Swan's Movie Commentaries

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There is nothing redeemable about this movie. I give it half a point because I think the twist is humorously fun, but honestly, it's not even enjoyable to watch. It's just boring, for the most part. There are plenty of worse movies out there, but because it's so incredibly dull, that makes me dislike it more than any of those.

However, I'm glad I had someone to watch it with me so I wasn't bored out of my mind. Thanks Cole!

I have to return some videotapes.
Thanks for doing this, Swannie! I was expecting something good though, my Godmother who is an extreme horror buff said that this is one of her favorite guilty pleasures because she hates dolls as well.

Yeah, I know plenty of weirdos who like this movie for some reason.

I have to return some videotapes.
I've never seen this. I'm scared of puppets, like legitimately phobic in a psychological way. Moderately fun read though.
Hah thanks. It got pretty weird but I think they could have made it a LOT better. The plot wasn't all that bad..

Aw. I've had this sat on the shelf since it came out and I've still not watched it. I'd have done this if I was about.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I still think about the first two movies every time I get on a plane, take an elevator, stand next to a propane BBQ, and or drive past a logging haul.