Apostle (2018) one of the most gruesome films i ve ever seen

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it could be a flashback, but to be honest, i ve not seen a film in the last 20 years that is as gruesome and hectic as this film, this goes into "from Hell" territory and "the Grotesque" from 1995, movies which are utterly insane with the way the murders and deaths are done, along with a brilliant story and a magnificent Dan stevens as a man trying to save his sister from a terrible cult on a terror island.
Its a sin that this film did not get a theatrical release, and that s the least i have to say about it, it is one of the most atmospheric and grim horror films to not hit the big screen, netflix has provided us with a classic here.
The cinematography is top notch here and the music appropriate. Dan Stevens n Sheen did a wonderful job as i said before, this movie hits all the ticks and i really don t see why it s only given a 6.3/10 rating.
truly savage Horror Film, reminds me of movies from the 90s, like marry shelly's frankenstein and others, with the same premise and feel to it.
have your say.

I couldn't agree more with everything you wrote there @rambond and 3 stars on imdb is a joke too..

I can't believe they went through with that medieval torture scene from start to finish, in most cases I would have switched it off but like yourself found the story so compelling I had to watch it and nothing was gratuitous just for the sake of it and agree Dan Stevens was magnificent in this and Sheen was fantastic too, in fact I thought every performance here was pitch perfect and with one of the most despicable and loathsome villains in recent memory
Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.