

In light of the Freddy vs. Jason <tiresome> i tohught i'd give a bit more variety and also had a really interesting thought...
El Mariachi vs Leon
it would be interesting to hear who people think would win and i hope more line ups would be included.
PS can we not have slasher vs slasher and preferably not superheroes unless they have an interesting opponent. (Spiderman VS Jason=cool)
So, Leon (Gene Reno) vs El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas) i cant think who would win, it seems quite even......
PS anyone seen 'Versus' that was cool, The Matrix x Kill Bill x Evil Dead ...

OoOoooOOo, Jaws vs Alien, nah not really but hmmmm
Oh some1 reply to my thread, its great its the home for al the home for those playground debates....i guess this hasnt been done, maybe it has, i duno

What do we do, suggest Vs. titles or say who would win: El Mariachi or Leon?

interesting, what about Ash vs. Aliens?

so what makes every1 say he could hold his own against michael/jason/freddy/pinhead????????????

:very confused:

Storm trooper vs Starship trooper

Well... out of all the shots fired by the Storm Troopers, how many hit their intended target? Not very many. They're just everday morons with blasters.

well, i hear no defense for Ash, all of his supporters are so hard to find when u want to

and here's an idea, Sephiroth (FFVII), vs anyone

i know that sephiroth isn't from a movie, but he still kicks ass, and could beat anyone

Sephiroth vs Connor MacLeod (Highlander)
...and i think the Aliens would beat Ash, the chainsaw would be a crippler for him...what about Ash vs. Predator?

well, Sephiroth would win, as i said

and Predator would kick Ash's ass

You dont like ash very much do you micheal.
I think ash could beat a predator, as long as he can avoid the predators energyblast thingy.

Sephiroth is in advent children by the way.

Sephiroth vs Connor MacLeod is no contest lol

Sephiroth vs darthvader?

Originally Posted by Tea Barking
You dont like ash very much do you micheal.
I think ash could beat a predator, as long as he can avoid the predators energyblast thingy.

Sephiroth is in advent children by the way.

Sephiroth vs Connor MacLeod is no contest lol

Sephiroth vs darthvader?

yeah, but the plasmacaster has a targeting system, it reads bodyheat, no dodging that, trust me

and what do u mean "in advent children"?????

oh, and against darth vader, also no contest, i assume u mean seph would have won against highlander, don't 4get about all the materia and stuff, if he could do that comet thing that Savior Sephiroth could, then anyone is screwed

multiple vision modes, so basically, he can always see and track you, besides vampires have body heat, just significantly less than humans, anyway, the Predator would win

I just meant hes in the film advent children.

Hmm i think dracula would win, Dracula would sence him coming way before the predator got anywhere near him.
The predator probably wont know how to kill him, dracula might get beaten up a bit but he would get the upper hand and win.

Dracula vs michael myers

Thought of a worthy opponent for Ash, Jack Burton (Kurt Russel, Big Trouble in Little China)
How about Universal Soldier vs Predator

well, i've never heard of Advent Children, and are we talking about the sephiroth, from the Playstation game Final Fantasy VII (7) with the mako reactors and shinra and all, anyway

the predator's reflex's are more than enough to counter dracula's foresight of any kind, and u've forgotten about the plasmacaster, and the throwing disc, which would waste his pale little ass

and against universal soldier, or any opponent, if the pred were an honored warrior then he would have no problem