Pyro Tramp's Avatar

Pyro Tramp

got mad game, yo
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This and that Occupation
Showing Comments 21 to 24 of 24
  1. 12-21-09
    Hey man, have you heard of this Korean movie called The Good, the Bad, the Weird? If so, have you seen it? It looks like the sort of movie you'd love.
  2. 08-22-09
    Love the new avatar.
  3. 01-16-09
    i like your new avatar! have you been to one of the live shows?
  4. 01-11-09
    Pyro, check the avatar thread. That may not be what you wanted. I'll be back home in a few hours, and check on it then.
Prometheus   6/02/12
It's seems like a negative review but it's not a bad film. It looks and sounds incredible ... It's a shame sma

Transformers: Dark of the Moon   7/01/11
Overall, it's not a perfect film but it's about what you can expect from Bay and then maybe a little more. I'm

X-Men: First Class   6/02/11
This was definitely one of the best films i've seen in the cinema this year. Vaughn pretty much nailed it. The

Thor   4/28/11
It's not the greatest film, perhaps at times a bit too crowded with side characters and the standard establish

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