Extraction starring Chris Hemsworth


The movie will be a slayer

According to Wikipedia...

"Extraction is an upcoming American action thriller film directed by Sam Hargrave and written by Joe Russo. It stars Chris Hemsworth and David Harbour. It was earlier titled "Dhaka".
It is scheduled to be released on April 24, 2020, by Netflix.

A mercenary is hired to rescue the kidnapped son of a Bangladeshi businessman."

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I'm about halfway through. So far it's a hybrid of John Wick and Modern Warfare II. Yeah, the game. Fun stuff. Could do without the cliff jump but so far so good.

Just finished this. I was pleasantly surprised how much I liked it. Once things kick into gear they never really stop with a few short lived exceptions. I am not saying it is a 5 star film by any means, but for an action flick it is pretty decent. I would recommend it if you like action movies and definitely if you like Hemsworth.

He is great at playing characters with raw determination.

WARNING: "spoilers" spoilers below
The ending seems to be left ambiguous on purpose, but I have a feeling we will see a part 2 which means he is alive.

I also really enjoyed watching Randeep Hooda act. Very compelling.

Some of the action scenes were slightly overdone but not enough to bother me too much.

My rating:
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again

I would give it 3.75/5. Pretty solid action and a fun distraction.

WARNING: spoilers below
am I the only one who kept seeing T.V.'s Charlie of Lost? lol?

Good to see Randeep Hooda getting good reviews. He is a fine actor.

Wish they had given a bigger role to Pankaj Mishra - he is the guy who plays the kid's father. He is one our best.

The movie was a decent action flick. Nothing more than that.

I watched maybe the first hour and had to take a break. The Russo's are great, everything looks great, but it just gets too samey :suspicous: after a while. That is probably more of an issue with my mood, than the movie.

The only real problem I had was with the sound mixing. The beginning part was so quiet, that when the pace picks up I ended up looking like the Maxell guy.