who counter it with Political INcorrectness (not the kind that attacks others just to offend, but the kind that exposes the double standards and all that is wrong with PC thought and movements).

OK, but when you die of food poisoning, I don't want to here about it.

Honestly, seafood is one of the worst experiences, when it comes to food poisoning. A restaurant once gave me bad crab meat, in my crab salad. I thought I was going to die. It took quite a few days to feel half human again.
I had a similar experience decades ago. It was a shrimp salad sandwich that I ate at the restaurant I worked in.
The food poisoning that resulted was one of the few conditions that made me pray for death as an option.

I remember watching The Shining (1980) on TV while curled up in my bed in a delirium of fever, cold sweats and in between bouts of vomiting! (Note: movie reference!) It probably wasn't the best thing to watch in that state, but it was on & I was too sick to get up to change the channel = pre-remote days.

Does Al Sharpton have any truck with political correctness, though? I'm not well versed with him beyond his obvious publicity hungry posturing (much like in that video) but if he himself doesn't hold himself to those standards, you can't have a go at him for not abiding by those standards, can you? Now, whether the media (who most certainly do use and take into consideration PC at every turn) should use him is another argument.

Also, has he been a bit of a joke since the 90's? That's not rhetorical, I honestly don't know. But that's how it's seemed to me.

Over here, I think even most of the people who can remember Rodney King, OJ or the Michael Jackson trials probably have no idea who he is. Other than that, I don't think he has a profile over here at all.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Master of My Domain
Sci-fi, Asian girls, science? What are you, 12?
That's why Captain is awesome, he likes the cool stuff.
Letterboxd Profile:

Does Al Sharpton have any truck with political correctness, though? I'm not well versed with him beyond his obvious publicity hungry posturing (much like in that video) but if he himself doesn't hold himself to those standards, you can't have a go at him for not abiding by those standards, can you? Now, whether the media (who most certainly do use and take into consideration PC at every turn) should use him is another argument.

Also, has he been a bit of a joke since the 90's? That's not rhetorical, I honestly don't know. But that's how it's seemed to me.

Over here, I think even most of the people who can remember Rodney King, OJ or the Michael Jackson trials probably have no idea who he is. Other than that, I don't think he has a profile over here at all.
I understand what you're saying. And Sharpton is far more used as a tool of PC by the media and others, but is far from practicing it himself (although he engages in looking-to-be-offended as an excuse to cause division & disruption, and the racial double standards aspect of it constantly, so I guess he is somewhat of a PC practitioner, among other things).

In the last decade or so he's been turned into a huge celebrity, filled with "legitimacy" and regarded (as I said) as a respected and learned luminary on equal rights. He's been given TV series, acts as a guest and "consultant" on various news shows, and even hosts his own news talk show.

The reality is Sharpton is a former criminal & drug dealer who plea-bargained with authorities to become a snitch to avoid prosecution. This used to be common knowledge, but it's all be scrubbed from the Internet. He is not a "Reverend" as that was just a nickname given to him when he was a kid and he's never attended a seminary school or been ordained by any theocratic body, school or council. In fact, being a drop out from Brooklyn College is the extent of his education.

He's a race-baiter who has incited multiple incidents of vandalism, violence, and murders. He's represented people making false accusations about serious crimes (which he knew were false) and has committed tax fraud. Yet he's been invited into the White House on many occasions to serve as an adviser to our Commander In Chief!

Here is a case where the PC movement has taken a monster and tried to turn him into a sophisticated man-about-town, but they can't fool some of us when they place him on stage and try to do Puttin' On the Ritz! (Note: another movie reference!)

Thread resurrection...



Do I like art? Probably as much as the next guy.
See, the thing is I went to art school for 4 and a half years and got a degree in it.
What does that mean? I still don't know. (I do know that, career-wise, it was a huge mistake! A lesson for you kids out there.)
When I was in college (a university which had an art school), I was referred to in the school paper as an "irreverent cartoonist" and I was known as something of an anti-artist because I exposed and mocked all the B.S. of the art world - and there is a whole lot of B.S. (especially when it comes to the professors who can't seem to marry logic with words that end up resembling the English language, their toady students, the upper-class speculators, and the "avant-garde" B.S. artists who think they are somehow better than others, when what they're really better at is trying to fool the public with another version of the Emperor's New Clothes). So, unlike some, I'm not going to try to tell you what art is or what it isn't, just that if you like it and think it's cool, then that means YOU like and think it's cool!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I exposed and mocked all the B.S. of the art world - and there is a whole lot of B.S
You piqued my about some examples of what you consider to be B.S. art.?

