Left Behind


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For those of you who don't know about this movie, it is the hottest thing in the video store right now. In total reverse marketing, they are releasing it in theaters only because of their success on video. The theater release will be Feb 2, and due to the limited number of targeted screens, you might have to look around awhile to find it.

I read the book, and I saw the movie. Neither is bad, but I recommend reading the book in addition to the film. It explains a lot more.

Be sure and get out there and see it if you can!


Just so everyone knows: this is basically a Christian film, but looked at through fairly secular eyes, I'd say. It is simply a story about what the end of the world would look like in modern times according to the Bible (correct me if I'm wrong there).

I think it's a very interesting concept no matter what your religion - I love these "End of the World" religious thriller type movies - they're exciting to hear about, but most of them have let me down.

jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
I heard that the guys who wrote it are suing the producers because the film is such a departure from the books. Has anyone else heard this?
Jim Lewis
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I had not heard that, but it's possible. One of the main things that was most glaringly obvious about the credits at the beginning was that the authors were not mentioned at all, and it just gave a casual acknowledgement--"based on the book, Left Behind". The departure is not a huge one--they stick to the main story and characters, but there are some things that made me go, "huh"?

I think the main reason for alot of the things that were done was simply due to budgeting matters and issues, not to mention time.