Top Ten favorite TV shows


Jackie Stallone springs to mind, although she was only ever popular for riding off the success of her son
Brigette Nielsen (who had been married to Stallone) was in that one too.

I don't think I've even watched 10 TV shows all the way through. I only watch it if really sparks my interest. My ranking depends on my mood, so in no particular order:

The Walking Dead
The Office
The Sopranos

Atlantis is perfectly fine, it just doesn't have the nostalgia SG-1 does, so it's not Top 10 for me. I do like it though. I even got to meet the guy who played Zelenka, who was my third favourite character behind Beckett and McKay.
Ah, that's cool.

I like McKay and Dex. I was actually one of the few people that thought he looked spot-on for Aquaman in Batman v Superman.
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I like McKay and Dex. I was actually one of the few people that thought he looked spot-on for Aquaman in Batman v Superman.
Yeah, Ronon would probably be my 4th favourite character. My room mate was actually with me when I met Davil Nykl (Zelenka) and thought he was such a good dude, my room mate was willing to watch some Stargate: Atlantis. However he also wanted to see "Khal Drogo" in it, but Ronon doesn't show up until season 2, and he never made it that far.

In my opinion Aquaman typically does not look very badass, but Jason Momoa's Aquaman looks amazing. I think that's a version of the character more people will be supportive of, since classic Aquaman tends to get laughed at even by comic fans. The same room mate I just mentioned is a huge Aquaman fan, and after Momoa was first revealed in that promo poster, he asked me to rewatch the 2011 Conan movie (I saw it when it was new, he did not and wanted to watch it with someone else). Since he liked Khal Drogo and the new Conan, he was then really excited for Momoa in Justice League, but after Batman v Superman (which he absolutely despised) he refuses to care about the DC film universe at all. I think he'll change his mind closer to the film's release though. Dude loves Aquaman too much not to haha.

10. Burn Notice
9. Dollhouse
8. Castle
7. Attack on Titan
6. Rick and Morty
5. Full Metal Alchemist
4. South Park
3. Game of Thrones
2. Firefly
1. Avatar: The Last Airbender
I've never heard of half the shows on this list.

Please hold your applause till after the me.
10. Burn Notice
9. Dollhouse
8. Castle
7. Attack on Titan
6. Rick and Morty
5. Full Metal Alchemist
4. South Park
3. Game of Thrones
2. Firefly
1. Avatar: The Last Airbender
I've never heard of half the shows on this list.
You need to fix that.

Please hold your applause till after the me.
I've never heard of half the shows on this list.
The only ones I don't know of are Dollhouse and Castle.
Dollhouse is another Joss Wedon show that was canceled to soon, and Castle is a crime show where Nathan Fillion is a crime writer with writers block and shadows a cop.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Dollhouse is another Joss Wedon show that was canceled to soon, and Castle is a crime show where Nathan Fillion is a crime writer with writers block and shadows a cop.
"Castle" is amazing, and it would probably make my top 3 TV shows.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

1 Steptoe and Son
2 Till Death Us Do Part
3 Dad's Army
4 One Foot In The Grave
5 The Royle Family
6 Trailer Park Boys
7 Rising Damp
8 Still Game
9 Prisoner Cell Block H (Original)
10 Whatever Happened To The Likely Lads

1 Steptoe and Son
2 Till Death Us Do Part
3 Dad's Army
4 One Foot In The Grave
5 The Royle Family
6 Trailer Park Boys
7 Rising Damp
8 Still Game
9 Prisoner Cell Block H (Original)
10 Whatever Happened To The Likely Lads
Still Game

01.The Sopranos
02.Mad Men
03.South Park
04.The Wire
05.Arrested Development
06.It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Randomly rewatched some of Deadwood a few weeks back and loved it so i decided to bump Dexter out. While i still love it i've had no desire to rewatch it in ages.

In no particular order.......

Game Of Thrones

Breaking Bad

The Sopranos

Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation

Friday Night Lights

Roseanne (before she wins lottery). Her and John Goodman were the best tv couple since The Honeymooners.


The Simpsons

The Walking Dead

South Park

Good list. I'm not a fan of Walking Dead or Star Trek, not that i think they are bad i just don't enjoy either and i've not seen Friday Night Lights. All of the others are great. Simpsons could've made mine if i was only counting the good years Season 1-9, 10 at a stretch but i've seen too much of the godawful Season 11-present to include it in mine.

Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones
Stranger Things
How I met your Mother
The Office (U.S)
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Good list. I'm not a fan of Walking Dead or Star Trek, not that i think they are bad i just don't enjoy either and i've not seen Friday Night Lights. All of the others are great. Simpsons could've made mine if i was only counting the good years Season 1-9, 10 at a stretch but i've seen too much of the godawful Season 11-present to include it in mine.
Yeah I am of the same mind regarding the "bad seasons" of great series. With only 3 seasons Deadwood still made the cut. Give Friday Night Lights a try sometime. It might surprise you.

Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones
Stranger Things
How I met your Mother
The Office (U.S)
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Hell yeah to the Longmire

Trouble with a capital "T"
My favorite TV shows

1. Something old you never heard of.
2. Something moldy you never heard of.
3. Something from the 90s you might have seen once.
4. Some show you don't care about.
5. Some show I don't care about.
6. Some black and white show.
7. Another black and white show.
8. A PBS show that some might think is cool.
9. Another PBS show.
10. Love Boat