Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Aparajito (1956)

This middle installment of The Apu Trilogy was not as powerful for me as the first, but it is still brilliant filmmaking. I thought this movie was a little more predictable in some aspects, but it still does a fantastic job at putting the viewer into it's world. I'm looking forward to part 3 in a few days.

Lilo & Stitch (2002)

Ohana means family...

I didn't like this too much last time I watched it and though it was better this time around I still have a feeling of something not being quite right. At times I feel rather alienated from the film and the emotion it wants to put forward. It reminde me of The Emperor's New Groove with its hectic, crazy and fragmented style. But this film does deliver its emotional punch a bit better, which has also been mostly abscent with the last few films.

What Lilo & Stitch does really great is the underlying layer of heart and deep character studies. Even though the film is very surfaced and energetic everything underneath is what impacts you. The sister who struggles to raise her smaller sister on her own, balancing job and private life on an uneven fundament. You really feel with her character and see how frustrated and broken she is inside. Lilo is also a character easily paralleled to the real world, with her different personality and clear signs of lonliness, search for comfort and of course a calmer and easier life.

But unfortunately all this is under the surface and often very subtle, while the surface is action-packed, odd, wicked and just downright mad. The story is also very all over the place and I agree with a critic saying it felt like a television show or short idea(s) developed into a full-length feature. The humor is hit or miss for me and though the movie looks nice, yet again with a new creative style, and sounds nice too, it still doesn't feel quite right to me. I understand if you love this, but personally I can't really get all the way into it.


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The Professionals - 7.5/10

Re-watch. The writing is great, wish there was a bit more. I could care less about the action, or the many minutes of no dialogue.

Hidden (2015) - The Duffer Brothers

-Slow and silent flick with cool acting... the first 30 minute are kinda boring but the next 60min are nice imo. The ending is definitely the best part of this flick tho
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Welcome to the human race...
Ok, ok. Guys please don't get mad. I have in mind all those things, but still for some reason I enjoyed Kung Fury. I didn't think the lasers, explosions and dinosaur were there to make it look cooler, I thought it was there only to add to the ridiculousness and stupidity of the plot. I didn't say I viewed it as a "so-bad-it's-good", I viewed it as a "so-ridiculous-it's-good".
Yeah, I'll concede that "ridiculous" is a more suitable descriptor than "cool", but even so the ridiculous nature of the film still managed to feel forced and unfocused in ways that didn't prove amusing. It just lacks the spark.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Ok, finally watched If I Stay last night with my gf. I was expecting the absolute worst and made sure booze and THC were flowing steadily throughout my body before PLAY was touched. These kind of movies are not normally my thing and didn't expect this particular film to be any different.

That said, I was pleasantly surprised. Certainly not the train wreck I was anticipating. I thought at times it was far too melodramatic and manipulating, but I dug several aspects of the movie, especially the girl's parents and their relationship. I'm sick and tired of every parent in movies being virtual clones. It's refreshing to see lively, free-willed, foul-mouthed, hip, rocker parents. There's a lot more of them out there than cinema portrays, so it's a great change of pace to see those characteristics. There were two scenes that stood out involving the parents.

The first was when the mother came home one day and found the father sitting in the hall in the dark listening to his daughter playing the cello from another room. The look on his face was one of anguish, like, "Would she please stop playing that damn thing!" And those really were partially his thoughts. He told his wife she's been playing all day. She asked if he wanted her to go tell her to knock it off. He told her no and explained that while it's annoying, he's never seen her or anyone else so passionate about something, and while it was aggravating to hear the instrument hours on end, he liked seeing her doing something she loved so much. To me, that was the best scene of the movie and showed the genuine love he had for his little girl.

The second scene involving her parents that I liked was between her and her mother. It was when she came home the day after New Year's Eve after enduring something highly emotional. She saw the pain in her eyes and kicked everyone out of the kitchen so they could talk. The conversation they had was very cool and just what you'd expect from a mother of her persona: gentle tough, and real. It was some of the best parenting advice I've ever heard in both film and real life.

There was also two moving scenes between the main character and her grandfather, but I don't want to give the impression the entire movie is bout the main character and her family. It's important, but most of the film centers around her and a young man she meets and their ensuing relationship. I certainly enjoyed the family aspect of the film, but the romance side wasn't bad. My biggest complaint with movies like this is the male lead. Usually the character is some arrogant, pretentious moron that makes me want to throw my toaster at the tv. The male lead in this one was actually fairly decent and didn't raise my blood temperature too high. Both him and their relationship didn't sail too far into the Sea of Cheese and found a nice balance between entertaining adults and teens.

The star of the movie was Mia, played by Chloe Grace Moretz. Moretz packed in a fairly strong performance. The movie was a good vehicle to display her acting prowess. Not sure if she can excel outside the rom-com genre but I definitely enjoyed her here. There really wasn't any part of the film where I thought her acting was too fake. Most of it was pretty believable and enjoyed her character.

Overall, as dirty, embarrassed, and shameful as I feel about saying this, I enjoyed If I Stay. I will vehemently deny this around my male friends and instead tell a fart joke followed by a manly fist-bump. But yeah, this will secretly be a movie I found appealing and may watch it again in a few years alone in the dark with the curtains pulled to.

I'll give this one a 2.5, possibly 3, out of 5 star rating. That may sound a little low considering the positive things I said about it, but if you knew me you'd know that's a stellar score on my part for a rom-com.

I just realized I wrote a lengthy review and said good things about a rom-com and will promptly go see a psychiatrist tomorrow just to make sure everything is ok in Brain Land.
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
Nameless here for evermore.

Edgar Allan Poe

The Act of Killing (2012)

I had high hopes for this, thinking it could potentially be one of my favorite documentaries. It didn't quite make it there, but it was still far from a disappointment. The best thing about it is that these savages have allowed the rest of the world to see what they are. The whole idea behind the movie is brilliant, and it is beautifully shot which is a nice contrast to the horror of the subject matter.

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Pather Panchali - 8/10

Great film about a film dealing with poverty, etc... The women are more interesting in this film; not sure how soon I'll finish the trilogy. Most films are in the perspective of a man, and I'm a man, and I've seen enough, and would have rather had a different outcome.

Just Another Love Story (2007) - Ole Bornedal

Had the elements in terms of the plot and all but somehow the characters were not properly built and ultimately it almost had nothing to offer...

5.5 out of 10
To Suggest Is To Create, To Name Is To Destroy

Notes On A Scandal (2006) - Richard Eyre

A very touchy and delicate film that could also suddenly turn out to be gross and dull...Love such films that make it so much difficult to take a stand...great script and acting.

8.5 out of 10

Unbreakable (2000) - Mr.Night Shyamalan

- This is one hell of a great flick wow man I cannot even realize this is actually a Shyamalan movie... The cast is red hot, the storyline and that ending dude it's great as hell. I love the comic book mention throughout the movie and some part was totally amazing. Shyamalan best flick for sure and imo an hidden masterpiece of the 2000's. Well done.

Sophie Scholl: The Final Days (2005) - Marc Rothemund

Didn't much care about this one as a film...the story was, otherwise, inspirational and all that...no complains about that...

6 out of 10