Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Okay fine, don't tell me why. You're prerogative obviously.
Not everything has to be intellectual and deep. Sometimes a good thrill is all that is needed.
And you views on Sharknado vs Jurassic Park officially makes you off your rocker. But hey your opinion.

A Groundbreaking Epic of It's Time About Dinosaurs (1993)

It's been so long since I've seen this. I didn't realise it was so bad. Full of boring cliches and stereotypes, filler dialogue, emotionless monotone acting, implausible events and inconsistencies. What a pile of triceratops manure. I bailed after 12 excruciating minutes. Now I remember why I hadn't watched it for so long.

I've not seen Jurrasic Park since i was about 12, this hilarious review has made me want to see it again. "Hires Newman as the only developer to write 2 million lines of troll code"

A Groundbreaking Epic of It's Time About Dinosaurs (1993)

And I think you're severely underrating it. Yes, it has flaws, but as a thrilling blockbuster adventure movie, I don't think it has dated one single bit.

Practically every major Hollywood production has certain questionable plot turns to it, at the service of delivering more thrills. You always need to have a certain "suspension of disbelief" while watching this kind of movies or otherwise you won't be able to enjoy any of them.

Jurassic Park still is a classic piece of visual entertainment, in my opinion.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Out of the Furnace (2013)

This is a pretty bleak film that's fairly slow moving, but tense. I thought it was very strong all around and the deep cast is excellent. I don't have any negative thoughts at all about it. For me, it falls a little short of greatness due to the lack of any real wow moments to make it memorable, and the very end could've been a little more out of the box. My wife didn't care for it, but I would recommend it definitely.

Yeah, I agree with your wife on this one. I think I originally gave it a

Brimming with rififi!
Alien³ - 3.5/5
I had not seen this film in a very long time, but I always remember it more for its polarized reception than anything else. After giving it another view, I'm a little surprised that reviews are so polarized and that a large number of people despise this entry into the Alien franchise. Despite its flaws--characters are flat, the script is weak, and much of the acting is barely passable--the film is entertaining and moves quickly. The action is well done and there are many intense and thrilling scenes. While the script's dialogue is weak, the film does manage to put forth some interesting themes: religion, faith, feminism, and masculism to name a few.

Ikiru (1952)

My third Kurosawa and more proof that he's a master filmmaker. His movies have grabbed me immediately and they don't let go. This was an excellent, thought provoking movie.

Ikiru (1952)

My third Kurosawa and more proof that he's a master filmmaker. His movies have grabbed me immediately and they don't let go. This was an excellent, thought provoking movie.

That's my favorite Kurosawa, cricket.

A Groundbreaking Epic of It's Time About Dinosaurs (1993)

It's been so long since I've seen this. I didn't realise it was so bad. Full of boring cliches and stereotypes, filler dialogue, emotionless monotone acting, implausible events and inconsistencies. What a pile of triceratops manure. I bailed after 12 excruciating minutes. Now I remember why I hadn't watched it for so long.

How can you judge a film after watching just 12 minutes of it? You don't even get to see the dinosaurs until almost an hour into the film.

How can you judge a film after watching just 12 minutes of it? You don't even get to see the dinosaurs until almost an hour into the film.
He don't know anything. He disses the Rocky movies.

cricket, do you even enjoy any foreign arthouse?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

If I remember correctly, he really liked The Marriage of Maria Braun.

Jurassic Park is boring. Always has been. I'd rather watch The Marriage of Maria Braun again. That's not really a good thing.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

And I think you're severely underrating it. Yes, it has flaws, but as a thrilling blockbuster adventure movie, I don't think it has dated one single bit.

Practically every major Hollywood production has certain questionable plot turns to it, at the service of delivering more thrills. You always need to have a certain "suspension of disbelief" while watching this kind of movies or otherwise you won't be able to enjoy any of them.

Jurassic Park still is a classic piece of visual entertainment, in my opinion.
I expended more suspension of disbelief in the first 12 minutes than I am willing to for any movie ever and still be able to call it "watchable."

How can you judge a film after watching just 12 minutes of it? You don't even get to see the dinosaurs until almost an hour into the film.
Except for the velociraptor in the first scene. And I have seen the entire movie at least 6 times.

Not everything has to be intellectual and deep. Sometimes a good thrill is all that is needed.
Well I don't recall ever making the stipulation that a movie needs to be intellectual and deep. But besides a good thrill, I think a good plot, good acting, good dialogue, and a good amount of realism and plausibility are needed. I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy Jurassic Park. If you like that kind of movie, great. But it's still crap, sorry.

The last movie I watched was NonStop..it was action filled and had a pretty good plot..i give it a 7 out of 10