The MoFo Celebrity Rehab Center


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I will be checking in for my addiction to making threads. I want to be a MoFo who doesn't make so many pointless and useless threads.

I like a lot of your "pointless and useless threads". They're not all winners, but most of them are fun, (even some of the stupid ones), and I hope that you never stop making them.

I'm glad you took my advice, Sexy.

I'll definitely be an inmate.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

I guess since I don't really need any help, and you can't go to rehab for schizophrenia, I can be one of the counselors. Though I'll be terrible at it.

Hooray! We have hired on Swan as a MoFo Celebrity Rehab Counselor!
What type of rehab?

this is for

Porn Addiction?

What type of rehab?

this is for

Porn Addiction?
Do you suffer from any of those, MovieGal?

Wait! I do have an addition!

I'm addicted to buying things.

I want to start saving. Fix me!

Swan and I both have some mental experiences and we would be better counselors...