Late 90s(?) movie similar to the disturbing Teorema


This (I believe) U.S. movie is based on the Pasolini movie Teorema in which a stranger comes to a family's home to stay, and his presence has a profound impact on the family dynamic. In Teorema, Terrence Stamp's character has sex with the entire family, but the movie I am thinking of might not have played out exactly like this.

Additionally, the movie in question has more overt sexual imagery, and from what I recall, one of the female characters was parallelized from the waist down. Where Teorema had more political subtexts (The Stranger being socially liberal, and the family being a part of the bourgeois), the movie I am looking for had a more sociological angle, and I believe that things do not turn out so well for the family.

The movie in question had a rather mundane title like Suburban or something similar.

Not the movie, but that looks really interesting. Sandra Bernhard seems to be a perfect match for this kind of role.