
Hello my MoFos. I feel I should bid you all a little adieu just now. I have my colonoscopy tomorrow and am just about to take my laxatives in a while. As a result this evening I imagine I will be...otherwise indisposed shall we say. Then tomorrow I've got the actual procedure and the sedation can apparently leave you feeling a bit loopy and out of it for a day or two depending on your reaction. So I may be offline for a 2-3 days depending on how it goes

Keep your fingers crossed that I come through it ok. It's not so much that I'm bothered about dying, I'd just rather not die with a tube up with arse!
Good lucky buddy.

I have my colonoscopy tomorrow and am just about to take my laxatives in a while.
Now there's a sentence you don't see everyday around here.

Originally Posted by JayDee
As a result this evening I imagine I will be...otherwise indisposed shall we say.
Oh? Writing another long ass review?

Keep your fingers crossed that I come through it ok. It's not so much that I'm bothered about dying, I'd just rather not die with a tube up my arse!
Well, one day you're gonna have to die, anyway -- if you die like that, at least it's hilarious. People will be talking about it forever. "Oh, you remember JayDee? Yes, the fella who died during the colonoscopy with a tube up his butt. Yes." How many people get to die like that??? Don't fear dying during the procedure -- pray it happens! One -- nobody will have to suffer through anymore of your reviews. Two -- what a way to go! What if there's a serious malpractice suit and your life turns into a TV movie??? Or better yet, an Oscar winning movie. Jonah Hill will finally win an Oscar for dying with a tube up his bum! THINK OF THE MOVIE, JAYDEE!!!!! THINK OF THE MOVIE!!!!!!!

And, just in case you live, you better write a lengthy writeup about it all. I'd actually read that. Yes.

Yes, you must do a lengthy writeup. And it must be extremely, disturbingly detailed.

Yes, you must do a lengthy writeup. And it must be extremely, disturbingly detailed.
For all those coprophilia fantasies of course.

Yes, you must do a lengthy writeup. And it must be extremely, disturbingly detailed.
For all those coprophilia fantasies of course.
Well, you KNOW it would win "Best Post" at next year's MoFies ceremony.

i would tell you the story so far but i dont know if you are going to read it and in that case, i dont want to ruin it for you...

Oh, dear God.....

42 minutes into HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES (I'm just now finally watching it) and I'm ready for it to be over.

I liked the Captain Spaulding scenes at the beginning (I guess...) but as soon as Sheri Moon Zombie enters the picture, it becomes massively annoying.

Ugh. This is just stupid, sick, childish, immature crap. Captain Spaulding, how could you like this?!

To think that man made fun of my MANNEQUIN.

I thought Cap grew out of those films, and was posting as Spaulding more for show? I remember talking to him about them and that was the impression I got. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

I don't know. He told me he wanted me to watch DEVIL's REJECTS and post my thoughts. Which I will be doing soon. I just wanted to watch this one first.

Anyway, I must note this -- I find it funny that Captain Spaulding in this movie drives a pink Cadillac. So does Hollywood Montrose, the gay guy in MANNEQUIN.

For the record, Devil's Rejects isn't nearly as bad as House of 1000 Corpses. Some people even consider it good - though they'd be wrong.

For the record, Devil's Rejects isn't nearly as bad as House of 1000 Corpses. Some people even consider it good - though they'd be wrong.
Yeah, I know. I saw part of it in the past and I thought it seemed better, too.

Anyway, I finished HOUSE.

I don't know. I might give it a