

To Be or Not To Be   7/24/19
by Diehl40
Black comedy, also known as black humor, dark comedy or gallows humor, is a comic style that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss.

Mindwalk   6/21/19
by Diehl40
As a movie about ideas, I believe this movie is very successful in communicating its critique and introducing us to a few ideas that constitute Systems theory.

The Man Who Invented Christmas   10/27/18
by Diehl40
In th end this film did indicate that the film was not quite as imaginative as a thought, but it was innovative in the way it executed the kind of ideas found in Shakespeare in love.

La La Land   10/27/18
by Diehl40
At various points in film history, they were so common that almost every movie had a song and dance number (even the Marx Brothers); however in resurrecting this old genre I believe that Chazelle has brought a breath of fresh air back into on old format.

The Hundred-Foot Journey   10/27/18
by Diehl40
Although I like the film and happen to agree with what the movie has to say, I believe that it can open up the path to meaningful dialog on this issue.

Paris, Texas   10/11/18
by Diehl40
There are a pair of scenes in this movie that Roger Ebert has singled out as among the best monologues in film history (I have shared a link to a portion of one of those scenes above.) I have rated this film as a five for the following reasons: The script is fantastic, the acting is good, the direct...

What's New Pussycat?   1/19/17
by Diehl40
If the films producer and Directors could have kept the film focused on this relationship rather than on the various models who show up in the film or the tagged on canned ending involving the dated idea of, in this case, a go-cart chase through the city streets; we might have a much better film, an...

Play It Again, Sam   9/16/16
by Diehl40
Don't get me wrong, I know that many of the films I listed above were commercial successes, but is it not possible that Woody was held back from starting the most productive years of his career five years earlier than he did, because his films would not have been commercial enough?

Chinatown   9/14/16
by Diehl40
Review: "Godard once said that the only way to review a movie is to make another movie, and maybe thats what Polanski has done here.

The Dark Knight Rises   9/07/16
by Diehl40
I'm afraid that it will difficult to carry the story line further in the movie format.

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