

Time Out of Mind   9/30/19
by JoaoRodrigues
The cinematography is what really got me, they used stationary shots, filming behind something, a wall, a window, zooming until reaching the character, the character is not highlighted, in some scenes you see a crowd and you don't know where the character is, the camera is slowly zooming until you f...

Time Out of Mind   4/04/18
by Gideon58
The film stars Richard Gere as George, a homeless man who after attempting to survive on the streets can no longer deny that the weather is getting too cold to remain on the streets and finds himself turning to a heartless system in the form of a men's detention center which eventually moves him to ...

Time Out of Mind   2/14/18
by Citizen Rules
The director makes us feel their isolation from main stream society by keeping his camera afar and filming the homeless subject through store windows as patrons in warm buildings sipping their morning coffee look out at the busy streets...and there in the corner unseen is the homeless man.

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