Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi


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WARNING: "Question" spoilers below
Does anyone really believe that Rey is not from Jedi stock? I assume that she is a Kenobi. Snoke said when he took her lightsaber "Ahhh Skywalker I presumed wrong" and I think Kylo doesn't want her to know her true lineage as she is a threat to him and more so if she realises who she is. I am still going for her belonging to Obi Wan and Padme. Also telling that they have not mentioned here surname at all yet
WARNING: "TLJ" spoilers below
Sure, it's not that hard to believe. There are/were plenty of Force users who aren't from either the Skywalker or Kenobi bloodline, after all, and it's more interesting to see her be something completely new and unprecedented rather than just another generation. Even so, having her be the grand-daughter of Obi-Wan and Padmé specifically seems absurdly implausible at best.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Legend in my own mind
WARNING: "reply" spoilers below
Agreed it is not that hard to believe, yet I don't believe it. It would be kind of fresh if she was not from Jedi stock, I just think the whole quest for who her parents are isn't over. Disney seem to be trying to build to an "I am your Father" moment. We shall see.
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

We've gone on holiday by mistake
About as much as I expect you to understand what I'm presumably going to put up with in the weeks to come, it seems. As I noted in another thread, Snoke isn't that interesting a character in his own right (he might as well be another Count Dooku or General Grievous) so I figure the route they took with him was thoroughly justified within the greater context of this particular story. The same goes for Luke, whose actions in this are not all that surprising but aren't nonsensical or a "betrayal" of the character.

Besides, if your counter-response to my defence is a patronising little "you tried" then I daresay my energy is better directed elsewhere.
I disagree on Snoke he was interesting and powerful, then that was snatched away in an instant. The mystery of the Emperor was built up over 2.5 films before an epic showdown. Now we are left with moody Kylo and comic General leading the fo, still unsure why we have a General in charge of fleets.

I haven't heard anything positive about the stuff we are talking about, it just doesn't stand up to any soft scrutiny even. So if I'm dismissive of any defence sorry but I don't think there is one.

An entire generation has been willing to support these films and what they want is Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. That has been taken away and fans are livid. There will be a marked decline in box office performance from here in the episode's and needless prequels to come.

Is it that there is no defense, or just that the defense boils down to "I care about different things than you do"? Seems like it's the latter.

If you think the latest films exist primarily to reinforce whatever arc existed for the older characters, and someone else thinks there's no reason for them to exist if they do that (and if they don't forge out and try something new), then you're obviously going to be talking at cross-purposes unless you discuss that difference, specifically, rather than all the complaints that come downstream of it.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I think there has been an understanding from all fans that the baton will be passed from old to new cast, totally expected and I like Rey and Kylo Ren and look forward to their continuation, but to give us nothing from Luke and do what they did is totally disrespectful to the older fans. Lucas knew he had to give fans a Yoda John Wayne moment but TLJ doesn't after teasing us with Luke the entire prev film.

Yoda what is your view of the film? Did you enjoy the weak starship chase, run out of fuel stuff? The casino planet, were you bored like I was?

I think there has been an understanding from all fans that the baton will be passed from old to new cast, totally expected and I like Rey and Kylo Ren and look forward to their continuation, but to give us nothing from Luke and do what they did is totally disrespectful to the older fans.
Not really sure I follow this. In my theater, Luke probably got the three biggest cheers/responses of the entire film.

Yoda what is your view of the film? Did you enjoy the weak starship chase, run out of fuel stuff?
I enjoyed that it was a new idea, rather than another totally interchangeable dog fight between X-wings and tie fighters. Would another one of those really have been better? At this point, there's no reason to make these films unless you're going to base this kind of stuff on some new angle beyond "we're providing nebulous support so somebody can blow up a shield generator." So yeah, I'm really glad they're actually canonizing the differences between ships so that the films can depict actual fleet strategy, in this film, and going forward. That allows for the possibility of victories through clever moves, rather than "we X-winged better than they tie-fought."

The casino planet, were you bored like I was?
I was not. I do have complaints about that segment, but they're more to do with pacing. I loved loved loved the opening casino shot, it was a better "this is our Mos Eisley" than The Force Awakens had (where it was too on the nose). But I wanted that to be the part of the film that required subtlety, where they would have to spend a little time there sussing things out.

If I had a steak, I would f**k it!
I can understand the legitimate complaints of people who thought The Last Jedi was just okay. But the ones who hate it have just been angrily pounding their keyboards, hinting they probably haven't grown any since they bought their tickets in 1977 and then assumed Star Wars was invented with their name on it and their expectations should be top priority. Congratulations, people, you've taken the Rick and Morty fanbase's place as the world's most annoying fanbase. Either give a good reason for your unreasonable rage, or shut up, crawl back in your crib, watch Phantom Menace, and let the adults discuss Star Wars.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Agree with Yoda that I am thrilled they are doing different things with the ships. I like the climax of that quite a bit. I would be lying if I didn't add that I wish
WARNING: "jedi" spoilers below
Laura Dern's character wasn't involved in all that. Really didn't like her.

I am team anti-casino. All the Finn stuff felt forced and prequely to me unfortunately.
WARNING: "Jedi 2" spoilers below
Really disliked the Rose character.

All that being said I loved the movie because all the Rey and Pulp stuff was amazing. Also, once everyone comes together, perfection. Love the last third of this film. My audience was definitely into the Luke stuff, as was I. Biggest cheers though
WARNING: "Jedi 3" spoilers below
and Vader like choke hold.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
There's no need to resort to petty name calling just because we may fundamentally disagree on the film.

Let's just all agree that there's no need to personalize this stuff. Plenty to disagree about legitimately without assuming someone believes this or that just because they're a fanboy, or would never be happy, etc.

Let's just all agree that there's no need to personalize this stuff. Plenty to disagree about legitimately without assuming someone believes this or that just because they're a fanboy, or would never be happy, etc.
Nope. This is going to be a War.

WARNING: "Attack of the Revenge of the Phantom Menaces" spoilers below
Nah, just kidding. We're like a family. Even If we argue, there's just too much love here to divide us.

just saw the film, i have to say the set design is amazing , but i was more emotionally attached in the force awakens, probably due to the death of han solo, all in all, i don't know where they will go on from this, as disney wants a young blood as we can see in the franchise.

Just got back from it, it was alright. To be honest though i'm perfectly happy with how it turned out, it was decently entertaining as Cobpyth put it. Would have it below Force Awakens and possibly Revenge of the Sith, would have to see it again to be sure. It's above Rogue One, Clones and Phantom at least though.

i don t know where disney will go on from.this in the last film of the trilogy, the last scene in this film says a lot, fingers crossed...

If I had a steak, I would f**k it!
Newsflash, haters: You don't speak for everyone. Even those audience scores you guys love citing on Rotten Tomatoes (57%) and Metacritic (5.1) indicates that more people liked it, or are at least okay with it. You guys don't even speak for the majority. Like it or not, just because you yell the loudest doesn't make you right.

Gonna have to do a full review of this when I get my new laptop.

The short: The good is really good, but the bad is really bad. While I did have issues with TFA, I still liked that flick and thought it was a good movie. The Last Jedi on the other hand seemed to build upon and compound the flaws of TFA. While some things they improved on others not so much.

Ultimately not a good movie but I will say it was a better movie then Blade Runner 2049.