Movie about a one night stand with a gay friend.


First time i've made one of these. Don't even know why but this just popped into my head the other day, i don't even want to watch it it's just one of those things that has been annoying me since i thought of it. I watched it once when i was 10 or 11 so some of these details may be wrong or mixed up.

Basically a woman broke up with her boyfriend she may have caught him cheating but i could be wrong, and that night she has a drunken one night stand with her gay friend and falls pregnant. The gay guy brings the kid up and grows close to him, eventually the boyfriend gets back with the mother and she decides to move away with him and the kid and claims he is the real father. It may go to court, if i remember correctly the mother wins but i don't remember what else happened.

Sorry about the sketchy details that is all i remember. If i had to guess it would be mid to late 90s but i could be wrong. Not sure on any of the actors, sorry.


The Next Best Thing?
Sounds like it. Only thing is i don't remember Madonna being in it i actually have a picture of a brunette playing the mother, and i don't remember it being a comedy or going by the plot description them deciding to have a baby. I remember it being an accident. Probably is though, if it is cool i'd like to see if Mark or anyone else can think of anything before marking this answered.

It is definitely not that, it could be the Madonna one but i know it isn't that one. Another problem with the Madonna one is that i'm pretty sure she breaks up with her boyfriend and that's the guy she is going to move away with at the end. Again though i could be misremembering it.

Perhaps it's not a movie but in fact a repressed memory?
haha. Am i gay and had a child with a best friend? Or was my father gay and had me with his best friend?

Stop it Cricket, it is all coming back to me

Nah, to be honest i just read a bit more detailed plot description and it has to be that. I was just remembering some of the details wrong.

Will mark this answered. Thanks Cricket