Grand Theft Auto V


Oh! And oh!!! Uh, online rampges are dope! If you see a bunch of cop cars outside a tunnel. Don't go in there. I'll shoot you in the face. I can't help it. I love how your mental status goes up when you do a bunch of really horrible sh*t. Some of the train schedules appear to be different online too so I really can really get 'em stacking up. Know what i'm sayin?
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

there's a frog in my snake oil
My Xbox disc tray is fried so I'm on PC now. Def try out some of the races (if you use the online job menu to get a random one you jump straight in, the phone is a bit slower). Lobbies are def the biggest bane of online. The starter missions are good warm ups for heists though. And silly modes like the Hasta La Vista 'adversary' trucks vs bikes can be fun.

Oh and try my ludicrous custom race Gate Crasher
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

there's a frog in my snake oil
Oh damn this game. All I meant to do was drive a Mad Max car around the desert...

there's a frog in my snake oil
Every time I think I'm done with this game, it keeps showing me things. Mainly things that I can blow up, climb in, or jump off

Get driven down the street on the bonnet of an impatient taxi? Well summon a helicopter and clinically remove a few taxis in revenge. (And finish by parking it on moving train )

And when you've finished prompting pedestrians to chat about arthouse flicks called '7 Lesbians in a Bath', or seeing whether you can get freeway vehicles to stunt off an upturned wheelbarrow, you can always change over to Trevor... and find him on a mountaintop in a dress

He very nearly stunt jumped into that boat on the trailer. He very nearly did

Who will stop the burgle?
Reminds me of a story someone told me about RDR.

Guy had a little brother that would run amok as Marston. Anyone that played RDR is familiar with the trains in game. If you shot it up, all the passengers would flee in terror.

This kid would stop the train on a bridge and open fire. Seeing as how none of the passengers packed parachutes, they would all plummet to their demise.

Quote, "...and that's when I realized my brother was a sociopath."

there's a frog in my snake oil
Ach, apparently every kid in the world plays minecraft. And they alllll make lava pit hells for sheep.

Either they're all sociopaths, or the food Industry is gonna look interesting in a few years


I kinda find GTA most fun when I'm trying to blitz around without clipping a single pedestrian. It has a superhero / A-Team-nobody-dies vibe (I may kill some 'pigs' to set events in motion tho )

I still love the dynamic of co-op with my non-gamer mate tho. He's the lovliest guy in the world, but within GTA wants to take a baseball bat to everything. When it's his go, he tries to kill everyone, and fails (while I try high sped pacifism, and fail ). Accompanied by challenges like: 'Get that old lady into that bin' it's hours of socially responsible fun

Who will stop the burgle?
Ach, apparently every kid in the world plays minecraft. And they alllll make lava pit hells for sheep.

Either they're all sociopaths, or the food Industry is gonna look interesting in a few years

The hilarity in this is the kid is obsessed with Minecraft now. Like going to Minecon obsessed.

there's a frog in my snake oil

The hilarity in this is the kid is obsessed with Minecraft now. Like going to Minecon obsessed.
Haha class

(Hopefully he will become a Physics major or something. And stay far farrrr away from Nuclear fusion. Or finance...)

there's a frog in my snake oil
So I made some War Boy vehicles instead...

Which led to me realising that hick cars pick up CB radio... ("I hate albinos, they're worse than Irish. They have red eyes.")... which led to me shooting a buzzard from the Buzzard helicopter. It felt fitting. (I'm almost annoyed there was no special achievement for it )

there's a frog in my snake oil
I've tucked the exhausts inside for full inspirational fugue