
Growing up I hated horror films.. I didnt start watching it until I was an adult... about 10 years ago .. I made friends with a young couple...the guy was into extreme horror cinema... like August Underground films... and Salo... We would sit around and talk about the strangest **** in films... they were a cool young couple.... the girl was about 18 yrs old and the guy was in his early 20s.... the girl was friends with my daughter who was about 11 at the time.. we would talk to her at her job... Hot Topic.. then got to the point of hanging out with them.... he worked for Blockbuster and we would rent movies from that location... and met some of their other friends... still friends with most of them still but rarely see them.. its ok. people grow and lives change..

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I find Lecter terrifying in SOTL. Demme also does such a good job of creating atmosphere. The scenes with Starling in the prison give me the creeps just thinking about.

I understand watching horror if it scares you but not if it doesn't. Old school horror has one intention and that is to scare you. To me it would be like saying you love comedy but not because it is amusing. It seems like that is the only purpose. I am sure there is a lot of horror that cares about its characters. The truth is I don't want to wade through the stuff I hate to get there. There is plenty for me to watch outside that genre. I have been suckered into countless horror movies with the promise of being different. I am disappointed every time. Saw, Blair Witch, Final Destination, Paranormal Activity, and The Ring. I have been through at least one of them all. Also sat through many Friday The 13th, Nightmare, and Scream movies. None do a thing for me.

Sexy it sounds like you still have an emotional reaction similar to fear when watching horror. I think for a lot of people when they mature they don't have to check the locks in their house anymore but it still gives them that gut fear in the moment.

I find Lecter terrifying in SOTL. Demme also does such a good job of creating atmosphere. The scenes with Starling in the prison give me the creeps just thinking about.
Not me. I find Lecter and Starling too fascinating to really be creeped out by them.

But on the TV show, Hannibal, which I haven't seen much of -- Lecter seems creepier and darker there. Which I'm not sure is right or wrong.

Originally Posted by seanc
I understand watching horror if it scares you but not if it doesn't. Old school horror has one intention and that is to scare you. To me it would be like saying you love comedy but not because it is amusing. It seems like that is the only purpose. I am sure there is a lot of horror that cares about its characters. The truth is I don't want to wade through the stuff I hate to get there. There is plenty for me to watch outside that genre. I have been suckered into countless horror movies with the promise of being different. I am disappointed every time. Saw, Blair Witch, Final Destination, Paranormal Activity, and The Ring. I have been through at least one of them all. Also sat through many Friday The 13th, Nightmare, and Scream movies. None do a thing for me.
I really don't watch new horror films anymore. I've never seen a Paranormal Activity movie and I don't really care to. I don't really believe in ghosts. I USED to, and the thought of ghosts used to terrify me, but I don't really anymore. So I have no desire for that stuff now.

And most other stuff just looks badly made to me. Times have changed and I don't like the look of most horror out there. But then again, maybe I'm just not exposing myself to good new stuff.

I do still admire the horror movies I grew up with. For some reason, they clicked with me. But now... like when I watch Slumber Party Massacre, as I recently did several times, I admire it for how it was crafted together. That's a really beautiful movie. The director worked on Taxi Driver and could have edited E.T. if she hadn't directed Slumber Party Massacre. You think something called that is crap, but it's really not. It's really a gorgeous looking murder film.

Originally Posted by seanc
Sexy it sounds like you still have an emotional reaction similar to fear when watching horror. I think for a lot of people when they mature they don't have to check the locks in their house anymore but it still gives them that gut fear in the moment.
Well, there's always something scary that could happen. Life isn't always beautiful.

Not every horror film -- or any film - needs to be looked at to find scary things, though. Or whatever it is you think the film is showcasing strongly. Sometimes a comedy might have a decent story going for it, no matter how much is funny. Sometimes the actors or the characters just speak to you. There's a variety of reasons you could be into something.

