
What about... bronies running for President?
If that was a real movie, I would watch it.

It could be about trying to come up with an idea for a script, because that's f*cking terrifying!

Master of My Domain
I've got a nice scenario: one of the characters tries to start the engine of a bus that will get him to Canada, but like most horror movies, he fumbles around with the keys. He finally regains his calm, but too late, Trump got him.
Letterboxd Profile:

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Where the effing eff is that effer MovieMeditation?
I was thinking that a couple days ago. Hope everything is cool, he seemed to be dealing with some stuff.

You know what pisses me off? I used to have Adblock but had to get rid of it because it was messing with this site. So now I get YouTube ads. There is one in particular that sets me off.

The Angry Birds Movie ad.


Because in it, the cast are saying things that make them angry. One of them, some chick, goes

"Ads before YouTube videos"


They're mocking us. Those motherf*ckers.

Trouble with a capital "T"
MM has been gone for almost three weeks. He left right after he took crap for hating on Saving Private Ryan. That may or may not have contributed to him leaving? Like Sean said, MM was dealing with some heady stuff and MM had posted that he was stressed out and couldn't focus on watching movies.

I've begun to worry about him. I PM'd him a week ago, I never did get a reply. I hope he's OK.

He left right after he took crap for hating on Saving Private Ryan. That may or may not have contributed to him leaving?
Doubt it. That got sorted on good terms plus MM doesn't seem like someone to take offence easily like MovieGal for example. Think he either has something personal going on, is just burnt out on movies or is simply busy..

Chappie doesn't like the real world
MM has been gone for almost three weeks. He left right after he took crap for hating on Saving Private Ryan. That may or may not have contributed to him leaving? Like Sean said, MM was dealing with some heady stuff and MM had posted that he was stressed out and couldn't focus on watching movies.

I've begun to worry about him. I PM'd him a week ago, I never did get a reply. I hope he's OK.

Yeah, sometimes life just gets in the way. I know with all the stress I was going through I just didn't have the energy or head space to be on here.

Now I planned to be pretty active, but I keep hanging out with my Milhouse and haven't been on as much as I wanted.

I'm sure MM is okay and will come back when he has time. Like Camo said, he doesn't strike me as someone to leave just because of a little disagreement.

Master of My Domain
I just remembered part of yesterday's dream - Iro criticized me for having an incoherent post. I don't recall what happened after that. Is this a premonition?

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
A lot of the time I come on here when I'm having a bad day just to distract myself
But we manage in different ways though, might have to reboot the satellite dish thread if this keeps up!

Bah. Being scolded over a film now is nothing compared to when Holden posted here more. I remember one time him giving it to me, but he was in the wrong one, yet my ass still felt chewed.

Master of My Domain
Yeah, and I actually put effort into my posts in the 60s Countdown thread.

Oh that was years ago. Yeah hes cool, you gotta see his Facebook activity. Truly hes like a celeb