

Till the Clouds Roll By   3/18/18
by Gideon58
The film opens in 1927 on opening night of Kern's most famous musical, Show Boat and then flashes back to Kern's humble beginnings as an unknown songwriter who strike up a partnership with an arranger named Jim Hessler.

Breakable You   3/18/18
by Gideon58
Unfortunately, there are two other thirds that make this film seem interminable, but the film is worth checking out for the dazzling performance from Tony Shaloub.

Cruising   3/17/18
by Gideon58
For those who weren't around during the film's theatrical release, this film caused a firestorm of controversy and non-stop protesting, including a movement to ban the film from being released at all.

Spider-Man: Homecoming   3/17/18
by Gideon58
Director Jon Watts and screenwriter Jonathan Goldstein have presented an often logic defying look at this character that has been explored in five previous films and, despite the film's title, does nothing to bring us back to those films, but gives us new glasses with which to peer at this classic c...

The Joker Is Wild   3/17/18
by Gideon58
this film features all the classic elements that we expect from biopics, notably, the rise to fame that gets ruined by addiction, which always seemed to be common thread in films like this.

Hurlyburly   3/13/18
by Gideon58
Director Anthony Drazan works very hard at opening up the piece to make it look more like a movie, but the effort is so forced and over the top that the piece even looks more like photographed stage play that seems to go on forever.

Dreamboat   3/11/18
by Gideon58
Sayre was once a silent film matinee idol named Bruce Blair, AKA "Dream Boat" who did a series of films with a glamorous actress named Gloria Marlowe (Ginger Rogers).

Housesitter   3/11/18
by Gideon58
Unfortunately, the middle section of the film keeps them apart a lot and the film really begins to drag, but when the characters of Davis and Gwen really start working together, the film perks back up for the happy ending that we have to wait a little too long for, but Martin and Hawn fans won't car...

Midnight   3/11/18
by Gideon58
This film would have become a classic if it had been released another year, but it unfortunately got buried in the golden year of movie making.

Call Me Madam   3/04/18
by Gideon58
The only time Merman was allowed to recreate a role on film that she originated onstage was the 1953 film version of Call Me Madam, a lavish and colorful confection which features one of Irving Berlin's most famous scores and a talented cast backing up the star.

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