The Mofo Top 100 Television Shows


Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Apologies for taking us back a little bit but I sort of fell behind with the list

Absolutely delighted and quite frankly relieved to see The X-Files make the list. I didn't really know what the general feeling on the board was about the show, certainly not enough to predict a top 10 finish, so the more time that went by without it appearing I was getting very worried. The X-Files was my #1 show and nothing else even came close, not even in the same stratosphere for this long time X-phile. I have never loved a show anywhere near as much as I do The X-Files. It was so well written, so atmospheric and really was ground-breaking TV at the time. In fact a lot of the time I don't think it gets the credit it deserves as a paragon of TV drama that paved the way for intelligent, adult-orientated shows to come. For me no show has ever been able to match it when it comes to portraying so many different genres so successfully. The show could do drama, science fiction, horror, action, thriller and comedy; and it could do each of them as well as any other show could. The dramatic episodes could break your heart, the horror episodes could chill you to the bone and the comedy episodes could be as funny as any sitcom.

There were so many talented individuals that came together to craft the show. It had such an immense crew of directors and writers who contributed to the quality over its 9 years - Rob Bowman, Kim Manners, Frank Spotnitz, David Nutter, Vince Gilligan, Darin and Glen Morgan, James Wong etc. Not even to mention the man who created it all, Chris Carter. And I have to single out Mark Snow for special praise. He did all the music for the show across all nine seasons and did so much to create the tone of the show with several haunting and beautiful recurring themes, as well as my favourite theme tune of all time.

However more than anyone else the individuals who I feel deserve most of the credit are David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. They were both absolutely fantastic and iconic in the roles, and together their chemistry was just spectacular. I just wish I had been on the internet and part of the X-Files community while the show was actually on. It was the first to really create the internet fandom and I wish I could have been a part of that and the whole shipping thing. It also had a great supporting cast of characters and actors - Cigarette Smoking Man, Krycek, the Lone Gunmen, Deep Throat, Skinner, Mr X etc. And loads of brilliant guest stars and familiar faces - Brad Douriff, Peter Boyle, CCH Pounder, Nick Chinlund, Bryan Cranston, Bruce Campbell, Steve Railsback, Doug Hutchison, Luke Wilson, Tony Shalhoub, Lily Tomlin, Ed Asner etc. There were also lots of future stars who appeared fairly early in their career which is fun to spot when you watch back though the episodes - Felicity Huffman, Jack Black, Giovanni Ribissi, Ryan Reynolds, Lucy Liu, Seth Green, Shia LaBeouf, Jewel Staite, Octavia Spencer, Laurie Holden, Aaron Paul, Jane Lynch etc.

While it would go on to become my favourite ever show it didn't actually have the most auspicious of beginnings as far as I was concerned. The first episode I ever saw could have been my last. Back when I was about 9 years old I was in my room flicking through the channels and stumbled across the show. I knew about it because my mum was a big fan but I'd never seen anything up until then. Well that episode just happened to be "Home". As any X-Files fan will probably know that was by far the show's darkest, most disturbing episode and just by general TV standards it was very controversial at the time. I don't think I saw much but what I did see was enough to leave me suitably freaked. The three inbred brothers at the centre of the episode in particular terrified me, and for the next few months I had nightmares about them and when I was lying in bed I would imagine their three heads appearing around my door. So that was me done with the X-Files for at least another 2 or 3 years when I tried it again and never looked back.

Trying to choose my favourite episodes the way Camo did for South Park would be incredibly difficult, there are just so many. Maybe I should make a whole thread dedicated towards it. The first 4 or 5 seasons are definitely the best I'd say. The first season or two are a little rough at times with some trashy ideas and plots but great fun. After that the show seemed to gain great confidence to strive out into other avenues and genres, particularly comedy. Seasons 6 and 7 may not be the 'best' but are probably amongst my favourite seasons because they were so much fun with lots of classic comedy episodes and high concept plots - The Unnatural, Dreamland, Triangle, Arcadia, Monday, Hollywood AD, Je Souhaite etc. And yes the last two seasons may have been a drastic drop in quality but on reflection I don't think they are generally as bad as people seem to think.

