The MoFo Top 100 of the 60s: Countdown

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Master of My Domain
If only Plan 9 was released a year later...
But an extra year of production would result in decent quality... which we don't want. So-bad-it's-good ftw!

Guap, I'm thinking of ten numbers from 1 to 10 in a certain reverse order. What are they? If you even get the first number, I'd be impressed.
I was using a prediction model based on the information I had regarding the movie's popularity. You are talking about something very different now: paranormal powers.

1)Movie's positions on the IMDB top 250 are a very good predictor in these kind of polls.

2)While the number of total votes are also good information regarding how well known a movie is. I would expect movies with the highest number of total votes to be placed higher than movies with same score but lower number of total votes.

3) The distribution of votes among scores is also important: a movie Alpha with 50% votes at 10 and 50% at 6 will have average score of 8. A movie Beta with 50% of votes at 8 will have the same average score. However, Alpha will probably show up more in top favorite lists than Beta.

You gonna fail next time. Graduate will be higher for sure, trust me!
I guess. I didn't know The Graduate was that popular. I watched it many years ago, it's a nice Hollywood, very similar to The Apartment in some ways: both movies talk about young adult loneliness. Though I actually prefer The Apartment.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I have been waiting for The Apartment. I see I was the only person that had it number one. I never saw it till coming to MoFo. I fell in love with it immediately. I had seen Lemmon an MacLaine before but this have me a new appreciation for both. Especially MacLaine who I know find to be one of the cutest most endearing actresses ever. I nominated it for a HOF and after it won watched it again and put it in my top ten. I think it will be a long time before something knocks it off. I find it delightful despite the heavy themes it carries. Very excited it made our top ten.

Hopefully Spaulding will be along to write a much better ode to this masterpiece.

Personally, I see the Top 10 as looking something like this:

1. Psycho
2. Lawrence of Arabia
3. 2001
4. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
5. Dr. Strangelove
6. The Graduate
7. Once Upon a Time in the West
8. The Apartment
9. Rosemary's Baby
10. Midnight Cowboy

Personally, I see the Top 10 as looking something like this:

1. Psycho
2. Lawrence of Arabia
3. 2001
4. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
5. Dr. Strangelove
6. The Graduate
7. Once Upon a Time in the West
8. The Apartment
9. Rosemary's Baby
10. Midnight Cowboy
Hum, let's compare using IMDB data:

----------------- Psycho ------------- TGTBTU -------- Lawrence of Arabia ---- 2001
Avr. score --- 8.6 ------------------ 8.9 ---------------- 8.4 ------------------------ 8.3
N votes ------ 373,000 ------------ 450,000 --------- 171,000 ------------------ 375,000
% 10 votes -- 26.1 ----------------- 39.9 -------------- 29.5 ---------------------- 32.9

------------ Dr. Strangelove ------- The Graduate -------- Once Upon a Time in the West
Avr. score --- 8.5 ------------------- 8.0 ----------------------- 8.6
N votes ------ 310,000 ------------- 195,000 ---------------- 193,000
% 10 votes -- 32.2- ----------------- 17.8 -------------------- 31.7

So, if you go by IMDB data, TGTBTU will win 1st place (in statistical terms it's a monster of a movie: 40% of people rated it 10/10!) and the Graduate should show up next.

It's also possible that Dr. Strangelove and 2001 might show up higher than Psycho. Lawrence of Arabia also might show up very high but nothing is clear now. From this data is appears something like this will be the ordering:

2. 2001
3. Dr. Strangelove
4. Psycho
5. Once Upon a Time in the West
6. Lawrence of Arabia
7. The Graduate

Notice that also the people who vote here are from the same population as those who rate movies on the IMDB (english speaking movie fans).

IMDb ratings don't mean anything, Goodfellas and The Shining weren't the highest rated 90s/80s movies.

I think Psycho will probably be #1 because

A. It's Psycho.
B. It's Hitchcock AND it's a horror film - to end all horror films - and it's been stated how there's a lot of horror fans on this site.
C. Psycho just SCREAMS '60s.

But I guess I could be wrong.

I'm not real certain that Lawrence of Arabia is gonna be high... but it's one of those movies that gets a lot of high praise and it's also very '60s.

2001 is Kubrick -- but it's not a HORROR Kubrick, like The Shining was. Also there's people here who don't think it's that good.

I don't know. I was joking when I said I used math for my millennium guessing. It was mostly intuition based on what I knew to be very popular, without listening to what everyone else was saying.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Psycho must be number #1, because a true masterpiece can never win a MoFo Countdown.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

So, Guap. it's not random.

Here's the result I got from putting the remaining films in, If this was right that'd be random, and I'd be impressed
  1. 2001
  2. The Graduate
  3. Psycho
  4. Lawrence of Arabia
  5. Dr. Strangelove
  6. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
  7. Once Upon a Time in the West
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Everything is a random generator. We're all random. That's why I don't care to bother with those random generator sites when I do my Song Tournaments -- I'm just as random as those dumb things. I prefer my randomness to something else's.

IMDb ratings don't mean anything,
That's a very strong assertion.

Goodfellas and The Shining weren't the highest rated 90s/80s movies.
Goodfellas was the second highest rated 90's movie. So it worked quite well for that one. Nobody was expecting The Shining to win the 80's though.

Both Rosemary's Baby and The Apartment were the 2 movies I didn't vote for in the projected-top 10. So I'm pretty certain that the rest of the movies revealed will be ones I voted for.

Also, in a way I kinda want the movie I voted number 2 to be number 1. I guess just cause it would be a bit more surprising, and it definitely deserves it, then again so does the number 1, I don't know.

I think Psycho will probably be #1 because

A. It's Psycho.
B. It's Hitchcock AND it's a horror film - to end all horror films - and it's been stated how there's a lot of horror fans on this site.
C. Psycho just SCREAMS '60s.

But I guess I could be wrong.

I'm not real certain that Lawrence of Arabia is gonna be high... but it's one of those movies that gets a lot of high praise and it's also very '60s.

2001 is Kubrick -- but it's not a HORROR Kubrick, like The Shining was. Also there's people here who don't think it's that good.

I don't know. I was joking when I said I used math for my millennium guessing. It was mostly intuition based on what I knew to be very popular, without listening to what everyone else was saying.
I guess you might be right that Psycho is going to win. 2001 is a love or hate movie, but you don't need for a movie to be in everybody's lists for it to win, by being only in a large fraction of the lists the movie already wins.

Well I didn't have The Shining for my 1980's list, neither Goodfellas for my 1990's list (though I don't remember it now). I guess if it is not on my list it has a high chance of winning.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
If only Plan 9 was released a year later...
But there is still hope for TISCWSLABMUZ!!?


Ha! That means the Top 7 will be composed entirely of films that were on my list!