My List of Things that MAY (or MAY NOT) Be Movie-Related


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
When I was a kid, I read comic books, but they were books like "Archie", "Richie Rich", "Casper", etc. However Hubby grew up reading all the superhero comics, so over time, I've heard a lot about most of the characters.

It if wasn't for comic books, we wouldn't have so many cool toys and movies.



Not to be confused with the #100 on this list... this is the TV show "The Universe."
I like any shows that have to do with space. Although, I think I like "How the Universe Works" a little better, especially the episodes narrated by Mike Rowe. I think he's become my favorite narrator for science shows.



Next to science itself, one of my favorite man-made creations is Science Fiction - including literature, short stories, books, art, comics, magazines, movies, TV shows, conventions, etc.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I like Science Fiction when it doesn't cross over into horror. Once it starts to cross the "horror line", it loses me pretty fast.

I used to love Science Fiction conventions when I was younger. I still like them, but now that so many people have jumped on the bandwagon, they're too crowded. I miss the days when they were held in smaller venues, with guests who would actually walk around the convention, browse the dealers' room, and talk to their fans.

And autographs used to be included in the price of admission. For less than $10, you could spend the weekend at a great convention, and get a few autographs at no extra charge. Nowadays, they charge so much money for autographs that nobody has any money left to buy the stuff they want in the dealers' room.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Sci Fi #95...way too low. Love that photo BTW. It looks like it's from one of the moons of Saturn. I think about exploring the moons of Saturn and Jupiter. Astrologers have said that many of the moons are planet like. I doubt mankind will ever venture their. I doubt we will ever step on Mars

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Sci Fi #95...way too low. Love that photo BTW. It looks like it's from one of the moons of Saturn. I think about exploring the moons of Saturn and Jupiter. Astrologers have said that many of the moons are planet like. I doubt mankind will ever venture their. I doubt we will ever step on Mars

That sounds more like future science fact, rather than science fiction.

Sci Fi #95...way too low. Love that photo BTW. It looks like it's from one of the moons of Saturn. I think about exploring the moons of Saturn and Jupiter. Astrologers have said that many of the moons are planet like. I doubt mankind will ever venture their. I doubt we will ever step on Mars
Really? I think we'll definitely get to Mars. There are so many people working toward it right now.

On a related topic I just watched a documentary called "A Year in Space" (not sure what channel I saw it on).
It was the story of Scott Kelly spending almost a year on the Int'l Space Station. Scott is the twin brother of astronaut Mark Kelly (Gabby Gifford's husband). Since the two are identical twins, NASA is studying both brothers after the mission, using Mark as the ground control subject. The documentary was probably a snoozefest for people who are not science-oriented, but I found it intensely interesting. This all, of course, is said to be research that will contribute to an upcoming Mars mission.

Perfect segue for



Not sure how to title this item: "NASA History, Astronautics, Pioneering Beyond Earth's Atmosphere, Venturing Into the Void, Exploring Other Worlds, Touching Our Solar System, etc." I've always been interested in the topic & history of Space Travel, from mankind's earliest fantasies about it to the projected future of it. Such an exciting topic and a venture that has yielded so much to modern life and a thousand different fields of study (including more than a few movies)!

98 - X.


You may remember her from such films as Karate Kid II (1986), Come See the Paradise (1990), and The Joy Luck Club (1993).
Born in Okinawa, Japan in 1966. Tamlyn is of Filipino & Okinawan decent. Chosen by People Magazine as one of the 50 Most Beautiful People in the world.
- Man! I had such a crush on her when Karate Kid II came out!

Too true, Rules! (See, this is the point of this thread - to start some good discussions).
Unfortunately, the smarter the animal, the better they taste.
Makes me wonder what human tastes like? I hear they're not very good because... the SMARTER the animal, the BETTER they taste!
Some cannibals called us "longpigs".

Sci-fi, Asian girls, science? What are you, 12?
You forgot to mention comic books!

Yes, these things are all for children. Anyone interested in science is inherently immature - it's a fact. I think that's the message behind The Big Bang series - that in order to like things like sci-fi and comics you must also have a very immature and uneducated intellect.

I did mean to include comic books, obviously. All the men in TBBT are immature.
It's the Asian girl thing that got to you, isn't it?
I know, I know. It's politically incorrect, it's sexist, it's racist. Yeah, yeah.
For people who don't dig the Asian girl phenomenon, it's very contentious and ruffles a lot of feathers. Mr. Minio knows what I'm talking about (plus... blame him, he started it!)

No, not at all. It's just something I've found is a bigger thing (if you'll pardon the pun) when younger. That's why I included it. I can't see why anyone would think/call it sexist or politically incorrect, let alone racist.

No, not at all. It's just something I've found is a bigger thing (if you'll pardon the pun) when younger. That's why I included it. I can't see why anyone would think/call it sexist or politically incorrect, let alone racist.
Of course it's racist. Singling people out by race because you think their race attributes to them being attractive is the same as singling people out by race because you think their race attributes to them being ugly.

We don't identify racism as such when it's directed toward the positive, but we always do when the same type of discriminatory selection is used toward the negative.

No it doesn't. You're not a mysoginist because you're a gay man any more than you're a misanthrope because you're asexual. Finding a race/type/gender/etc attractive or not isn't close to hating/loving them.