I could go on and on and talk about the show for ages but I'll leave it there. One thing I would like to say however is to send out a thank you to my mum. As I mentioned it was her that really introduced me to the X-Files and that's been the case with many of my favourite ever shows - Buffy, Star Trek; Next Generation, Quantum Leap, Stargate etc. They weren't exactly hidden gems and I'd probably have discovered most of them on my own in time but the fact still remains that it was her that introduced me to them. So thanks mum.

One step closer to The Wire being #1. Well, likely enough people haven't seen it, but I bet those who have all had it near the top of their lists.
I've seen it. It's great. Didn't even make my list.
It's ironic that the Sopranos is 7 and the Wire is 6 because without the Sopranos there would be no Wire. The Sopranos changed television, but now it's just taken for granted.
Isn't that like saying each and every Renaisance painting is better than anything since because they invented perspective?
It all depends on your definition of better. Later shows have the advantage of being able to build on the innovations made by earlier shows. The Wire might be better now because it built on the Sopranos. Are we going for ground breaking or is it just what do we like more?
I think most of us went for which we liked most. From what I've read, it seems even some of those who put shows like The Soprano's and The Wire near the top did so after their most loved shows.

Execellent programmes here. Seen all of both and preferred The Wire, but that's not taking anything away from The Soprano's, which is certainly a lot more even. Neither made my list, though.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

The Wire was my number 4, the only shows that i had ranked in definite order were my top 4, i'd have had no problem with any of them above The Sopranos and i knew The Wire had the only real chance so i have no problem with this ranking.

When i was talking about Arrested Delevopment i mentioned another show that just about every character was perfect for me and it was of course The Wire. The only character off the top of my head that i didn't take particularly well to was Brother Mabuse or whatever his name was, and even he had a significant impact on my enjoyment of the show considering the storyline he was involved in.

One thing that The Wire did incredibly well, was balance the characters roles throughout the seasons. For the first two Seasons i felt that Mcnulty was going to be the main character throughout, even though he's the closest thing to one when you look at his involvement in Season 3 and 4 (3 in particular), you notice that the writers went out of their way to make multiple (practically everyone) interesting characters that would serve a larger purpose than just furthering the story.

A few clips:

Really surprised that you thought you were in the minority with Season 2 Sean, from all of the different websites rankings i've seen as well as speaking to people IRL and online, it seems like 2 and 5 are mostly ranked as the bottom two. I'd personally agree with that but 2 is only really ranked 4 of an excellent first 4, then i have a few problems with 5. Glad to see you mention Avon and not just Stringer there, he seems to be forgotting in the grand scheme of things. I think i posted this in another thread but this is how i'd rank the seasons:

3.1 (1 and 3 are interchangeable)

Of all shows and movies i love, The Wire is the one that confuses me the most, at the age i first watched it should've been meh to me but i couldn't stop watching it.

Everyone who hasn't watched this show yet, but Cricket and Daniel in particular should at least give the 1st Season a try. Also unrelated but JayDee i'd love to read your X-Files thread .

My List:

1.The Sopranos
2.South Park
3.Mad Men
4.The Wire
5.Sons of Anarchy
7.It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
8.Arrested Development
13.The Shield
16.Batman TAS
17.Only Fools And Horses
19.Fawlty Towers
21.Curb Your Enthusiasm
22.The X-Files
24.The Twilight Zone

I've seen it. It's great. Didn't even make my list.
Yes, but you're an anomaly.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Yeah, I always considered myself in the minority for really liking season 2.
Yeah i really liked Season 2 as well, i have a feeling that if i was watching it as it was released rather than years later when the show had finished i would have had more problems with it. Still the only Season i have genuine problems with is Five, and that's more than likely because of the incredible high standard the first 4 set.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
5. Twin Peaks (1990 - 1991)

Theme Song

Quotes: Fellas, coincidence and fate figure largely in our lives. ~ Dale Cooper

One woman can make you fly like an eagle, another can give you the strength of a lion, but only one in the Cycle Of Life can fill your heart with wonder and the wisdom that you have known a singular joy. ~ Deputy Tommy 'Hawk' Hill

The owls are not what they seem. ~ Giant

A mystery drama series about an FBI Agent investigating a murder.

