Mofo Bros Top 100: A Raul and Sean Production

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2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

Come one come all! It's been too long since both Sean and myself have done a top 100, so we figured why not unveil them at the same time in the same thread! We will post a batch a bunch or a few films each day, talk about them (hopefully not just talking to ourselves but who knows). How many will we have that are the same? How many will each of us have that the other person hates? Stay tuned as we've looked forward to this for awhile. I think we both can thank Mofo for certainly expanding our horizons on film and surely it will continue to do so.

Sean's Picks
100. Nanook of the North
99. Battleship Potempkin
98. The Kid
97. Sunrise
96. Metropolis
95. The Thin Man
94. Grand Hotel
93. City Lights
92. M
91. Wizard of Oz
90. The Killers
89. Rope
88. Citizen Kane
87. The Little Foxes
86. The Third Man
85. Sunset Boulevard
84. The Seventh Seal
83. Tokyo Twilight
82. Ikiru
81. All About Eve
80. The Big City
79. War and Peace
78. The Graduate
77. Army of Shadows
76. The Birds
75. Autumn Sonata
74. Five Easy Pieces
73. Stalker
72. Woman Under the Influence
71. Nashville
70. Field of Dreams
69. The Karate Kid
68. Back to the Future
67. A Short Film About Killing
66. Thief
65. Dances With Wolves
64. Braveheart
63. Sling Blade
62. Jerry Maguire
61. Good Will Hunting
60. The Assassination of Jesse James
59. Inglorious Basterds
58. American Splendor
57. In the Mood for Love
56. Sideways
55. The Turin Horse
54. Shoplifters
53. Silence
52. Inside Llewellyn Davis
51. Foxcatcher
50. Lord of the Rings
49. The Up Series
48. Shoah
47. Christ stopped at Eboli
46. Stroszek
45. Playtime
44. Schindlers List
43. Days of Heaven
42. Pather Panchali
41. The Magnificent Ambersons
40. Human Condition Trilogy
39. Ran
38. The Squid and the Whale
37. E.T.
36. A Streetcar Named Desire
35. La La Land
34. Double Indemnity
33. Chungking Express
32. Lonesome Dove
31. Rear Window
30. A Man for All Seasons
29. In a Lonely Place
28. There Will Be Blood
27. The Long Goodbye
26. Children of Paradise
25. Lawrence of Arabia
24. It's a Wonderful Life
23. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
22. The Royal Tenenbaums
21. Shawshank Redemption
20. The Social Network
19. The Anatomy of a Murder
18. The Apartment
17. Rocky
16. Star Wars
15. Hiroshima Mon Amour
14. The Master
13. Goodfellas
12. Vivre Sa Vie
11. No Country for Old Men
10. Le Cercle Rouge
9. Nobody Knows
8. Rushmore
7. Pulp Fiction
6. Fargo
5. Persona
4. Tree of Life
3. The Godfather
2. Once Upon a Time in the West
1. Magnolia

Rauls Picks
100. 1917
99. Shoplifters
98. Florida Project
97. The Ring
96. Witness for the Prosecution
95. Sunrise
94. Elephant Man
93. Her
92. Signs
91. Lost in Translation
90. Flight
89. Porco Rosso
88. Phantom Thread
87. About Elly
86. Crash
85. Lady Bird
84. Remember the Titans
83. Frances Ha
82. Sideways
81. Back to the Future
80. The Avengers
79. Dark Knight
78. Iron Man
77. 21 Grams
76. The Best Years of our lives
75. Independence Day
74. Grizzly Man
73. Dear Zachary
72. Antwone Fisher
71. Fargo
70. American Hustle
69. Ratatouille
68. High Noon
67. Deja Vu
66. L.A. Confidential
65. The Player
64. The Last Picture Show
63. Taxi Driver
62. Parasite
61. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
60. The Bucket List
59. Gravity
58. The Gold Rush
57. Gran Torino
56. 12 Angry Men
55. Autumn Sonata
54. Wall-E
53. State of Play
52. Alice in Wonderland
51. Rain Man
50. Ran
49. The Departed
48. Once Upon a Time in the West
47. Saving Private Ryan
46. Goldfinger
45. Virgin Spring
44. Hangover
43. A Beautiful Mind
42. The Cranes are Flying
41. Seven
40. Inside Man
39. Letter Never Sent
38. Halloween
37. Goodfellas
36. The Red Shoes
35. Late Spring
34. The Prestige
33. After Hours
32. Tokyo Story
31. The Hurricane
30. The Grapes of Wrath
29. Dial M for Murder
28. Up
27. Double Indemnity
26. Schindler's List
25. Braveheart
24. On the Waterfront
23. North by Northwest
22. Silence of the Lambs
21. It Happened One Night
20. Wedding Crashers
19. Finding Nemo
18. Manchester by the Sea
17. Some like it Hot
16. Gone Baby Gone
15. Psycho
14. Spirited Away
13. Gladiator
12. Unforgiven
11. The Descendants
10. Million Dollar Baby
9. Sansho the Bailiff
8. Wizard of Oz
7. La La Land
6. Mystic River
5. Forrest Gump
4. Casablanca
3. Man on Fire
2. Rear Window
1. Shawshank Redemption

Sounds fun. At first I thought it would be a combined list - which would be even better - but this is cool too.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
So, I am going to do my 100 a little different this time. I have a very hard time putting a list this large together. Finding a balance between movies I have seen a bunch and movies I have seen once that blew me away. Putting almost all of the filmography of certain directors. It's rough first world business. So this time I decided to do a top 50, and then my top five for each decade for the second 50, all movies that aren't in my top 50 of course. That will mean that 51-100 won't have a particular order, but I am pretty happy with the way my list turned out. I think I have a chance to be happy with this one for longer than I have been in the past.

