Fargo - TV Series


I liked it the first time, when it looked like it was happening from Rye's as he was deprived of oxygen (allowing you to imagine it as real, or a hallucination that dovetailed with the season's themes). Obviously that open-to-interpretation thing got shakier later, and flew right out the window near the end. I'm not entirely nuts about that part. It doesn't actually bother me, and I'm not even sure it's lessened my admiration or enjoyment of the season, but I'm just not sure I see what was gained by making it explicit.

I suppose it's a testament to the show's quality and strong sense of internal reality that something this weird can get tossed into an otherwise realistic show and it doesn't particularly bother me.

I have to call it a tie between 1 & 2. This season was great until the last 2 episodes, when it just seemed to peter out. They really started getting loose with the writing (the whole Peggy bit, please...) The finale of the first season was better, but the season as a whole was lesser than 2.

The light in the sky was ... whatever.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I liked it the first time, when it looked like it was happening from Rye's as he was deprived of oxygen (allowing you to imagine it as real, or a hallucination that dovetailed with the season's themes). Obviously that open-to-interpretation thing got shakier later, and flew right out the window near the end. I'm not entirely nuts about that part. It doesn't actually bother me, and I'm not even sure it's lessened my admiration or enjoyment of the season, but I'm just not sure I see what was gained by making it explicit.

I suppose it's a testament to the show's quality and strong sense of internal reality that something this weird can get tossed into an otherwise realistic show and it doesn't particularly bother me.
Definitely, that's why I say I am glad it was understated. If it was constant I think it would have hindered the show. The talk between Danson's character and his daughter felt especially irrelevant to me. I know some people were bothered by the fish last year, I think this was a bit worse. Only in the moment though. I really never even thought about it except for when it was happening.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Normally I'd say the aliens and fish etc would be a cheap trick, or a tacky addition, but damn if this element didn't mesh in nicely somehow.
To me, being able to do that is the sign of a virtuoso effort.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

I really liked the alien bit. There was talk of aliens throughout the season. And very much like a Coen brothers film, the concept of luck is handled very well. The fact that UFOs showed up and essentially saved Lou's life didn't feel cheap at all to me.

You ever been to Baltimore?

I felt like the season kind of fizzled out. Mike Milligan's character was the only one with a really compelling close. The last couple of episodes seemed really out of place with the narration and what not. Bear and Ma's deaths weren't efective. Kind of a trend throughout the season. Ed's end deserved better and Peggy went out on a whimper. Hanzee's tie in to last season was very lazy. Ed Arkin was underutilized.

All of that said, I enjoyed following it. It made some ballsy decisions and constructed some interesting characters. I'd like to see a season set in prohibition or the likes.
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Yes. Yes. Yes. That's what I would want to say if I could articulate and write a coherent thought.

I can speak on Bear though. His character was set up for a bust through walls, Terminatoresque finale and it was just too lame how he ended up walking into the dirt.

Finished the last two episodes last night. I absolutely loved this season. This show has the Coen's characters down cold. To me that is what is making it so great. Maybe some might think this season was trying a little too hard but I think the artistic style was maybe the best I have seen in any TV show. Visual flourishes all over the place and I ate it up. It never felt distracting, just added to the storytelling for me. I love the way it ended. Especially for Mike. That scene was unforgettable.

I am going to go back and watch season one after the first of the year I think. I am so pleased with what they have done with Fargo. I was very nervous when they announced they were doing a series.
The visuals transfixed me too Sean. It was beautifully done. That overhead scene in the snowy woods with the bare trees - just gorgeous!
and the end with it's allusion to Marge and Norm in bed ...awww

I liked the way that Betsy's cancer story wasn't sentimentalised. I liked her braveness and matter off factness, great writing. I loved the Peggy characterisation too, it felt right of the times.

This might just do nobody any good.

Some info:
Set in 2010, the third installment of Fargo centers on Emmit and his slightly younger brother Ray Stussy (Ewan McGregor). Emmit, the Parking Lot King of Minnesota, sees himself as an American success story, whereas Ray is more of a cautionary tale. Forever living in his more successful brother’s shadow, Ray is a balding and pot-bellied parole officer with a huge chip on his shoulder about the hand he’s been dealt – and he blames his brother. Their sibling rivalry follows a twisted path that begins with petty theft but soon leads to murder, mobsters and cut-throat competitive bridge.
Coming April 19th.

Also starring: Carrie Coon, David Thewlis, Michael Stuhlbarg, Jim Gaffigan, Scoot McNairy, Shea Whigham, Fred Melamed, Thomas Mann and Hamish Linklater.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Can't wait, love the first 2 series.

I predict Ewan's Minnesota accent will be terribad.

Legend in my own mind
Great show.

Lorne Malvo

Billy Bob was superb

In my opinion the Alien bit in season 2 was stupid but I can over look it due to the sheer quality of everything else.

The casting has been excellent.

Looking forward to season 3
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

Season 3 premiered last night.

What did everyone think?

I thought it was a pretty solid episode. Am hoping to see how the rest of the season pans out

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

Yup, very solid. Not great, not bad. Mostly setup, but it sure setup a lot.

I think there's a good chance we've already seen the best this show has to offer, but if it's 80% as good and a little repetitive going forward, that still makes it better than most shows. Looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds.

I stopped watching Season 2 halfway through. Dunno, i was enjoying it but i was kind of in a phase of not watching TV and i didn't return to it. Also Kirsten Dunst's accent was annoying me, i like Dunst and that accent, just not Dunst doing that accent haha. Will probably watch this Season.

This might just do nobody any good.
Simple by Fargo standards.

Still, lots to unpack or speculate on. I've been thinking the main theme of this season is division in the United world. Technology pushing us forward and apart but the opening made me wonder if I should be looking at A Serious Man for reference.

WARNING: spoilers below
Shame to loose Scoot McNairy so early. I guess he's this season's Rye.

Ewan is going to be awesome in this. Thewlis is set up for the scene stealer.

I'm still amazed that Mary Elizabeth Winstead isn't competing with actresses like Scarlett Johansson or the like. She's always so good.

Just started season 2 of Fargo, and am blown away by the first episode. Really jazzed Ted Danson & Jesse Plemons are cast. This might be better than the first season even.