The show will return for a nine episode run on Showtime in early 2016.

Back Talk: The weird vocal effects during the "Black Lodge" sequences were made by having the actors learn their lines backwards and then playing them forwards.

Marilyn Monroe: Lynch and Frost were originally working on a Monroe project but couldn't get the rights so they scrapped it. Laura Palmer was supposed to be a sort of Marilyn character.

Monroe was also good friends with Rosemary Clooney who is Miguel Ferrer's mother. There is a well known story that Monroe went to a party hosted by Clooney. She picked up her then infant son who burst into tears until her saw her and was then transfixed and couldn't stop staring. Ferrer was that baby.

Prequel Books: There are two tie-in prequel books. One is The Autobiography of FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper' (ISBN:0671744003) and the other is 'The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer' written by his daughter Jennifer.

Points: 349

Placements: 3 3rds, 2 7ths, 2 10ths, 2 18ths, 1 1st, 1 2nd, 1 4th, 1 5th, 1 6th, 1 9th, 1 12th, 1 14th, 1 15th, 1 16th, 1 19th, 1 20th, 1 21st

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Really surprised that you thought you were in the minority with Season 2 Sean, from all of the different websites rankings i've seen as well as speaking to people IRL and online, it seems like 2 and 5 are mostly ranked as the bottom two. I'd personally agree with that but 2 is only really ranked 4 of an excellent first 4, then i have a few problems with 5. Glad to see you mention Avon and not just Stringer there, he seems to be forgotting in the grand scheme of things. I think i posted this in another thread but this is how i'd rank the seasons:
Interesting, glad to know I am not the only one. I haven't done a lot of searching around the internet on this show. A few of the hosts on podcasts I listen to absolutely love this show, that is how I came to binge it in the first place. To a person they all love the dock worker stuff in season two.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Thought Twin Peaks had a real shot at #1 after The Wire showed up. I have only seen a couple episodes and it didn't grab me. I will try it again some day. I am starting to have real hope that the best comedy ever could take the top prize. That would alleviate some of the disappointments I have had along the way.

I had Twin Peaks at 14. I'll write about it later, but considering how high it is i think i'll be explaining why i had it so low rather than why i liked it .

My List:

1.The Sopranos
2.South Park
3.Mad Men
4.The Wire
5.Sons of Anarchy
7.It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
8.Arrested Development
13.The Shield
14.Twin Peaks
16.Batman: The Animated Series
17.Only Fools And Horses
19.Fawlty Towers
21.Curb Your Enthusiasm
22.The X Files
24.The Twilight Zone (1959)
25 Friends

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Yeah i really liked Season 2 as well, i have a feeling that if i was watching it as it was released rather than years later when the show had finished i would have had more problems with it. Still the only Season i have genuine problems with is Five, and that's more than likely because of the incredible high standard the first 4 set.
I think I can see where it might be a bit jarring to some. It sort of has that one of these things is not like the other quality to it and it doesn't flow into the show as a whole as the other seasons do.

That being said, I really found the story arc really interesting.

I don't think I commented on The Sopranos. I get the love for it. It's incredibly well-written, the characters are great and it has a great sense of humor. I'm just not ever going to be crazy about it. It never made me want to watch it in a binge the way my favorites do.

Recently rewatched this for the first time since it was broadcast and I pretty much felt the same way about it as I remember doing back then. First season and a half is great and I really enjoy most of it. Especially season 1. Once the Laura Palmer stuff is dealt with, it's not much IMO.

Still, it gave us all Sherilyn Fenn and for that I've always been grateful.

Love Twin Peaks! Had it at number 3!

1. Firefly
2. South Park
3. Twin Peaks
5. Law & Order
7. Cowboy Bebop
9. Monty Python’s Flying Circus
14. Dragonball Z
18. Batman: The Animated Series

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I had "Twin Peaks" at #3, although that's really a little high. Still, it was something to see and discuss when it came out, and it was still wonderful when I watched it again with Sarah a few years ago.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

I had it at 15, but it would no doubt have been higher had I given it a rewatch.