I think I'm sick. Been coughing and got da sniffles.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
An unseen Hitchcock (Foreign Correspondent), an unseen Wilder (Ace in the Hole) and an unseen Hawks (Red River)
I gotta get to Ace In The Hole soon. It seems so up my alley. Good buys.

I tend to think that a lot of popular stuff is popular not because, as some people will say, the story or the dialogue or whatever... but because of subtle things people may not realize. Like maybe they just like the group of actors in the film or something and relate to them.

When something gets a lot of praise, I am always skeptical of the reasons. It's the same with me and these Asian movies and these foreign films and such. Yes, a movie could be good, but like, if someone's deeply into Asian movies or whatever -- and like here if they're ASSURED that they're the best movies -- I am skeptical of claims about why. I'm inclined to think, "there's something about that person that's got a thing for that type of movie." There's like a psychological theme going on in that person's life that attracts them to this stuff. You could say the same for me and my tastes or anybody's.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Your last sentence hits the nail on the head. I think just as many people try to go against the grain as with it in film circles. The key for me is to try and not think about all that while I am watching. I like to have a gut reaction and then read reviews, discuss, and contemplate. We all can be influenced by outside sources. In the end it does not matter. If I enjoy a film more because someone in my life likes it and it is fun to watch together, I still enjoy it more.

Not me. I find Lecter and Starling too fascinating to really be creeped out by them.

But on the TV show, Hannibal, which I haven't seen much of -- Lecter seems creepier and darker there. Which I'm not sure is right or wrong.

You are right. Hannibal is far darker on the show than in the movies..... which is why I enjoy the show very much.. I never read the books but the tv show is very dark... and gruesome...

You are right. Hannibal is far darker on the show than in the movies..... which is why I enjoy the show very much.. I never read the books but the tv show is very dark... and gruesome...
The books are dark, too, and Hannibal Lecter is an evil guy... but I dunno about that show........

Speaking of horror films... one thing I enjoy in films is ones that are based off folklore, fairytales or mythology.... I have searched the internet all over the story of the "Pale Man" and have never been able to find it. I remember hearing of it as a young person but for some reason I cant find the story. I wrote my friend my own version of the story of the Pale Man and Im pretty damn proud of it. I love writing him short stories, my own quick versions of mythology.. he loves hearing them from me.. he considers me a great writer and storyteller..

ah the Pale Man. why cant I find you on the net???? de Toro.. you are master at story telling.... I know the story from "Hellboy 2: the Golden Army".. the story of Nuada and Nuala... its part of Irish Mythology... along with the Golden Army itself.

Speaking of horror films... one thing I enjoy in films is ones that are based off folklore, fairytales or mythology.... I have searched the internet all over the story of the "Pale Man" and have never been able to find it. I remember hearing of it as a young person but for some reason I cant find the story. I wrote my friend my own version of the story of the Pale Man and Im pretty damn proud of it. I love writing him short stories, my own quick versions of mythology.. he loves hearing them from me.. he considers me a great writer and storyteller..

ah the Pale Man. why cant I find you on the net???? de Toro.. you are master at story telling.... I know the story from "Hellboy 2: the Golden Army".. the story of Nuada and Nuala... its part of Irish Mythology... along with the Golden Army itself.
Would love to read it MovieGal.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

Would love to read it MovieGal.
let me clean it up a bit.... and I will send... I wrote it in a hurry and I know there are some spelling errors and punctuation errors as well....

Hit Girl, if you are interested.. I can link my blog page here... it has my poetry and my early short stories... I have only been writing short stories for about 1 year... poetry has been about 10 or so years...let me know and I will post the link.

Hit Girl, if you are interested.. I can link my blog page here... it has my poetry and my early short stories... I have only been writing short stories for about 1 year... poetry has been about 10 or so years...let me know and I will post the link.
Sounds good, go for it.

Sounds good, go for it.
I usually use the English version of this name on forums but not here.... so my Argentine friend calls me .. and I used it as my blog name

there are many things there.. my writing and others writings that I enjoy..