Just finished this one. Featuring Shia Labeouf and Tom Hardy.

And I must say, I was surprised. First 45 minutes of the movie, I was skeptical, and I was in a mood bordering on criticism. A fine surprise, seeing Tom Hardy carrying a significant role, but not the one that impressed me the most. He does, if you've seen a few movies he's starred in, what you're used to. But he does it well, as per usual

Labeouf, however... I've seen him here and there throughout the years. But it's the first time I bothered to learn his name.

It's brutal at times. But it's good brutal. Though I didn't find all of it as credible as other bits. But in the end, it was actually made up for. Or maybe continued, or touched off are better terms to describe it.
A few lines in dialogue I wasn't fond of. First time the "villain' showed up, I disliked it. And not a great movie, but definitely a good one. (I'm sure keeping it on my list.)
Pleasant eye for detail. Pleasant, because the ones paid attention to, stand out. And they do warm the heart, and provide lips with laughter. Perhaps chuckles to most.

The first half of the movie, as I mentioned, I had my doubts. Could have gone either way. But I found that, the further it prolonged, the more I began to like it. It got to me. And that's all I can ask for in a movie, no matter how critical I had been.

And, without providing any spoilers, I often find myself hopeful in regard to the last few lines of a movie. The goodbye speech.
It was here, at this point in the movie, that I sat listening to them, watching them, and still skeptical, I heard them. Being spoken by a voice I'd have grown fond of during this very movie.

And they were good.
Never was the king's council so unified.