Which Movie Had The Worst Ending and No Sequal?


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Uh... Donnie Darko, City of Angels, Castaway, House on Haunted Hill, ...pick one. Know of any movies I didn't mention? Post Here!

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by SweetNocturna

Uh... Donnie Darko, City of Angels, Castaway, House on Haunted Hill, ...pick one. Know of any movies I didn't mention? Post Here!
Donnie Darko???? Donnie???? One of the best films in years. I recommend a second viewing, as I didn't like it very much at first. I love everything about that film. Ok, we have established our tastes are different, so now I'll list something on topic

Films with poor endings:

Lost Highway (I love Lynch, but he missed here)
The Hulk (I wanted a cable to bite through to end my pain)
League of Extraordinary Gentleman

There are three that come to mind, I'm sure there are more. As for a sequel, I am having trouble seeing a correlation between a film having a good or bad ending and whether or not it has a sequel. How are these items related?
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Originally Posted by Sedai
Lost Highway (I love Lynch, but he missed here)
I like the ending of Lost Highway, sure it could have been beter, but it wasn't bad.

Signs has one of the worst, biggest let downs for an ending, ever.

A system of cells interlinked
Ya, right after I posted this I saw you had posted about LH, I figured I might hear about it. I think I'm due for another viewing soon anyway....

Still, I remember the ending being pretty obtuse.

I only watched it last night and feel I need to re-watch it already, its messed with my head

Also, I agree with the ending of The Ninth Gate..

In the Beginning...
Originally Posted by Sedai
The Hulk (I wanted a cable to bite through to end my pain)

WARNING: "The Hulk" spoilers below
Yeah, I thought it was going to end with David Banner screaming and yelling at Bruce and ranting, trying to get him to turn into the Hulk; while Bruce showed enough self-control to keep from from going over the edge. That would have been great: to show how far Bruce had come, and how he had begun to come to grips with his anger. But alas, they opted for the over-the-top, big budget fart bubble ending instead. I swear, when special effects just saturate a film's ending (especially when the majority of the film used them so beautifully as Ang Lee did), it really makes me wonder just how much clout boneheaded, power-that-be executives have on the final product. Ang Lee wouldn't have compromised the story with that ending willingly: not when the entire film up to that point was so solid.

Done ranting.

Originally Posted by Sedai
Donnie Darko???? Donnie???? One of the best films in years. I recommend a second viewing, as I didn't like it very much at first. I love everything about that film. Ok, we have established our tastes are different, so now I'll list something on topic

Films with poor endings:

Lost Highway (I love Lynch, but he missed here)
The Hulk (I wanted a cable to bite through to end my pain)
League of Extraordinary Gentleman

There are three that come to mind, I'm sure there are more. As for a sequel, I am having trouble seeing a correlation between a film having a good or bad ending and whether or not it has a sequel. How are these items related?
I think if a movie had a bad ending and there was a sequel, then it really wouldnt be an end to the storyline. Just guessing here. I hated the ending to Titanic, except for the fact that when it ended I got to leave.
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Originally Posted by SweetNocturna

Uh... Donnie Darko, City of Angels, Castaway, House on Haunted Hill, ...pick one. Know of any movies I didn't mention? Post Here!

Eyes wide shut was the worst movie ever and it had the worst ending.

Man the movie was too long and depressing and boring and the ending was horrible!I did not like it at all!
Another movie is "The Truman Show" disapointing ending it would be fun to see how he acted in the real world and got to see his girlfriend and all it as so good until the end!I was screaming for more but none!It is so unfair!and there was no sequals to them either!Well that is all see you around!JM Oh and "What ever Happen to Baby Jane" I wanted to see if Jane's sister was dead or not it just ended with a ? it was annoying for such a great movie like that!
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Here's a bad movie: Cube 2: Hypercube. Nothing in it makes sense. it has no plot. The ending made me want to stab the director with a fork until he'd go back to the studio the movie was made at and burn it down. I hate everything about it. Another movie with a similar ending: Deep Evil. While it was ok to watch the ending got me mad. Nitzer angry. Nitzer kill. Nitzer smash.
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

Originally Posted by Nitzer
Here's a bad movie: Cube 2: Hypercube. Nothing in it makes sense. it has no plot. The ending made me want to stab the director with a fork until he'd go back to the studio the movie was made at and burn it down. I hate everything about it. Another movie with a similar ending: Deep Evil. While it was ok to watch the ending got me mad. Nitzer angry. Nitzer kill. Nitzer smash.
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