What Movie Do You Want a Sequel To?




We've gone on holiday by mistake
All the crap that gets spewed out these days and the even crappier 500 sequels they spawn... there's one modern film that actually deserves a sequel...

... Dredd.
This! Dredd is all kinds of awesome.


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Cabin in the Woods.

Would love to see another one of these, obviously it couldn't be called Cabin in the Woods 2, but using the same concept and the monsters, I would love to see another movie from this Universe.

Zombieland!!! More zombie killing Woody Harelson, funny script, and maybe Mel Brooks cameo.

Didn't really care for Ali and I don't think the movie had the kind of impact that would merit a sequel. I'm pretty sure if a sequel was in the works, it would have been done already, that movie was made over a decade ago.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Titanic (1997)...I like to see a sequel showing the events that happened in the weeks after the Titanic survivors reached New York. There was much drama created by the newspaper men and by two investigations into the seeking...one US and the other British. Each investigation came to a different conclusion as to the blame for the sinking.

had a dream the other night of a sequel to my #1 movie. There was a scene where Lloyd, Grady, & Jack wave and grin, take a 'selfie' together, and send it to me on the other side of the party in The Gold Room. I look at the picture on my phone and, naturally, can't see them in the picture. I look back up and Lloyd, Grady & Jack are laughing with each other and give a BIG *thumbs up*

Anyways, the movie ended with Colin Firth as a ghost detective with a blatantly fake-looking mustache tracking paranormal phenomenon

I woke up laughing

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Cabin in the Woods.

Would love to see another one of these, obviously it couldn't be called Cabin in the Woods 2, but using the same concept and the monsters, I would love to see another movie from this Universe.

...how could they do a sequel?
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


Need more Batman from Nolan.
My Favorite Films

I am the Watcher in the Night
Didn't really care for Ali and I don't think the movie had the kind of impact that would merit a sequel. I'm pretty sure if a sequel was in the works, it would have been done already, that movie was made over a decade ago.
Think I already stated it's highly unlikely and isn't many people's cup of tea but like I said, purely from a fans point of view. Would love to see Smith portray Alis latter years, struggling find the form of old and that brutal encounter in Manilla.

Someone mentioned seeing a sequel to Drive, I think it's one of those few movies that stands on it's own and shouldn't have a sequel but I wouldn't mind some sort of spiritual/quasi sequel in which Gosling plays a similar, mysterious character who gets himself into more trouble. A bit like The Man With No Name.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

Welcome to the human race...
Why would you want to see a sequel to Beerfest? What would the sequel be about?

I also second the Dredd pick and would like to put forward that I would have liked to see Nick Cave's treatment for Gladiator 2 brought to the silver screen.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Well ****. Tonight I met a guy that looks like tom cruise.
Last month I met a guy that looks like christian slater.

Maybe I can make that sequel to Interview with the Vampire myself!
Fan fiction. Does the book pick up where the movie left off?

Registered User
Titanic (1997)...I like to see a sequel showing the events that happened in the weeks after the Titanic survivors reached New York. There was much drama created by the newspaper men and by two investigations into the seeking...one US and the other British. Each investigation came to a different conclusion as to the blame for the sinking.
That sounds more like it would be a stand-alone film rather than a sequel the 1997 film, since that film was really more about Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet than it was about the Titanic itself

The Cabin in the Woods, if only because I had so much fun watching the first one. I had fun watching Scream 2 as well, even though it was a bad sequel, and I certainly enjoyed the continued meta-humor they had, so I'm sure a sequel to Cabin would keep me entertained as well. Plus, if Joss Whedon's involved again, I'm sure it wouldn't be half-bad.
“It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so ****ing what." - Stephen Fry, The Guardian, 5 June 2005

Registered User
A Jack Reacher sequel would be good

Pulp Fiction! Sequel or prequel would me me happy.
"I've noticed the more we doubt, the more we cling to a false lucidity, in hope of rationalizing what feelings have made murky." - Contempt

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Something that will never happen....sadly.

"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Welcome to the human race...
The Cabin in the Woods, if only because I had so much fun watching the first one. I had fun watching Scream 2 as well, even though it was a bad sequel, and I certainly enjoyed the continued meta-humor they had, so I'm sure a sequel to Cabin would keep me entertained as well. Plus, if Joss Whedon's involved again, I'm sure it wouldn't be half-bad.
Considering how The Cabin in the Woods ended, I'm not sure how you could possibly make a sequel to it.