Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Training Day (2001) - Antoine Fuqua
A crime/gangster film that poses a lot of interesting questions ... and then ignores them all in favour of a very standard Hollywood ending. This is one of Denzel Washington's best performances and overall it's got a lot going for it - I just felt a bit disappointed by the ending which stopped it from being great.

A favorite of mine!! Ethan Hawke and Denzel are brilliant in it

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Neil Young: Heart of Gold (2006) - Jonathan Demme
I find it difficult to judge a concert movie as a movie - it really comes down to whether I like the performer and whether they put in a good performance. Demme is a well known director but does he really play a part in whether someone likes this or not? I like Young and he performs well so it's a great movie ... Demme could make exactly the same film with Celine Dion and I would consider it to be one of the worst movies ever made ... Anyway, this is great. Young has such an amazing voice and is one of the great songwriters so I'd recommend it to anyone.

I feel the same way... It's hard to rate documentaries - it's either "watch it" or "don't watch it" - Also, if someone off the street were to film Neil Young, I'd recommend it.

Brimming with rififi!
Gangs of Wasseypur Part I

Gritty, stylish, and, at times, hilarious. Definitely one to add to the gangster film pantheon.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
2/10 - Very disappointed. The worst film I ever saw on TCM, though it's still the best channel for film BY FAR. I'm especially disappointed because the theme of this film (dehumanization) is a theme very important to me. The description seemed great, and I put this film ahead of many others, and it was a total dud. I had the same feeling after the last film I saw in a (drive-in) theatre, "Elysium"

Where the hell is the script? Nixon wrote much of it himself (speech excerpts). This film is just "looks" and "special effects" - I just hope this film doesn't make me avoid sci-fi altogether.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Training Day (2001) - Antoine Fuqua
A crime/gangster film that poses a lot of interesting questions ... and then ignores them all in favour of a very standard Hollywood ending. This is one of Denzel Washington's best performances and overall it's got a lot going for it - I just felt a bit disappointed by the ending which stopped it from being great.

Perfectly put. Training Day is great till the last third when it becomes weak sauce.

I have to return some videotapes.


Everything I wanted Inception to be. It's puzzling, twisty, and leaves you on the edge of your seat. This is finally an actual Nolan film that I can say I loved (Outside of the Batman movies, but that was mostly because of Bale and my love for the character). The way he told the story was just so perfect and finding out that he came up with this out of thin air was jaw dropping... or atleast knowing his brother did.

If you like thrillers, I strongly recommend this to you. I like to guess what the ending is, and I think I had 5 different guesses the entire movie and all 5 were completely wrong. I can already tell that it's going to still carry its weight after rewatches as I still can't fully understand everything that went on.

Surprisingly, Memento reminded me of American Psycho. It was a great character study, and by the end showed how f*cked up the main person really is. It obviously isn't as enjoyable to me as American Psycho.. atleast yet, but I can say that it was my favorite Nolan outside of the Batmans.

It's hard to give really high ratings to first watches, which is why usually i'd cap it at 4's if I really loved a first watch and then come back to it soon to get a true rating on how it held up after a 2nd watch.


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Tonight was a double feature The Gunslinger would be proud of. Although he will hate one of my ratings.


My fourth Kurosawa. I am not admitting defeat yet but so far the man is not for me. This movie is all about the human condition, so it is primed for me to love it. I just find nothing to grab a hold of. The overacting bothers me. I find the characters and dialogue very dull. The plot itself is good and I like the setting of the temple in the rain. The final scene and the story from the dead man's point of view were okay for me. I am just not finding a lot compelling about Kurosawa's films but will keep watching a couple a year until something sticks.

Lynch has been a very mixed bag for me. A couple of his movies I think are pretty good and there are a couple I really disliked. This is my favorite by far. It is no surprise because it is all but a Twin Peaks prequel and I loved the first season and a half of that show. Hopper is outstanding. The music is really good and there are some great visual flourishes. The second half hour lost me a bit but it came back around in a big way. Will definitely check this out again and see if I can bump that star rating a notch.


