

They Live   4/29/22
by Thief
They Live follows a nameless drifter (Roddy Piper), who stumbles upon an alien conspiracy to manipulate people's thoughts and behaviors through subliminal messages.

They Live   1/06/22
by Rockatansky
Yes, yes, everybody else was right, the length is the point, but I think there's a certain understated pinball quality to the way Carpenter shoots and cuts the scene, finding a certain dynamism and maybe even grace to what in lesser hands would be merely a shambling, ungainly brawl.

They Live   8/23/15
by Nope1172
This is actually the first John Carpenter movie I have ever seen, and it defiantly makes me want to check out his other movies even more.

They Live   8/06/15
by Iroquois
While there's always a part of me that will wonder how this film would have gone if Carpenter had cast regular collaborator Kurt Russell (who had up to that point always been there if a Carpenter film needed an unambiguous leading man), it is very difficult to imagine this film being quite as charmi...

They Live   3/27/08
by The Gnat
This is classic John Carpenter and it would be nice if he could do something like this again, even though I wonder if his current films might become cult classic type of films in a decade or two.

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