I start with the 20's, and my first two picks are very interesting watches that I had very similar reactions to. Nanook is such an awesome fly on the wall doc. How can I leave a film where I got to watch someone build an actual freaking igloo off my list. Watching people hunt walruses. It's just a really cool once in a lifetime kind of experience that I really enjoyed.

I know Battleship is basically a propaganda film but it is an early example of what the medium can do. I love the way the movie kind of feels like a documentary and a narrative film at the same time. The Odessa steps sequence is absolutely everything it was built up to be in my mind before seeing it, and that doesn't happen all that often. Plus, this film is the namesake of my favorite movie podcast, so I couldn't leave it off.

My list will get more fun, but I start with what I think are two worthy entries because of their historical significance.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Cool start, if I did my list the same fashion as you I would assume Nanook would make it for me. I wasn't the biggest fan of Potempkin but that's more a personal preference than anything else really.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

I start off with a film that got pretty mixed reviews. The awards season voters loved it, it got tons of recognition and awards, mofo was pretty down on it for the most part. But I loved it, it was a surreal theater watching experience. The biggest win for me is that I can feel the heart and effort put into it by Sam Mendes and that stuff is always a huge bonus for me. Technically the movie is so great, the cinematography and the sound are just so beautiful. A huge win for me in 2019.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Should have been expecting that one, but I wasn't. Be interesting to see what the most recent movie on our lists is. This might be it already.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

Plays out like a modern day Ozu film, which obviously works wonder for me. Kore-eda does everything perfect here for me and tells a great story. Crazy how we are at opposite ends of the spectrum, with me going with two super recent films and you going old school. Love it

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I absolutely adore Shoplifters. This has become my second favorite Kore-eda, but it's the one that got me into him. So great.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Should have been expecting that one, but I wasn't. Be interesting to see what the most recent movie on our lists is. This might be it already.
Yeah I know you aren't a big fan of it, but like I said just worked wonders for me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
And I was just about to do my own Top 100 Oh well maybe next year! Of course I've been saying that for 7 years...So I guess I'll just follow along

Nanook of the North...I almost watched that as it looked historically very intriguing. I passed on in though as I was sure it would have seal killing in it and didn't want to see that.

Battleship Potempkin...Very impressive cinematic work and equally impressive 'emotional propaganda'. I for one have no problem with historical propaganda in films. Most films have something the director/writer/or Communist superpower wants to put out there and Battleship Potempkin does it so well. Leni Riefenstahl would be jealous.

...was all kinds of great. Think I gave it a 4.5.

...I previously said this in RTLMYW thread:
A fun watch, but nothing I'd want to rewatch again. It was like a one trick show...We keep seeing the solider go from one level to the next level to the next level, all while trying not to get blown up, like a video game, exciting and fast past but nothing of deep substances...We just watch our player trying to make it to the next level that's all.

After while the only thing that was interesting to me was wondering what the film maker would come up with for the next scene. I was always acutely aware of the movie making aspect of it. Especially the music score was way over done...and people say movies from the 1940s had overly exuberant movie scores.

Some of the adventure scenes were overcooked, especially the city at night looked mega fake. So did the raging river with steep rock wall banks, (I thought he was in France not in the Pyrenees).

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

In the debate between Chaplin and Keaton there is no doubt for me. I think as far as physicality they are pretty similar. Chaplin wins because he has so much heart. His love for humanity shine through and The Kid is an awesome example of that. My second favorite from the master.

Pretty sure this is my most recent watch to make the list. Murnau is definitely my favorite silent director so far. Despite what I said about splitting things into decades helping me not put all the movies from one director, I had to fight the urge to not to put all I had seen from him as my twenties picks. All his films are stunning to look at and Sunrise is that. It also has a really cool, dark story. The premise kicks you in the throat to start and then the way Murnau allows us to fall in love with this couple while always having their fate in the back of our minds. It's brilliant.

I am pretty far removed from this masterpiece but it remains one of my most surprising watches. I totally went into a three hour science fiction silent film like it was homework. To my surprise it was smart, fun, and great to look at. Even the effects were super cool. Be surprised if another silent surpasses it as my favorite.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
The Kid is my second favorite Chaplin and a VERY good film.

Sunrise has been on my last couple 100 lists, will it make this one? Great film.

Not a huge fan of Metropolis. I felt it's length but only seen once so that opinion could change.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

I guess I really do love films from the 2010s, now we are 3 for 3. Love the performances from Dafoe and Prince in this one. Love how gorgeous the film looks. There's a lot of powerful scenes for me here, just my kind of jam really.

Nice... so far, I've seen 3 of sean's and none of raul's. Look forward to the rest.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I know Battleship is basically a propaganda film but it is an early example of what the medium can do. I love the way the movie kind of feels like a documentary and a narrative film at the same time. The Odessa steps sequence is absolutely everything it was built up to be in my mind before seeing it, and that doesn't happen all that often. Plus, this film is the namesake of my favorite movie podcast, so I couldn't leave it off.
This film really blew my mind, and I agree totally with the bold sentence. That sequence was nothing short of breathtaking.

In the debate between Chaplin and Keaton there is no doubt for me. I think as far as physicality they are pretty similar. Chaplin wins because he has so much heart. His love for humanity shine through and The Kid is an awesome example of that. My second favorite from the master.
Probably my favorite Chaplin. It's a magically beautiful film.