My top lonely heroes films

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This countdown is about all the lone heroes or anti heroes that seems to be a recurring theme in these sort of films.

You might know some of these or none at all but please enjoy and comment if you wish.

133. I am legend

Set in the future, a supposed 'cure for cancer' goes wrong, releasing a virus into the world not too unlike rabies, that kills most of the population out right. Those that aren't killed mostly become transformed by the virus into savage, unintelligent animal-like versions of themselves that are burned by UV light. A very small number of people have full immunity from the disease.

The film is exciting, moving and believeable. The scenes where neville is alone in new York, sending out radio messages just incase there is anyone out there that can hear him, are very powerful, and manage to capture the fear and loneliness of how it must feel to really be the last person alive.

132. The noah

What we get, is a highly innovative, beautiful and dark masterpiece. Russell crowed gives a stunning performance, his interpretation of noah is complex, difficult and at points very difficult to get going with.

In my opinion this film is a total masterpiece, and one of the mist highly misunderstood films of recent memory.

131. The omega man

This end-of-the-world film is somewhat overlooked today, which is a pity. Solid performances by the leads, and an intelligent, well-crafted story will keep you watching from the intriguing start to the sober yet hopeful end, via some clever twists, turns and revelations.

130. Wall-e

Love, loneliness, hope, loss and rediscovery are just some of the themes explored in wall-e, another surefire hit from the team at Pixar.

Primarily aimed at kids but with more than enough smarts and humour to charm adults this is the perfect family film for our modern times.

Wall-e is a happy little load lifting waste compactor robot living on a now abandoned and polluted earth who unwittingly becomes the catalyst for a rebirth of humanity. Finding friendship and maybe even love along the way, wall-e will touch your heart and make you laugh at his madcap adventure on earth and then in space.

Beautifully written, animated and directed this is undoubtedly a modern masterpiece of film making and a future classic.

129. The last man on earth

The last man on earth is a post-apocalyptic scenario where the infected become zombies/vampires. Mainly the movie focuses on Morgan, a scientist left behind to live a solitary life alone amongst the infected.

Vincent price plays this role with utter brilliance. There is a moment in the film where Mr. Price starts to unravel and in truly a style only he can deliver, he plays this role to perfection making you believe that he is truly going mad.

In ways, thus movie is superior as there is more twists in the plot line. Without spoiling the movie, the ending is superb and in only the style that Vincent price can deliver.

128. The quiet earth

The story of the movie is told quickly.

A chap awakes one morning to find himself all alone. On showing up at work he finds that the secret project he has been working on has been activated and appears to have reduced new zealand's population to virtually zero. He eventually discovers to others and the three of them eventually set off to turn the project off. The actual ending leaves you breathless.

What I love so much about this movie is that there are no special effects or other big budget scenes, which appear to drive recent blockbuster sci-Fi movies.

This is simply a movie, which is entirely driven by the actors, their moods, their dreams, their emotions.

The atmosphere adds it's bit. If you are looking for a traditional science-fiction movie, then this should be the best.

I haven't seen them all, but from what I understand The Last Man on Earth, Omega Man and I am Legend are all versions of the same story (or all based on the same story)?

127. The book of Eli

Denzel Washington is one of my favourite actors and he portrayed his character, Eli, very well.

I thought it was an excellent film and I would certainly watch it again without hesitation.

You can empathise with some characters in this film, whilst with others, you think they deserved everything they got.

There is a lot of action and there are some parts I didn't want to look at, and it's believeable, as far as your imagination goes how survivors of an apocalyptic event may react.

I haven't seen them all, but from what I understand The Last Man on Earth, Omega Man and I am Legend are all versions of the same story (or all based on the same story)?

Yeah they are but I like all three. They all have different bits in them.

126. The man who fell to earth

It's a wonderful film, made all the more wonderful for the very few special effects.

The dialogue is strong and feels real even when the film swoops into allegory.

132. The noah

What we get, is a highly innovative, beautiful and dark masterpiece. Russell crowed gives a stunning performance, his interpretation of noah is complex, difficult and at points very difficult to get going with.

In my opinion this film is a total masterpiece, and one of the mist highly misunderstood films of recent memory.
I wrote this off as not wanting to see it, as I read reviews that said it's just a typical, modernized, bastardization of the Biblical account. But your review has made me reconsider. (I just hope there's no rap music in it.)

125. Moon

Most good movies have a pivotal moment where the film reveals it's true meating.

Without spoiling the film, that moment in moon is so poignant and moving.

I watched it over and over again. Beautiful.

132. The noah

What we get, is a highly innovative, beautiful and dark masterpiece. Russell crowed gives a stunning performance, his interpretation of noah is complex, difficult and at points very difficult to get going with.

In my opinion this film is a total masterpiece, and one of the mist highly misunderstood films of recent memory.
I wrote this off as not wanting to see it, as I read reviews that said it's just a typical, modernized, bastardization of the Biblical account. But your review has made me reconsider. (I just hope there's no rap music in it.)

There is no rap music in it. It is a good film to watch. If you watch it let me know what you think of it

124. Robinson crusoe on Mars

A thoughtful and well made movie and surprisingly faithful to the original Daniel defore novel.

Obviously the special effects if 50 years ago will not match todays, but this is still a stunning film to look at.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Last Man on Earth, Omega Man and I am Legend, all great choices. I like The Last Man on Earth, Omega Man best.

Moon...another great choice

Robinson Crusoe on Mars have fine taste in sci fi! That movie was recently restored and if you get the special DVD the extras have story boards and drawings of many of the props.

123. Robinson crusoe

This film is far more involving than one has any right to respect as it works on both the literal and symbolic levels, and can be viewed as a straightforward adventure story, an exploration of loneliness.

122. The pianist

This film is far less harrowing than schinder's list, though infinity better in every way. The underlying theme is the strength of the human spirit in the face of terrible adversity, which keeps a kind of optimism the your mind.

Allied to this is the knowledge that the film is based on a true story, as szpilman survived as a professional piano player until his death in 2000.

Watching this film is to see just how strong and determined some people can be.

121. Let the right one in

This film blew me away when I first watched it. There is one moment when CGI is used which looked unrealistic and was a bit of a blip, but I can overlook that because of the great story, exceptional acting of the two main children, the fantasic music and one of the best cinema shots I think I've ever seen in a film.

Can't recommend this film enough.