FILMFREAK087's Avatar
Last Activity: 10-10-13


Registered Cretin
1,464 POSTS



16¼ years HERE

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Male Biography
Drawing, watching movies and playing guitar. Interests
Freelance artist Occupation

...uh the post is up there...
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Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 25
  1. 04-05-10
    Nice to see you around again.
  2. 02-26-10
    Nice of you to send a friend request. See you on the forum
  3. 02-20-10
    No prob, I dig your work. Just make sure you submit that top 25 to Badger for the Mofo 100. I like some of your picks and want them to get as many votes as they can.
  4. 02-17-10
    Hey... Do you have time to turn in a top 25 list? We need as many MoFos to turn one in as we can get...

    MoFo Top 100 Movies, Part III
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