Conversation Between Tyler1 and honeykid

Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 5
  1. 02-16-14
    I'm not particularly well versed in silent film, but I saw The Wind in the early/mid 90's and instantly loved it. I've probably only seen it 2 or 3 times, but it's always rewarded me. Usually, I just stick with Garbo.
  2. 02-16-14
    I'm pleasantly surprised. I didn't know it was your favourite. Gish's performance epitomises what silent cinema should be about - expressionistic drama at its most intimate. I shall be watching my first Griffith, Broken Blossoms, and I can't wait to see her again.
  3. 03-16-12
    Congratz on completing your list. Got some flak from brodinski because i gave Jaws and Charlie's Angels the same rating Respect to you for not being afraid of making a very personal list with guilty pleasures.
  4. 08-30-11
    Done... but it isnt working??