The Real story behind The Texas Chainsaw Massacre


I See You When You're Sleeping
The reaction as told by Morrissey (and not me)

Cemetry Gates
The Smiths

You say : "'Ere thrice the sun done salutation to the dawn"
And you claim these words as your own
But I've read well, and I've heard them said
A hundred times (maybe less, maybe more)
If you must write prose and poems
The word you use should be your own
Don't plagiarise or take "on loan"
There's always someone, somewhere
With a big nose, who knows
And trips you up and laughs
When you fall
Who'll trip you up and laugh
When you fall

Bruce Campbell Groupie
I'm very interested in all seriel killers, I knew that Ed Gein was an inspiration to Tobe Hopper, Ed Gein is actually the first documented serielkiller, come on people no fighting be nice
Gimme some sugar!

Originally Posted by Knoxville
I'm very interested in all seriel killers, I knew that Ed Gein was an inspiration to Tobe Hopper, Ed Gein is actually the first documented serielkiller, come on people no fighting be nice

If I’m not mistaken, there is a documentary being made about H.H. Holmes aka Doctor Death who was one of the early serial killers in America… Holmes was a con man back in the late 1800’s who worked as a druggist in Chicago and eventually built a hotel there that came to be called “The House of Horrors“.. A fraudulent insurance claim landed him in jail but when they searched his hotel they found torture chambers, vats of acid, airtight rooms with gas jets, rooms filled with surgical equipment, and female skeletons… Homes admitted to 27 murders (I think) but was always suspected of many more. There were several people who attended the Chicago Worlds Fair in 1893 who checked into his hotel but were never heard from again…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Bruce Campbell Groupie
^^^^Thanks for the Info Caitlyn, much appreciated

It was beauty killed the beast.
Technically Ed Gein isn't even a serial killer because he only murdered two people (that we know of).

Like Caitlyn said, H.H. Holmes easily predates Gein, and Jack the Ripper did his "work" just a little before Holmes. Of course, you could go even farther back. Kong watched the film Countess Dracula yesterday and it was based on Elizabeth Bathory who was responsible for the death of 600+ girls who were killed so that Bathory could bathe in their blood for cosmetic reasons. Or you could go even farther back to Vlad the Impaler or even to Caligula
Kong's Reviews:
Stuck On You
Bad Santa


I would say, though, that the first "serial killer" as we've come to recognize the term would be Saucy Jack himself, due to the sensationalization of the killings in the media and the profound effect he had on London society as a whole. Although he didn't create serial killings, he certainly is a near-perfect template for that particular brand of murderer.
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

Has anyone ever read about America’s first known serial killers… the Harp cousins? They went on a killing spree back in the late 1700's and were big time bad news… they even killed their own children.

cradle's Avatar
Registered User
i think a lot of people got off the subject here and turned it into an argument, the point was the informing to us of ed gein. i thought it was very interesting adn a good subject. i was amazed at what all went down with ed gein, i didn't know all that. it's really weird, i mean he was such a horribly person but after learning the background of these people you can't help but to feel kind of sorry for them and the direction their lives took. it's horrible how their minds pretty much turned into machines and went so wrong and were incapable of realiseing it. yet everything they went through and what turned them that way is horrible itself.

I must become Caligari..!
Yeah, Gain was pretty tame... By serial killer standards. as Kong said only 2, And one of them was with a gun if my memory is right, Probebly the most "Overated" serial killer of all time. Andrei Chikatilo, Now thats one one sick Motherf*cker.
It's a god-awful small affair, To the girl with, the mousy hair, But her mummy is yelling "No", and her daddy has told her to go, But her friend is nowhere to be seen, Now she walks through her sunken dream, To the seat with the clearest view, And she's hooked to the silver screen, But the film is a saddening bore, For she's lived it ten times or more...

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Caitlyn
Has anyone ever read about America’s first known serial killers… the Harp cousins? They went on a killing spree back in the late 1700's and were big time bad news… they even killed their own children.
Wow! I hadn't heard of them, and googled some pretty interesting info: here. There are a lot of links at the end of that article to info on other serial killers.
Thanks for the tip!

Mother! Oh, God! Mother! Blood!
Originally Posted by jrs
I got it already!!!!! Geez.....before you know it, my reputation points on here will go down so low just because of this stupid argument.
I'm not sure you did "get it" because the same thing happened Here for The Breakfast Club. You (or someone) deleted the original post, you gave credit to the original author after a few of us questioned you, and you wrote a response to something written on

I was duped twice, as were others, and no where have I seen you do anything but try to defend yourself or act like it's not a big deal. It IS a big deal, and the reactions of other MoFos should make you realize that.
What will happen as a result is certain MoFos will question anything and everything you've written in the past or will write in the future.

Reputation isn't about points or green dots, it's about earning respect for what you write and take credit for, and it's not a "stupid argument."

I'm blown away by how lightly this has been taken, especially because it's happened many other times?
NEW (as of 1/24/05): Quick Reviews #10

Evolution in Progress...
While i am coompletleyyy obliterated from the Beast)milwaukee's best ice) I just wannaa say that I live in the UP.... Right up in Wisconsin and we produce alot of psychopaths like Ed and Dohmmer(Sepelling?), and that is a scary thought. But anyway it is late and I am not done drinking yet... so I'm gonna go back and say happy birthday to my budddy Ross and then I'm gonna go find a couch to slleep on. Goodnight yall
"If there is one sound the follows the march of humanity, it is the scream." David Gemmell

"Some people have a gift for stupidity,an almost mystic ability to withstand any form of logic."-David Gemmell

When I become and Evil Lord dominating all mankind to my will if an advisor says to me "My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do?", I will reply "This." and kill the advisor.