Post cold war---Russians return as bad guys in Hollywood


Among the various reasons the author has given for Hollywood's newfound dislike for Russians , he has forgotten the main one---the Russians are now bad because of the newfound aggro of Russian president Vladimir Putin in Ukraine and Crimea , which has directly pitted Russia against the United States and the west .

Master of My Domain
Russia will always be one of the main bad guys in movies due to Hollywood's obsession with creating propaganda for the mainstream.

Registered User
Hollywood's likely hesitant to cast China as a "bad guy" in films to avoid getting the film banned in China, seeing as they have a large film market. Russia doesn't have the kind of film market that China does, so they'll end up being a go-to bad guy.

Registered User
Among the various reasons the author has given for Hollywood's newfound dislike for Russians , he has forgotten the main one---the Russians are now bad because of the newfound aggro of Russian president Vladimir Putin in Ukraine and Crimea , which has directly pitted Russia against the United States and the west .
And nearly every Russian villain is named "Vladmir".

Well it's a fitting name for a villain, since it it's shared by Vlad the Impaler (who Dracula was also based on).