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Last Activity: 12-15-17


Capra Fan



13¾ years HERE

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"I made mistakes in drama. I thought drama was when actors cried. But drama is when the audience cries." - Frank Capra
Family DVD Collection | My Top 100 | My Movie Thoughts | Frank Capra
Showing Comments 5 to 6 of 6
  1. 12-01-10
    Thanks.. I had seen the movie ages ago.. could hardly recall anything.
    So had to watch it.. in fact prioritized it this week inspired by your parading of Capra all over MoFO.

    I found it great.. I could hardly recall much about the movie.. Maybe that's why I enjoyed more..
    It's nice when one still enjoys a movie he liked in childhood, coz most of them tend to disappoint once we grow up..

    I cried a lot at the ending.. I guess it was the simplicity in cinema back then that touched me the most.
  2. 11-18-10
    yep. It was the Trivia that would have won me a free pitcher of beer a number of years ..never forgot it. also was one of the 1st things i checked out when the internet was born..(after copious porn searches no doubt..haha)
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