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Welcome to the human race...
Johnny Guitar -

Pretty standard Western, though the players and director do lend it some character.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Knock Knock (2015) - Eli Roth

- A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!!!!! This movie is so d*mn genius hahahah. Once again so much funch while watching this flick. Eli Roth is the man ladies and gentlemen. The storyline is pure gold, Keanu is totally hilarious and the two crazy chicks are totally hot and insane! Probably my favorite watch so far this year in term of fun and entertainement. Guys this movie rock for real. Btw Keanu I don't blame you those two chicks are so freakin' hot I would do the same thing (sorry if that upset someone ).
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Mr Poppers Penguins.
This came on last night.
I don't mind Jim Carrey.

Family movie and managed to get through it okay.

Not the usual movie you see from Reeves but.....okay...it is so weird
Sold. Plus deevee and Apple enjoying it makes it sound like a winner.

Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film (2006)

The title of this documentary is self-explanatory. It's really cool seeing a bit of the history and behind the scenes kind of stuff from all kinds of slashers like the greats Halloween, Friday the 13th, and Scream, and then everything before and in-between like Peeping Tom, Sleepaway Camp, and Slumber Party Massacre. If you have a favorite slasher, it probably gets a mention in this movie. You hear from giants of the industry like Carpenter, Craven, Savini, Zombie, and many more. It shows many of the famous scenes and the thought process behind them. For slasher fans, it's a lot of fun and it's on YouTube. A nice recommendation by HK.

Glad you liked it, cricket. I've only seen it a couple of times, but it's one of those documentaries I can put on at any time and watch it just like any other film.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I think you're right, Camo. I also think that after you watch thousands of films, including many masterpieces, the grading level gets tougher. Plus, after you've seen so many of the same situations, betrayals - it would have been different if I saw "My Darling Clementine" 15 years ago, then saw others that were like it, and then maybe the grading would be a bit different.

The Green Inferno (2015) - Eli Roth

- Let's start by saying that this movie is cool as hell! Whole fun ride like every Eli Roth flick and gory stuff that I adore. I appreciate this one a lot better than Cannibal Holocaust. The Cast is very nice and entertaining, The direction is awesome with a lot of awesome random kills . I don't remember the last time I have so much fun watching an horror movie. Good Job Mr.Roth!
Yeah i gotta see The Green Inferno now lol

I got a taste of Roth, and I strangely want more now....

The Human Condition 1: No Greater Love (1959) - Masaki Kobayashi

The Human Condition 2: Road to Eternity (1959)

The Human Condition 3: A Soldier's Prayer (1961)

Kobayashi's 'effort' of making a war epic and the best thing is he 'almost' pulled up one...

for some it might be a bit too long though...

8.5 out of 10
To Suggest Is To Create, To Name Is To Destroy

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Charlie Wilson's War
++ always amazes me every time I go into a Tom Hank's movie with any kind of reservation, for what ever reason, and it dispersing within the first ten minutes and this was no different. Seymour was excellent and I actually tolerated Roberts. Which is not often.

An amusing side-effect: I was DYING for a whiskey on the rocks around half way through this

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Johnny Guitar -

Pretty standard Western, though the players and director do lend it some character.
If you think Johnny Guitar is a standard western, you should watch more westerns!

Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)

A beautiul and spell-binding small scale poetry piece of big scale real world problems

This is such an extraordinary film in the most literal sense of the word, because I have never seen a movie quite like this one, ever. We follow this little girl, Hushpuppy, and view the world and all life in it through her eyes and her mind, while learning about her own understandings and the innocence, social differences, life perceptions, enviromental issues and God knows what else is crammed into this fantastic and poetic masterpiece! A captivating soundtrack, stunning visuals, great acting... What a film!

I guarantee this movie is going to have a place on my eventual Top 100, that's for sure. Who's the man? Benh Zeitlin's the man!

Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)

A beautiul and spell-binding small scale poetry piece of big scale real world problems

This is such an extraordinary film in the most literal sense of the word, because I have never seen a movie quite like this one, ever. We follow this little girl, Hushpuppy, and view the world and all life in it through her eyes and her mind, while learning about her own understandings and the innocence, social differences, life perceptions, enviromental issues and God knows what else is crammed into this fantastic and poetic masterpiece! A captivating soundtrack, stunning visuals, great acting... What a film!

I guarantee this movie is going to have a place on my eventual Top 100, that's for sure. Who's the man? Benh Zeitlin's the man!

Oh! I absolutely loved it...one of the greatest films ever made...

Wrong Cops (2013)

Oh, have I got something weird for you today, guys! Wrong Cops is not at all what the trailer might make it out to be. I was fooled myself. I thought I was getting your average cop comedy. Instead I got what I'm struggling to describe as anything other than Let's Be Cops meets Stanley Kubrick on drugs.

So the premise starts off fairly simple. There are some unrealistically corrupt cops. Everyone acts as if the concept of law is non-existent and yet there is a police service. At no point is there actual police work shown in this movie. In fact, the general public is depicted as perfectly normal people, just going about their business while the police are the criminals. They sell weed, hire transvestite hookers, shoot innocent people and screw each other over to get an advantage.

The structure of the movie is very much non-standard. Very often you will see a weird situation having taken place and only some time later it will be explained, in several parts, mind you, in flashbacks.

The cinematography, style and editing are straight on weird in this. Some shots end with a freeze frame for no apparent reason, there are some close ups straight out of 60's martial arts movies, the colors are washed out a bit and the shots are slightly blurry everywhere but the center of the frame. The last two things are probably not part of the style, though, but the result of a low budget.

One important theme emphasized throughout the flick is the cheap, tacky, generic techno music everyone listens to. Not just the young people, everyone. Characters explain several times why it's brilliant. I believe it's supposed to underline the fact that although the world depicted in Wrong Cops might be perfectly fine at first glance, when you look at it deeper, you notice that something is off, that it's not a depiction of reality as we know it.

By the end the film gets weirder and weirder with a character explaining at a funeral why being dead is actually better because this world is actually hell and dying means moving on to a better place. Considering all the less-than-subtle clues that the depicted world is in fact distorted, perhaps Wrong Cops is actually a subtle depiction of the world as hell although it doesn't seem like it, making it an interesting commentary on our existence.

Or maybe it's some crazy pretentious crap, I don't know. Either way, it actually got my attention more than your average cop comedy would.

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