Glad you like Memento man!!
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Rio Lobo (1970)

Not my favorite John Wayne movie and certainly not my favorite Howard Hawks movie by a mile. This is his third take on basically the same story he told in Rio Bravo and El Dorado, but this is nowhere near as good as those. Still, after a slow, unnecessary first half hour involving some of the characters in the Civil War it takes a turn and gets better. Wayne is good, and Jack Elam is great once he appears. Almost all the other actors in the film are wooden as a stump. Sherry Lansing, who was once the head of Paramount Pictures, has a small part in the film and is not bad and was quite beautiful in her youth. I give it the rating I do because of Wayne, Hawks, and Elam.

In Like Flint (1967)

Lighthearted spy spoof with a suave James Coburn as Derek Flint, who works as a spy for the government and stumbles onto a plot by an organization of women who plan to load a space platform with nukes so they can rule the world by threat. Lots of laughs and Coburn is loads of fun as the genius, martial arts wielding, dolphin-talking (have to see to appreciate) spy. And you have not lived until you've seen Lee J. Cobb in drag!

Bank Shot (1974)

George C. Scott is the star of this extremely laid back comedy about a plan to rob a bank, which then turns into a plan to steal the bank because it's temporarily housed in a trailer while the actual bank is being repaired. Good stuff, with support from Joanna Cassidy, Sorrell Booke (Boss Hogg from "The Dukes of Hazzard"), Clifton James, Frank McRae, Don Calfa, (all great character actors) and a very young Bob Balaban. Neat to see George C. Scott do some fun 70's fluff.

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Not as bad as I thought it was going to be but not that graphic in the S&M/sex department(and I watched the 'unseen' edition that was released on blu-ray), was laughing at what the 'worst S&M' element was... and thank god the singer Rita Ora had only seconds on screen.

Smiles of a Summer Night (1955)


I didn't know anything about this movie except that it was directed by Ingmar Bergman, and it was labeled as a comedy. My expectations were very limited. Once again, I learned not to doubt a great director.

There's a few main characters in this movie. You have the older distinguished lawyer and his very young second wife. You have his son who is studying to become a minister, and who has a bit of a relationship with the hot Swedish servant. Then you have the lawyer's ex-girlfriend; a famous actress who he dated between his two wives. She is currently having an affair with a married army officer. So the lawyer and his wife, the son and the servant, the actress, her lover and his wife, all get invited by the mother of the actress to spend a night at their country home. Complications arise. I enjoyed all of the characters and performances, it's filmed beautifully, and has an excellent musical score.

This is the earliest Bergman movie I have seen to date. It is not at all like his other famous films that I have seen. I thought it was not unlike a classic Hollywood movie, except in a foreign language. I'm wondering if he had more movies like this, or if he just suddenly and radically changed his style. Either way, I now have even more respect for this great director, now that I have seen this type of variety. This is a highly acclaimed film; it's on the Ebert great movie list, and in 2005, Time magazine named it one of the top 100 movies since 1923. I am very curious as to how other members feel about this movie, especially big Bergman fans.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I just qued this on Hulu the other night Cricket, I hadn't heard of it either. I will push it to the top of my viewing list. Might even be able to see it tonight.

Master of My Domain
My fourth Kurosawa. I am not admitting defeat yet but so far the man is not for me. This movie is all about the human condition, so it is primed for me to love it. I just find nothing to grab a hold of. The overacting bothers me. I find the characters and dialogue very dull. The plot itself is good and I like the setting of the temple in the rain. The final scene and the story from the dead man's point of view were okay for me. I am just not finding a lot compelling about Kurosawa's films but will keep watching a couple a year until something sticks.
...excuse me while I blow my brains out

Really sad you didn't like it Sean, hope you have better luck next time... though I am kind of relieved to see an at least slightly positive reaction to Blue Velvet.

Two wordsustin Hoffman!
7/10. Very good movie(but not excellent). Excellent performance from Hoffman( as usual). Ok performance by Dunuway.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Really sad you didn't like it Sean, hope you have better luck next time... though I am kind of relieved to see an at least slightly positive reaction to Blue Velvet.
Slightly positive? I gave it 4/5. 2.5/5 is slightly positive. It will probably make my soundtrack list that Iroquois is doing as well. Recent watches have a very unfair advantage on my list because I don't think about music in film as much as most. That's the way it goes though, I loved the music in Blue Velvet.