Bad Oscar Winning Performances


Sean Penn in Mystic River was a surprise. He was there for only 30 mins in the movie. The whole movie revolved around Tim Robbins, and he was fantastic in it!
My Favorite Films

Sean Penn in Mystic River was a surprise. He was there for only 30 mins in the movie. The whole movie revolved around Tim Robbins, and he was fantastic in it!
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Welcome to the human race...
Having watched Mystic River for the first time last night, I'm inclined to agree. That bit where he's all "My daughter's in there!" has Nicolas Cage written all over it (speaking of which, not too sure how he ended up winning for Leaving Las Vegas either).

While I liked Waltz well enough in Django Unchained, I was still surprised to see him win when his character was a more heroic retread of his Inglourious Basterds character. That being said, I don't think DiCaprio deserved a nomination either just because he took his usual bag of acting tricks and deep-fried them with a Southern accent.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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