You piqued my about some examples of what you consider to be B.S. art.?
Well, for instance - the story of Mark Kostabi (I hope I've got the name right) - a guy who sold his name more than his art. He ended up having other people do the art work for him and he only signed his name to the works. So collectors & speculators paid high prices for "Kostabis" - they paid for the name, not realizing the artist's hands never created the works. Kostabi got rich - I don't know what he paid the people who actually created the art. A docu-film was made about him in 2009 called Con Artist (I haven't seen it).

In a sense, he was also exposing what B.S. the art world is (while getting rich off of the cult of celebrity and "brand recognition" that speculators fall for).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ahh...I didn't know about that. Have you heard about alleged scandal involving the artist who did the big eyed children and pets art in the 50s?
A drama about the awakening of the painter Margaret Keane, her phenomenal success in the 1950s, and the subsequent legal difficulties she had with her husband, who claimed credit for her works in the 1960s.
I only learned about it from the movie Big Eyes (2014).

Master of My Domain
For me, the B.S in the art world is the pretentiousness. Modern art is responsible, but there are still works I admire.

Ahh...I didn't know about that. Have you heard about alleged scandal involving the artist who did the big eyed children and pets art in the 50s?

I only learned about it from the movie Big Eyes (2014).
Big Eyes is on my watch list.

For me, the B.S in the art world is the pretentiousness. Modern art is responsible, but there are still works I admire.
Indeed. Most of the B.S. does revolves around modern art. That's why I put up a painting by Michelangelo as an example of true art. (Oops! I promised I would not try to define what art is for people.)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Let me know what you think of it. Much of the film deals with art vs hype vs salesmanship. I thought it was a pretty cool film and the best film I've seen from Tim Burton...When I was a little kid, I had one of those Big Eye prints on my bedroom wall. I remember that it kind of crept me out.

And speaking of films about art - I watched Tim's Vermeer (2013) a while back.
I loved it. Just fascinating & mind blowing. I'm always astounded at how people in ancient times were so innovative and developed such "technologies" without the benefit of anything that we consider "technology". We (people of today) are supposed to have the accumulated knowledge of the ages, but very few of us could come up with a lot of the things our ancestors did.

Another interesting documentary about art is My Kid Could Paint That (2007) - about an alleged toddler prodigy and the whirlwind odyssey of sudden riches, controversy and rumors of scandal that turned one formerly average family inside out.

Well, for instance - the story of Mark Kostabi (I hope I've got the name right) - a guy who sold his name more than his art. He ended up having other people do the art work for him and he only signed his name to the works. So collectors & speculators paid high prices for "Kostabis" - they paid for the name, not realizing the artist's hands never created the works. Kostabi got rich - I don't know what he paid the people who actually created the art. A docu-film was made about him in 2009 called Con Artist (I haven't seen it).

In a sense, he was also exposing what B.S. the art world is (while getting rich off of the cult of celebrity and "brand recognition" that speculators fall for).
Warhol did the same, especially after the 60's. The man was a genius and a visionary. I feel that was his art more than his art.

There's a guy in China doing the same thing on a huge scale, atm. I can't remember his name for the life of me, though. He's just done a supermarket filled with empty (but 'unopened') packaging.

Warhol did the same, especially after the 60's. The man was a genius and a visionary. I feel that was his art more than his art.

There's a guy in China doing the same thing on a huge scale, atm. I can't remember his name for the life of me, though. He's just done a supermarket filled with empty (but 'unopened') packaging.
And it may have been DuChamp who started it all by hanging urinals upside down and calling it Le Fountain!

Hopefully, Honeykid, you are happy with the more "mature" trend this thread has taken?

(But don't worry, folks... there are more Asian chicks, comic boos and sci-fi on their way... and maybe even some sci-fi comic book Asian chicks!)

Oh, Duchamp definitely started it, though his point was more that it was art rather than just signing something for profit.

I'm not happier with it, but at least it interests me. Though I'm always happy to look at good looking women, Asian or otherwise.