R.I.P. Myself (I just died 5 minutes ago)



I have bad news......

I just died.


I have transitioned over to The Other Side.

So, that's where I'm writing to you from right now. I'm in line waiting to get into Heaven. And it's a LOOOOOOONG ass line, I tell ya. Think a really bad Black Friday checkout line times a million. I can see Ann B. Davis and Maya Angelou a few feet away from me (we're all in the V.I.P. line) and even they haven't checked in, yet. I bet they're pissed.

On the plus side -- Ann B. Davis. Oooooooooooh.

Anyway, I'm using this time to update my Twitter and Facebook and everything, as well as letting you all know about what happened. But don't be too upset! I'm FINE! I mean, yes, I just dropped dead, but I knew it was coming. I was supposed to die years from now, but I got word from the spirit world that I'm needed somewhere else, so I agreed to change my life contract and get out of here a little early. They let me die exactly the way I wanted -- suffocated to death underneath a pile of Playboy bunnies at the Playboy Mansion. Yes. It was a warm exit. No pain at all.

But, I'm sorry to tell you that this means that I won't be coming around here anymore. As soon as I get checked into Heaven -- which could be an eternity, I don't know -- I feel like I'm in that waiting room Geena Davis and Alec Baldwin sat in in Beetlejuice -- as soon as I get checked in, I'll be doing some wrap up business with God and the angels. Going over my life, what I've learned, seeing how I affected everyone in lots of small ways, etc. etc. etc. Boring stuff.


Centuries of parties. All for me.

And THEN -----

I'm going to be reincarnated.


And I'm not sure what I'll be reincarnated into, but I know this -- I won't be coming back as a psychic. I am DONE with this psychic business. I have had enough of knowing the future.

So, thank you everyone for all the kind words over the years. I'm glad I helped out a lot of people here with their psychic troubles. I'm sure I'll be seeing the effects of this during my life review.

Leave me some kind words and well wishes here and I'll be sure to check and read them from my smartphone.

Don't cry.......

We all go sometime.

Love and ... Love!

- Psychic Isaac

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What else can you say?

So what does Maya Angelous palm read like?! Oh shes dead, I guess the life line is kind of a giveaway. nevermind

I'm surprised you got into Heaven, what with you dabbling in black magic and all.

Maybe I've taken over from Psychi Isaac, as I was sure who'd started this thread before I came into it.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

You can't die. Revive yourself for a wedding and a party with Dorothy Michaels.
No, no. Dorothy Michaels is gonna marry someone else. Not gonna say who as I want it to be a surprise for her.

Gotta go. The line's moving.

- Isaac

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
No, no. Dorothy Michaels is gonna marry someone else. Not gonna say who as I want it to be a surprise for her.

Gotta go. The line's moving.

- Isaac
Santa then.

Still waiting in line to get into Heaven and look who just got in line behind me.....


Dorothy Michaels.

I went over and gave her a kiss and welcomed her to the Other Side and she slapped me and zapped me with a cattle prod! Who has a cattle prod on them when they arrive at the gates of Heaven?!

It seems Dorothy here met that man I knew she would marry last night and he convinced her to fly to Vegas and get married to him in an all night chapel. Early this afternoon, while she was still sleeping in bed in their honeymoon suite, her new husband took a knife and murdered Dorothy in her sleep! For all her money that she earned being a TV soap opera actress!

Looks like Dorothy won't be coming around here anymore, too.

Give your blessings and kind words to Dorothy and I'll pass them along to her. We're all going to the V.I.P. bar -- me, her, Maya Angelou and Ann B. Davis and some others -- to drink while we wait in line to get into Heaven. It's taking an ETERNITY for this line to move!

Love you all again. Dorothy loves you too!

- Psychic Isaac
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Oh my God. Michael Jackson is joining us at the bar now! Do you see how backed up this line is??? Even he is still waiting to get in! And he's been dead for years now.
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Sorry -- we're discussing Hell at the bar right now.